Mar 10, 2025
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived]
Physical Education All Grade Major
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(72-73 credits)
Degree Map
Learning Outcomes
The Physical Education major combines theoretical knowledge with practical application working with students in area schools. Students learn how to help K-12 students develop the skills, habits, and attitudes necessary to promote lifelong health, wellness, and fitness.
*Accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and Indiana State Board of Education. For more information click http://caepnet.org
Approved PE Licensure Areas at Indiana State University:
There are four school settings for PE All-Grade (P-12) teaching licensure:
- Early Childhood
- Elementary
- Middle School/Junior High
- High School
Foundational Studies:
See description of Foundational Studies. Note that students on a teaching curriculum must complete Educational Psychology 202, which may apply to Foundational Studies.
Multicultural Education:
All students on teaching curricula must complete an approved multicultural education course. The approved course in teacher education is listed below.
- EPSY 341 - Education in a Multicultural Society – 3 credits
Required Skill Proficiencies (12 credits):
Theory and Methods (25 credits):
Required Cognate Courses (6-7 credits):
Professional Education
Admission to the Becoming a Complete Professional (BCP) Program is a critical benchmark for teacher candidates. Until undergraduate students are admitted to the BCP, they do not have official status in their academic programs for graduation and licensing. All students must be admitted into BCP before they are admitted to any 300 or higher level course. Each teacher candidate is evaluated throughout his or her program by program faculty based on academic and professional competencies. Continuation in the Becoming a Complete Professional Program is dependent on satisfactory progress and assessments. Progression:
The progression through the teacher education program is as follows: Prior to Admission to Becoming a Complete Professional (BCP) I:
Courses to be taken prior to admission to BCP I: Admission to Becoming a Complete Professional (BCP) I:
- Application to program
- Limited criminal history check completed and approved
- 2.5 grade point average
- “C” or better in core courses
- “C” or better in EPSY 202 and CIMT 200
- “C” or better in EPSY 341 and PE 497
Courses to be taken in BCP I: Admission to Becoming a Complete Professional (BCP) II (Prior to student teaching):
- “C” or better in all professional education courses attempted
- Completed application for student teaching
- 2.5 grade point average
- Any special requirements for student teaching originating in the content major satisfied
- Recommendation of content department
- “C” or better in PE 497
- “C” or better in EPSY 341
Courses to be taken in BCP II: Becoming a Complete Professional (BCP) III Candidacy (Prior to graduation and licensure):
- “S” in student teaching
- “C” or better in PE 400
- Application for graduation
Procedures and Requirements for Supervised Student Teaching:
Each teaching candidate completes a professional semester of student teaching in accredited schools under the supervision of teachers who meet the qualifications for student teacher supervision. No other course work is permitted during the supervised student teaching other than courses required for student teaching. The following requirements must be met prior to enrollment in supervised teaching: - Admission to the Becoming a Complete Professional (BCP) II.
- Completion of a minimum of 20 semester hours of work in residence at Indiana State University.
- An overall minimum grade point average of 2.5.
- A minimum grade point average of 2.5 in each teaching content area as well as the overall major.
- Satisfactory completion of the Professional Education sequence with a minimum grade point average of 2.5 for these classes and a grade of C or higher in each class. Professional classes may be repeated only once. (See Teaching Curricula section for Middle School/Junior High and Senior High Schools and All School Settings.)
- Senior or graduate status.
- Submission of an application for student teaching.
- Students will make a commitment to assume student teaching as a full-time role. While assigned to supervised teaching, students will not enroll in additional course work including correspondence courses except those courses required for student teaching, nor plan for any employment or assume any other obligations which would interfere with all-day supervised teaching.
- The student should assume no obligation that interferes with his or her leaving the campus to live in the community that provides the most appropriate supervised teaching assignment.
Students who have not completed at least 40 hours of work at Indiana State University prior to the semester in which they will do supervised teaching are required to pay $20 per hour of supervised teaching in addition to their registration fees. Degree Map
This program has the following minimum GPA requirements: 2.50 overall GPA. Students who are admitted to the University in good standing and who have satisfactorily completed all prerequisites may apply for admission to the educator preparation program BCP I. The program admission requirements and program progression may be found at the Education Student Services web site, https://www.indstate.edu/education/ess |
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