2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 07, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived]

Fees, Expenses, and Financial Aid

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All University fees and assessments are established by the Indiana State University Board of Trustees, which reserves the right to make necessary adjustments at any future time. The right to correct errors is also reserved.



All University fees and assessments are established by the Indiana State University Board of Trustees, which reserves the right to make necessary adjustments at any future time.  The right to correct errors is also reserved.  

Undergraduate students who are residents of Indiana pay in-state tuition, academic fees, student recreation center fee and Health and Wellness fee. Non-Indiana residents pay non-resident tuition, academic fees, student recreation center fee and Health and Wellness fee. Distance delivery fees are also assessed in conjunction with distance courses. Note that the student recreation center and Health and Wellness fee is only assessed when six or more hours of on-campus registration is accomplished fall/spring and 3 or more hours of on-campus registration is accomplished summer. Fee information can be found on-line.

Students scheduling classes by utilization of the Web system must obtain important financial messages regarding payment responsibilities at the conclusion of their course selection process. Payment information is also published on-line on the Bursar website of the respective term. Bills may not be generated until after the variable payment plan fee has gone into effect. 

The academic fees are used to help meet the cost of construction and maintenance of buildings, campus, library, laboratories, and to support various student services and activities.

All currently enrolled students are eligible for various personal, social, and cultural activities including the use of services, facilities, and programs provided by Hulman Memorial Student Union and by the Student Government Association; are entitled to receive the Indiana Statesman, the student newspaper; and are eligible for services at the UAP Clinic – ISU Health Center. Students, if enrolled in the appropriate number of credit hours, can be admitted without further charge to all regularly scheduled home intercollegiate athletic contests sponsored by the Intercollegiate Athletic Department.

The payment of fees is made to the Office of the Controller. Information regarding payment options is available on-line for each enrollment period. Students may use cash, check, Visa, Discover, or MasterCard to pay for fees and other charges. Visa, Discover, MasterCard, or Electronic checks may be used when paying on-line.

Non-Resident Tuition

In addition to the academic fees required of all students plus the student recreation center fee and Health and Wellness fee, if enrolled in six or more on-campus hours fall/spring and three or more summer, those students classified as non-residents of the State of Indiana must pay additional non-resident tuition for study during the regular academic year and summer term.

Residence Classification


The assessment of tuition and fees is based on a student’s residence classification prior to the first day of classes for that semester or term. This initial classification remains for subsequent academic semesters or terms unless and until such classification is changed. An individual could be considered a legal resident of Indiana (i.e., holds a driver’s license, pays taxes), but not qualify as a resident for tuition purposes at Indiana State University. The “University” residence classification must not be confused with a person’s “civil” residence status. In-state residence requires a bona fide permanent domicile in excess of 12 months, as explained in the ISU residency regulations. A person can have only one permanent domicile at a time. The Office of Admissions makes the initial determination of residence at the time of admission. Students classified as non-residents (those whose domiciles are outside Indiana) for tuition purposes may petition for in-state status if they believe they have been incorrectly classified as non-residents. For more information on how to appeal residence classification, refer to the Office of the Registrar website.  

Schedule of Fees


Rates for tuition and academic fees are determined on a bi-annual basis by the Indiana State University Board of Trustees. They are announced prior to the start of each academic year. However, the University Board of Trustees reserves the right to change fees at any time.

Miscellaneous Fee Policies


Returned Check Policy. Students providing paper or electronic checks which are subsequently returned as non-negotiable are assessed a $25 penalty per check. In addition, once a student has presented three non-negotiable checks, all check writing privileges will be suspended indefinitely.

Admission Application Fee. All applications must be accompanied by a $25 nonrefundable application fee.

International Student Application Fee. International students’ applications must be accompanied by a $65 nonrefundable application fee.

Auditor’s Fee. An auditor’s fee of $5 per credit hour is charged to persons properly qualified who desire to attend one of the classes open for auditing without participating in the recitation and without formal credit.

Official Withdrawal–Refund Policy. Students who participate in registration must initiate an official withdrawal if they elect not to attend any classes during the semester/term for which registration was accomplished.  Students who officially withdraw from 16 week classes through the first week of the semester will receive a 100 percent reduction of academic fees; during the second week, a 75 percent reduction; during the third week, a 50 percent reduction; during the fourth week, a 25 percent reduction; after the fourth week, no reduction. (All days will be counted regardless of whether or not the course meets beginning with the first day of class. This means Saturdays, Sundays and holidays are counted.)  Summer and Eight-week classes have a shorter refund timeline. Specific refund dates and information can be found on the Sycamore Root.

Dropping Courses–Refund Policy. Students who drop one or more 16 week class through the first week of the semester will receive a 100 percent reduction of academic fees; during the second week, a 75 percent reduction; during the third week, a 50 percent reduction; during the fourth week, a 25 percent reduction; after the fourth week, no reduction. (All days will be counted regardless of whether or not the course meets beginning with the first day of class. This means Saturdays, Sundays and holidays are counted.) Summer and Eight-week classes have a shorter refund timeline. Specific refund dates and information can be found on the Sycamore Root.

Late Registration Fee. A late registration fee of $100 will be assessed beginning with the first official day of the fall/spring semesters, regardless of course start date. The late registration fee is not charged during the summer term.

Encumbrance. Students who have a financial obligation to the University will have their future registrations encumbered; their records, transcripts, and diploma will not be released.

Variable Payment Plan Fee. Variable Payment Plan fees are assessed each semester/term according to schedules published online.  There is a $60 maximum per semester (fall/spring) and a $30 charge for the summer term.

Internal Collections Process. Students whose accounts are turned over to University Collections Specialists for failure to meet financial obligations:

  • Will have grades withheld;
  • Will have records (e.g., diplomas, transcripts, etc.) encumbered;
  • Will not be able to register for future semesters/terms; and,
  • Will have a $55 late fee added to their account.

Change of Schedule Fee. A $30 Change of Schedule Fee will be assessed on days in which a student makes adjustments to their schedule, effective the first start date of the course(s).

Parking Fine. The Public Safety Department may assess fines for parking and traffic violations in accordance with Indiana State University traffic regulations.

Replacement of Sycamore Card Fee. A fee will be charged to students who make an application to replace their Sycamore Card. The fee is payable at the time a replacement card is requested in the Public Safety Department.

Breakage Fee. A breakage fee is charged for laboratory equipment which is either non-returnable or which is not returned in good condition.

Laboratory, Course, and Program Fees. Laboratory and course fees are charged students in certain classes for supplies and equipment usage, and/or special instruction/supervision. Program fees are assessed each semester/term a student is registered in a program that carries a designated program fee.

Library Fines. Fines are assessed for overdue and lost books/materials.

Student Cap and Gown Fee. Candidates who attend commencement are required to purchase or rent the appropriate cap and gown for commencement. The Barnes and Noble Bookstore is the exclusive source for commencement regalia.

Applied Music Fee. An applied music fee will be charged for each course in instruments or voice done on the basis of individual instruction with a regular faculty music instructor.

Transcript Fees. A transcript fee will be charged for each transcript of record issued. Transcripts cannot be released without a student’s written consent. Transcripts can be ordered on-line.

Student Financial Aid


The Office of Student Financial Aid administers a variety of financial aid programs supported through federal, state, and University resources. The primary purpose of the office is to assist students in obtaining funding opportunities to enter and remain enrolled in the University.

General Office Information. The Office of Student Financial Aid provides a convenient location and several options of access for its customers. The office offers students and/or their families in-person or virtual counseling, telephone counseling at 812-237-2215, and can be contacted via electronic mail at isu-finaid@mail.indstate.edu.

Expanded office hours are available in the first week of classes in the fall and spring semester and on “move-in” Saturday before the fall semester begins.

Current and detailed information relating to the Office of Student Financial Aid and its programs, including deadlines and important links are available on the Web. Web information supersedes that of printed material.

Application Process. The first step in receiving financial aid is the completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The priority deadline for completing the FAFSA (for Indiana residents) is April 15 annually prior to the start of the academic year, but later applications are accepted. The FAFSA should be completed on-line. Be sure to include Indiana State University’s Federal School Code 001807 when completing the FAFSA.

The U.S. Department of Education’s Central Processing System reviews and analyzes the information provided on the FAFSA and calculates an Expected Family Contribution. The Central Processing System transmits the results to colleges listed on the FAFSA and to the student. The Expected Family Contribution is used by ISU as an index for determining the amount of financial aid for which the student is eligible.

Once Indiana State University’s Office of Student Financial Aid receives the FAFSA data, the data is reviewed to determine whether additional documentation is needed. If additional documentation is needed, a missing item email is sent to the student, and the student’s MyISU Portal is updated with a description of the missing item. If no additional documentation is needed, the Financial Aid Office begins processing aid for the student.

Financial Aid establishes a cost of attendance for students attending the University.  The cost of attendance is comprised of tuition and fees, housing and meals, books, miscellaneous, and transportation costs.  Once the expected family contribution is subtracted from the cost of attendance, the student’s financial need is determined. Based on the student’s financial need, the appropriate federal, state and institutional aid is awarded from various sources, including but not limited to the following:

  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
  • Federal Work-Study
  • Federal Direct Loans (subsidized and unsubsidized)
  • Twenty-first Century Scholar
  • Frank O’Bannon Grant
  • Indiana National Guard Supplemental Grant
  • Sycamore Need-Based Grant

Additional types of aid are listed on the University’s Web site.

Satisfactory Academic Progress. The Education Amendment of 1980 (P.L.96-374), Section 484 states that a student must meet satisfactory academic progress standards to qualify for financial assistance. Federal regulations require students to make continuous progress toward a degree to remain eligible for financial aid. Schools are required to compare students’ academic progress to established standards and withhold aid from students who do not meet those standards.

A student attending Indiana State University must meet all Satisfactory Academic Progress measures described in the University’s published policy.

Over-awards. Federal regulations limit the amount of aid students may receive from many of the federal programs. An over-award can occur anytime a student receives assistance not initially considered when his/her aid was packaged, changes in enrollment are made, or the expected family contribution changes. The Office of Student Financial Aid is required to reduce or cancel the student’s aid until the over-award is resolved. This requirement may result in a student owing money to Indiana State University.

Students who receive financial assistance for school expenses from organizations, groups, or private individuals outside the University must immediately notify the Office of Student Financial Aid in writing of the award.

Refunds and Repayments of Assistance. Students who withdraw (officially or unofficially) from all of their classes before the semester is completed, may be required to repay some or all of their financial aid. Refund and repayment amounts are calculated based on the required Federal Return of Title IV formula. The Federal Return of Title IV formula determines the type and amount of financial aid the student earned and/or the type and amount of financial aid to refund to the various financial aid programs. For details on the Federal Return of Title IV policy, visit the Office of Student Financial Aid Web site.

Scholarships. Indiana State University recognizes academic excellence by awarding merit-based scholarships. These scholarships range from $500 to $20,000 per year and pay tuition, housing, and books, up to the cost of attendance. Entering freshmen can view the Indiana State University Scholarship Office website to learn about the eligibility criteria for these awards. Detailed procedures for this process are available on-line or emailing scholarships@indstate.edu.

Student Employment. Students may choose to work to help with their college expenses. Information for both on-campus and off-campus job opportunities is available from the Student Employment Programs, located inside the Career Center. Call Monday through Friday from 8:00am-4: 30 pm at 812-237-8887, or visit them on-line.

Special Awards and Veterans Benefits. The Child of Disabled Veteran and Public Safety Office Supplemental Grant Program provides tuition and fee assistance at public colleges for eligible children of disabled Indiana veterans and eligible children and spouses or certain Indiana public safety officers killed in the line of duty. As a supplement to other state financial aid, the grant pays 100 percent of tuition and mandatory fees; it does not cover other fees such as room and board.

Students who might be covered under the veteran’s portion of the program are certain graduates of the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Children’s Home; children of a Purple Heart recipient or wounded veteran; children of a deceased or disabled veteran; and children of POW/MIA from the Vietnam War. Details, as well as the application, are available on-line.

Some program restrictions apply and financial assistance is limited to a maximum of 120 attempted credit hours. The veteran must meet or have met, certain Indiana residency requirements, and the child must be the biological child or legally adopted a dependent child of the veteran. A birth certificate or adoption papers is required for verification for the student to receive a grant. In addition, the student must have a valid FAFSA on file for the current aid year. The student must submit a one-time application in Scholar Track. Questions about eligibility for this program should be directed to: Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs, 302 West Washington Street, Room E-120, Indianapolis, IN 46204; Phone: 317-232-3910 or 800-400-4520; Fax: 317-232-7721; Web site.

Students who might be covered under the public safety officers’ portion of the program include: child of a police officer, firefighter, or emergency medical technician killed in the line of duty; child of an Indiana state police officer, firefighter, or emergency medical technician killed in the line of duty; or spouse of an Indiana state police trooper permanently and totally disabled in the line of duty.

Children, spouses, and widows/widowers of totally disabled or deceased veterans may be eligible to receive educational benefits under Chapter 35 of Title 38, U.S. Code. Further details about benefits programs are available at the Office of Veterans’ Services on-line.

Federal Direct Loans. When the Office of Student Financial Aid receives a completed FAFSA, from the student, his or her eligibility for the Federal Direct Loan is determined. The Federal Direct Loan may be accepted in the MyISU Portal for a full or partial amount, or it may be declined.

The Federal Direct Loan Program is regulated by the U.S. Department of Education. Federal regulations require all Direct Loans to be disbursed in two equal payments for an academic year loan (fall and spring terms.) This means one disbursement in the fall semester and one disbursement in the spring semester. For a single semester loan, the proceeds are disbursed in one disbursement. Direct Loan disbursements arrive via Electronic Funds Transfer. Students are notified once the Electronic Funds Transfer has been credited to their student account. After application of the funds to current charges, any refunds due to students (in check form) will be mailed by the Office of the Controller to the student’s permanent mailing address. Students may also choose to receive their refunds electronically through direct deposit. Students wishing to select direct-deposit may do so by following instructions online.

Note: Federal regulations require all first-time borrowers at ISU to complete a Master Promissory Note and entrance counseling before any loan proceeds can be disbursed. Students who graduate, enroll less than half-time, withdraw from school, or fail to return to school, must complete exit counseling and be prepared for Direct Loans to enter repayment within 6 months. The student must be enrolled at least half-time per semester and meet Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards in order for the Federal Direct Loan proceeds to be paid. The Entrance Counseling session and the Master Promissory can be completed on-line.

Federal Direct PLUS Loan. The Federal Direct PLUS Loan is designed to help parents assist their dependent children (dependent as defined under the Federal Title IV regulations) with their educational expenses. Parents may borrow an amount up to the cost of attendance minus the sum of any other financial aid their students receive. Detailed information regarding the application process is available on the Office of Student Financial Aid Web site.


GI Bill Delayed Payment Policy

Indiana State University will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet their financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement funding from the VA under Chapter 31 or 33. This protection is valid for the first 90 days of the term as long as the student takes the following actions no later than the first day of the term. After the 90 days, the University will treat each Veteran on a case-by-case basis.

  • Submit a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) to the Office of Registration and Records
  • Submit the ISU Veteran Benefits Request Form for each term requesting to use benefits

Any portion of the student bill not covered by VA benefits is still expected to be settled by the due date and will be subject to the assessment of late fees.

Indiana State University complies with the requirements of 38 USC 3679(e).