2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 28, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived]

Transfer Initiatives

Statewide Transfer Initiatives
Associate Degree Waivers
Military Credit
Articulation Agreements
Transfer Single Articulation Pathways

Transfer Credit

Transfer students must meet graduation requirements as described in the graduation section of this Catalog. The academic dean of the college of a program has authority over the transferability and applicability of transfer credit hours to that program. Transfer credit may be re-evaluated when a student changes their degree program.

Only transfer credit hours earned in college-level courses (typically numbered 100 or higher) from colleges or universities accredited by broadly recognized accrediting agencies will be considered for acceptance. Broadly recognized accrediting agencies within the United States include all regional accrediting agencies, as well as national accrediting agencies recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. International institutions are accredited by the ministry of education or equivalent in their home countries. Transfer courses in which a grade of C- or higher was earned will be assigned credit. Courses with a grade below are not transferable.  Additional transfer guidelines are available on the Transfer website. Students who wish to see how all credits will transfer to ISU should use the Transfer Equivalency Self-Service tool.

ISU is a full partner in all state initiatives to enhance transferability:  Indiana College Core (ICC), Core Transfer Library (CTL), Transfer Single Articulation Pathways (TSAP), and E-Transcript.

Statewide Transfer Initiatives

Core Transfer Library (CTL).  Students who successfully complete CTL courses at Indiana public and participating private institutions can transfer those courses to Indiana State University to meet general education, or in some cases, major or elective requirements. For a list of participating institutions and to see how courses transfer, visit Transfer IN.net.

Indiana College Core (ICC).  Successful completion of the Indiana College Core at an Indiana public institution of higher education transfers as a block of 30 credit hours towards completion of Foundational Studies requirements at Indiana State University.  Students completing the Indiana College Core while enrolled at Indiana State University will have the ICC indication placed on their transcript.

Statewide Core Learning Objectives Foundational Studies Categories that meet Learning Objectives
Written Communication Freshman Composition (CMP)  
Speaking and Listening Communication (COM)  
Quantitative Reasoning Quantitative Literacy or Math (QL)  
Scientific Ways of Knowing Science and Laboratory (LSC)  
Social and Behavioral Way of Knowing Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) , Historical Perspectives (HP)  
Humanistic and Artistic Ways of Knowing Fine and Performing Arts (FPA) , Ethics and Social Responsibility (ESR) , Global Perspectives and Cultural Diversity (GCD) , Literary Studies (LTS)  

Transfer Single Articulation Pathways (TSAP).  Transfer students who have completed an eligible Transfer Single Articulation Pathway (TSAP) program and have been admitted to the corresponding baccalaureate program at Indiana State University are granted a block of 60 credit hours from the respective associate degree. TSAPs are degree completion programs that enable students to earn a baccalaureate degree after completing an additional 60 credit hours as required by the respective major.  For more information about TSAPs at Indiana State University, see below.

Associate Degree Waivers

If you have earned an Associate of Arts (A.A.), Associate of Science (A.S.), or Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree from a regionally accredited institution that is transferable to ISU, you will be granted a waiver that applies to several of Indiana State University’s Foundational Studies requirements.

There are two distinct waivers: one awarded to students who have earned an A.A. or an A.S. degree, and another awarded to students who have earned an A.A.S. degree.  Associate degrees with titles other than these will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

The courses waived in each of these cases, as well as the courses waived for the Indiana College Core and Illinois General Education Core Curriculum, can be viewed in the table below:

Foundational Studies Requirement A.A. or A.S. A.A.S. or A.G.S. ICC/GECC 75-89 Transfer Hours 90+ Transfer Hours
Freshman Composition
Junior Composition          
Quantitative Literacy
Health and Wellness  
Science and Laboratory
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Literary Studies  
Fine and Performing Arts  
Historical Perspectives  
Global Perspectives and Cultural Diversity    
Ethics and Social Responsibility        
Upper-Division Integrative Elective          
High Impact Practice    

Military Credit

Credit will be granted by Indiana State University according to the guidelines of the American Council of Education (ACE). The Office of the Registrar works with the academic departments to determine how credits transfer. If ACE guidelines are in conflict with Indiana State University policies, the latter takes precedence.

Students who have successfully completed college-level studies or DANTES exams while in the military may be eligible to receive credit if their official military transcript indicates attainment of college-level equivalency.

Credit for military training and experience is granted based on official transcripts and/or discharge forms (DD214). Service members (from all branches except the Air Force) using veterans’ benefits must submit an official Joint Services Transcript. All service members qualify for 8-14 credits, based on completion of basic training and length of service as indicated on the DD214. Two credits are awarded for physical education as well as CRIM 298 and CRIM 498 with completion of basic training. Additional elective credit is granted for service time as follows:

2 credits for 12-15 months service.

3 credits for 16-17 months service.

4 credits for 18-19 months service.

5 credits for 20-21 months service.

6 credits for 22 months or more of service.

A maximum of 63 credits may be granted based on a combination of military service, training, and education. Credit from the Community College of the Air Force is applied per Indiana State University’s standard transfer guidelines for accredited institutions. A maximum of 90 credits may be applied from CCAF and other accredited colleges and universities.

Contact the Office of the Registrar for more information.

Articulation Agreements

Articulation Agreements (Transfer Agreements)

These are agreements between Indiana State University and the respective institutions on pathways for students to transfer to Indiana State University or to transfer credit to Indiana State University. In addition to meeting any criteria listed in these documents, students must meet Indiana State University’s transfer criteria for their desired major. Look up the transfer requirements for your desired major at Indiana State University’s transfer guidelines. If you represent a college wanting to develop an articulation agreement with Indiana State University, the template for an AA or AS degree is here  and the template for an AAS degree is here .

Community College of the Air Force (Montgomery, AL)
Major Indiana State University CCAF
Human Resource Development BS-Human Resource Development   Any Associate Degree
College of DuPage
Major Indiana State University College of DuPage
Construction Management BS-Construction Management   AAS-Construction Management
Ivy Tech (All Locations)
Major Indiana State University Ivy Tech
Engineering BSE-Engineering   AS-Pre-Engineering Generalist
Geology BS-Geology   AS-Liberal Arts
Lake Land College (Mattoon, IL)
Major Indiana State University Lake Land College
Information Technology BS-Information Technology   AAS-IT Programming
Information Technology BS-Information Technology   AAS-Web Technology
Information Technology BS-Information Technology   AAS-Network Administration

Regionally Accredited Institutions

Major Indiana State University Regionally Accredited Insitutions
Automotive Engineering Technology Automotive Engineering Technology   Associate of Science NATEF Accredited Automotive Service Program
Automotive Engineering Technology Automotive Engineering Technology   Associate of Applied Science NATEF Accredited Automotive Service Program
Engineering Technology Management Engineering Technology Management   Associate of Science
Engineering Technology Management Engineering Technology Management   Associate of Applied Science



TSAP (Transfer Single Articulation Pathways)

In 2013 the Indiana legislature enacted Senate Enrolled Act 182, thereby establishing the requirements for a Indiana College Core of at least 30 credit hours. The statue states that each educational institution, in collaboration with the commission for higher education, shall, not later than July 1, 2014, work together to create a single articulation pathway for each programmatic area and implement the single articulation pathways not later than May 15, 2015, for students entering state educational institutions in the fall of 2015. The areas for development must be in which significant numbers of students first obtain an associate of science or an associate of arts degree with the intent of obtaining a related baccalaureate degree.

Major Name Indiana State University Ivy Tech Community College (All Locations) Vincennes University (Vincennes, IN)
Accounting Bachelor of Science Accounting   AS Business Administration* AS Business Administration
Biology Bachelor of Science Biology   AS Biology* AS Biological, Biomedical Sciences-Biology Concentration
Business Administration Bachelor of Science Business Administration   AS Business Administration* AS Business Administration
Chemistry Bachelor of Science Chemistry w/ Biochemistry Concentration   AS Chemistry* AS Chemical Sciences-Chemistry Concentration
Chemistry Bachelor of Science Chemistry w/ ACS Concentration    AS Chemistry* AS Chemical Sciences-Chemistry Concentration
Chemistry Bachelor of Science Chemistry w/ Pre-professional Concentration   AS Chemistry* AS Chemical Sciences-Chemistry Concentration
Chemistry Bachelor of Arts Chemistry    AS Chemistry* AS Chemical Sciences-Chemistry Concentration
Computer Science Bachelor of Science Computer Science w/ Computing Science Concentration   AS Computer Science* N/A
Computer Science Bachelor of Science Computer Science w/ Data Science Concentration   AS Computer Science* N/A
Computer Science Bachelor of Science Computer Science w/ Information Science Concentration   AS Computer Science* N/A
Criminology and Criminal Justice Bachelor of Science Criminology and Criminal Justice   AS Criminal Justice* AS Law Enforcement
Cybercriminology and Security Studies Bachelor of Science Cybercriminology and Security Studies   AS Criminal Justice* AS Law Enforcement
Electronics Engineering Technology Bachelor of Science Electronics Engineering Technology   AS Electrical Engineering Technology* N/A
Elementary Education Bachelor of Science/Arts Elementary Education    AS Education (Elementary Track)* AS Elementary Education
Engineering Bachelor of Science in Engineering   AS Engineering Science N/A
Finance Bachelor of Science Finance, Financial Analysis & Investment Concentration   AS Business Administration* AS Business Administration
Finance Bachelor of Science Finance, Financial Planning Concentration   AS Business Administration* AS Business Administration
Financial Services Bachelor of Science Financial Services   N/A AS Business Administration
Information Technology Bachelor of Science Information Technology   AS Informatics* AS Information Technology
Insurance and Risk Management Bachelor of Science Insurance & Risk Management   AS Business Administration* AS Business Administration
Intelligence Analysis Bachelor of Science Intelligence Analysis   AS Criminal Justice* AS Law Enforcement
Management Information Systems Bachelor of Science Management Information Systems   AS Business Administration* AS Business Administration
Management Bachelor of Science Management   AS Business Administration* AS Business Administration
Marketing Bachelor of Science Marketing w/ Marketing Management Concentration   AS Business Administration* AS Business Administration
Marketing Bachelor of Science Marketing w/ Sales Management Concentration   AS Business Administration* AS Business Administration
Mathematics Teaching Bachelor of Science Mathematics Teaching   AS Secondary Education* AS Education, Mathematics Concentration
Mechanical Engineering Technology Bachelor of Science Mechanical Engineering Technology   AS Mechanical Engineering Technology* N/A
Nursing Bachelor of Science Nursing (RN to BSN)   ASN Nursing ASN Nursing
Operations and Supply Chain Management Bachelor of Science Operations & Supply Chain Management   AS Business Administration* AS Business Administration
Psychology Bachelor of Science Psychology   AS Psychology* AA Behavior Sciences, Psychology Concentration
Secondary Education Bachelor of Science Science Education Chemistry Teaching    AS Secondary Education, Chemistry N/A
Social Work Bachelor of Social Work   AS Human Services AS Social Work
Special Education Bachelor of Science/Arts Special Education    AS Education (Special Education Track)* N/A

*Guaranteed Admission Initiative-For Students in each of the TSAP programs identified who enroll and complete the Associate of Science TSAP degree requirements and meet the other stated eligibility requirements they are then guaranteed successful admission into the Bachelor’s degrees at Indiana State University in these areas of study.