2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Aug 31, 2024  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived]

Criminology & Criminal Justice Learning Outcomes

Outcome 1: Knowledge About Criminal Behavior
1.1 Identify causes/predictors of criminal behavior: Students will demonstrate the ability to identify causes/predictors of criminal behavior.
1.2 Develop research-based responses to crime: Students will demonstrate the ability to develop researchbased responses to crime (e.g., strategies and policies).
Outcome 2: Knowledge About the Criminal Justice System.
2.1 Identify components of criminal justice agencies: Students will identify components of the various criminal justice agencies.
2.2 Identify interrelated aspects of various agencies: Students will identify the interrelated aspects of the various criminal justice agencies.
2.3 Identify the process of policy development: Students will identify the process of policy development.
Outcome 3: Written and Oral Communication Skills.
3.1 Interact with others: Students will interact with others in a professional manner
3.2 Provide information orally: Students will be able to provide information orally.
Foundational Studies 10: Express themselves effectively, professionally, and persuasively both orally and in writing.
3.3 Provide written information: Students will be able to provide written information.
Foundational Studies 10: Express themselves effectively, professionally, and persuasively both orally and in writing.
3.4 Establish collaborative relationships: Students will be able to establish collaborative relationships.
Outcome 4: Critical Thinking Skills.
4.1 Current issues and practices: Student will identify and analyze current issues and practices in criminal justice.
4.2 Scientifically supported theoretical premise: Students will apply a scientifically supported theoretical premise to current criminal justice issues.
4.3 Research–based policy development: Students will develop a policy based on scientifically supported research.
4.4 Identify best practices in criminal justice: Students will identify best practices in criminal justice.
4.5 Analyze current research methodologies: Students will analyze current research methodologies.
Foundational Studies 2: Critically evaluate the ideas of others.
Outcome 5: Ethical Challenges in Criminal Justice.
5.1 Identify ethical situations based on code of ethics: Students will demonstrate the ability to identify ethical situations based on discipline code of ethics.
Foundational Studies 8: Demonstrate an understanding of the ethical implications of decisions and actions.
5.2 Analyze ethical situations: Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze ethical situations.
Outcome 6: Engage in and Contribute to Diverse Environments.
6.1 Complete professional documents: Student will demonstrate ability to complete professional documents.
6.2 Apply theories, best practices to real–world scenarios: Students will demonstrate the ability to apply theories and best practices to real–world scenarios.
Foundational Studies 2: Critically evaluate the ideas of others.