2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 16, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived]

Art Education Learning Outcomes

Outcome 1: Knowledge and Appreciation for Periods and Styles of Art - A thorough knowledge and appreciation for the periods and styles of art and the various and multifaceted social and cultural components that influenced them.
1.1 Identify major styles, periods, and philosophies of art: Identifies the major styles, periods, and philosophies of art and their relationship to the making of art [NASAD H.XI.C.2].
Outcome 2: Communicating Art’s Theoretical Framework - An understanding of the theoretical framework that is the underpinning of art education and the capacity to communicate it.
2.1 Apply integrative learning experiences: Applies integrative learning experiences in art education and other disciplines [NASAD H.XI.C.3].
2.2 Identify Child Psych Development: Identifies stages of child psychological development as it relates to art education [NASAD H.XI.C.3 (a)].
2.3 Identify Social/Philosophical Foundations: Identifies the social and philosophical foundation underlying art education [NASAD H.XI.C.3 (b)].
2.4 Effectively Describe the Goals of Art Ed.: Describes the goals of art education effectively to pupils, colleagues, administrators, and parents [NASAD H.XI.C.1 (d)].
Outcome 3: Technical Expertise - A level of technical expertise in students’ areas of expertise.
3.1 Demonstrate developed skills: Demonstrates the skills developed through studio and design experiences [NASAD H.XI.C.2 (a)].
3.2 Develop and evaluate cirricula: Develops and evaluates art education curricula based on specific teaching situations [NASAD H.XI.C.3 (e & f)].
Foundational Studies 2: Critically evaluate the ideas of others.
3.3 Creates learning experiences: Creates learning experiences to meet the abilities, needs, and interests of students [NASAD H.XI.C.3 (c)].
3.4 Assessing student progress: Assesses student progress using evaluative techniques appropriate to the goals and objectives of the curriculum [NASAD H.XI.C.3 (g)].
3.5 Demonstrate functional knowledge: Demonstrating a functional knowledge of art material, media, and composition [NASAD H.XI.C.2, (d); H.XI.C.3 (d)].
Outcome 4: Conceptual and Critical Thinking - The cognitive ability to think conceptually and critically, and to demonstrate these both visually and verbally.
4.1 Appraisal of new developments/ideas: Appraises new developments and ideas in art and art education. [NASAD H.XI.C.1. (b)].
Foundational Studies 2: Critically evaluate the ideas of others.
4.2 Demonstrate process of artistic creation: Demonstrates to students the process of artistic creation from conceptualization to finished artwork [NASAD H.XI.C.2 (a)].