2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived]


  • CHEM 487 - Bioinformatics

    3 credits

    Provides hands-on training in bioinformatics. Students acquire the theoretical knowledge and practical skill required to effectively utilize essential network-based bioinformatics programs and databases, typically accessed from standard laptop computers. Training includes experience with high performance parallel computing and an introduction to problem-solving in bioinformatics using the Perl programming language.

    CHEM 351; BIO 102.

    Also listed as BIO 487. Open to graduate students. Graduate students are required to do additional work of a research nature.

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  • CIMT 400 - Teaching III

    3 credits

    Strategies for collaborating with other education professionals, with parents, and with others in the community to understand pupils as whole persons and to help pupils meet the challenges they currently face or will likely face beyond the classroom. Ways to help pupils develop problem-solving and decision-making abilities useful beyond the classroom are discussed. Information on laws relevant to teaching is also provided.

    Special education majors: ELED 250 and CIMT 410M. Secondary Education: CIMT 301 & 302.

    Paired with a teaching practicum in a local high school, for which students enroll in CIMT 400L—Teaching III Practicum.

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  • CIMT 400L - Teaching III Practicum

    1 credits

    A teaching practicum in a local high school. The practicum is completed over approximately a six-week period, Monday through Friday, during the class period in which the student is enrolled in 400L and 400, with which this course is paired and which it supports. 

    This practicum course is taken only when the student is concurrently enrolled in CIMT 400. Content methods courses, generally paired and scheduled during the same time period on alternating days, allow the practicum to be completed Monday through Friday. Students not enrolled in content methods courses during the 400/400L time period should not schedule other classes during that time period on the alternating days in order to accommodate the practicum.

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  • CIMT 475 - Critical Thinking and Ethics in Education

    3 credits

    This Foundational Studies Ethics and Social Responsibility Division Elective focuses on an examination of current ethical and social issues related to public education from a taxpayer perspective. As citizens and as students who are or will become parents of publically educated children, students must understand the ethical and social responsibility associated with public education. This course helps accomplish this in the context of the times and the generation to which the students belong. Enabling emphases include a review of critical thinking and information literacy and the subsequent application of both to the analysis of a current education issue. Topics include but are not limited to such areas as NCLB, public education reform, school performance, home schooling, charter schools, and standardized testing.

    Foundational Studies Credit
    [FS 2010: Ethics and Social Responsibility]

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  • COMM 202 - Introduction to Communication

    3 credits

    The course teaches students that culture is a communicative achievement produced by acts of its members. Students learn an overview of conceptual and critical frameworks that inform the contemporary study of communication, in preparation for major study. Students examine divergent perspectives on the process of communication and develop the skills needed to observe, critique, and create communication in cultural contexts as individual and group actors. The course includes a co-requisite weekly seminar, COMM 202L.

    COMM 202L

    Foundational Studies Credit
    [FS 2010: Communication]

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  • COMM 336 - Digital Storytelling

    3 credits

    A hands-on, step-by-step approach to learning the complex process of structuring visual stories. In addition to reading screenplays and analyzing digital/film stories, students will learn the principles used by screenwriting professionals to construct visual stories (whether for drama, advertising, or documentaries) that engage the audience’s emotions and imaginations. Final projects will showcase student writing so they can experience the audience feedback so invaluable to the story-planning process.

    COMM 290

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  • COMM 457 - Multimedia Production IV

    3 credits

    Students will engage in hands-on multimedia and/or media management experiences. Students may work together and independently on sophisticated production projects, serve as peer leaders in lower-level multimedia production courses, work closely with professional, campus, community media production projects or agencies. Open only to students with demonstrated advanced competency.

    COMM 420; 2.75 major GPA and consent of instructor.

    Open to graduate students. Graduate students are required to do additional work of a research nature.

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  • COMM 459 - Communication Law

    3 credits

    Students will examine the history and current state of law governing the practice of communication including free speech, media content, and organizations. Students will demonstrate their understanding of the complex legislative and juridical environment for communication practice by direct engagement with specific, current real-world issues arising in that environment. This engagement provides students an opportunity to practice experiential learning.

    COMM 204 and 209; open to students who have achieved junior class standing or higher.

    Open to graduate students. Graduate students are required to do additional work of a research nature.

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  • COMM 464 - Individual Project in Communication

    3 credits

    Students design and complete a project under the guidance of a department faculty member. Students may pursue a traditional research-production/publication project or work as a Media Assistant, Research Assistant, or Teaching Assistant. Students will submit a contract approved by the supervising faculty member specifying the work to be completed. 

    2.75 cumulative major or minor Comm gpa; minimum 61 earned credits at time of registration for the course; instructor approved contract.

    Students may earn up to 12 credit hours as Independent Projects; however, a maximum of 6 credit hours will be accepted to meet elective requirements in the major.

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  • COMM 470 - Public Campaigns

    3 credits

    Principles of campaign development including theory that explores behaviors, attitudes, values, and the role of communication campaigns in motivating cognitive processing and determining change. Study and evaluation of past and present communication campaigns and diverse campaign tactics as they occur in diverse media. Completion of a theory-driven communication campaign is required.

    COMM 312

    Open to graduate students. Graduate students are required to do additional work of a research nature.

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