(30-36 credits)
To qualify for the awarding of a Master of Business Administration degree, the candidate must meet the following requirements in addition to any requirements of the College of Graduate and Professional Studies and Indiana State University:
- Complete all degree program requirements
- Complete all course work in the degree program with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
- Have a grade of C or lower in no more than two courses in his/her degree program
- Successfully perform on a set of comprehensive exit exercises.
Program Mission:
Ingrained in current industry trends and best practices, the program integrates theory and practice to develop future leaders with skills in problem solving, strategic thinking, and the management of organizational change.
MBA Program Learning Goals:
Individuals who pursue the MBA program at Indiana State University will demonstrate:
- The ability to use business problem solving techniques.
- The ability to apply business knowledge consistent with contemporary best practices.
- The ability to work effectively in a team environment.
- An advanced understanding of global business practices.
The MBA Program includes an eight-course core curriculum plus a two-course General Option (30 credit hours total) or a three-course Concentration Option (33 credit hours total).