2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived]
Health, Safety, and Environmental Health Sciences
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Chairperson: Dr. Yasenka Peterson
Department Office: Health and Human Services Building, room B-80
Web site: http://www.indstate.edu/hsehs
E-mail: health&safety@indstate.edu
The Department of Health, Safety, and Environmental Health Sciences’ programs focus on the prevention of illness, injury, and incidents in association with the promotion of public, environmental, and occupational health and safety. An ongoing demand exists for competent professionals and specialists in the areas of health and safety education, management service, and research in both the public and private sectors. The goal of the department, accordingly, is to provide students with the opportunity to establish a solid foundation and background in environmental, health, and safety issues through academic education and training in the classroom and the field. Graduates from the programs are well prepared for environmental, health, and safety careers in academic, industrial, and governmental settings.
Degrees Offered
Students electing health sciences and safety management as a major field of study may earn the bachelor of science and bachelor of arts degrees. Candidates for these degrees should consult the University requirements for graduation, including Foundational Studies requirements, described elsewhere in this Catalog. Students who may be interested in pursuing graduate work in health and safety should be referred to the Graduate Catalog.
Departmental Opportunities
The Department of Health, Safety, and Environmental Health Sciences faculty are dedicated to providing quality experiential learning opportunities through course design, internships, and service learning projects. All programs in the department sponsor active student groups that have close ties to professional organizations in their field. Scholarships for students majoring in any of the department’s programs are available to sophomores through seniors. See the department chairperson or an academic advisor for information.
As part of the University’s DegreeLink Program, the department offers a baccalaureate degree-completion program in community health promotion. DegreeLink, an extended access, degree-completion program, enables students who have earned credit hours and associate degrees from accredited collegiate institutions to transfer credit hours, as a block or on a course-by-course basis, to baccalaureate degree programs at Indiana State University. (See DegreeLink)
The patterns of study for majors may be considered professional in nature. Successful completion of an approved program of studies generally leads to the bachelor of science degree, recommended by the College of Nursing, Health, and Human Services.
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