2008-2009 Graduate Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2008-2009 Graduate Catalog [Archived]

Other General Information

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      Career Center. Indiana State University’s comprehensive Career Center provides services to students from all academic units within the University. A professional staff provides students and alumni programs and services in the areas of career and life planning, professional employment and experiential learning opportunities, and job search assistance. These services complement Indiana State University’s educational programs and are offered through individual consultations, group workshops, career fairs, and resource materials available on-line and through the Career Center Library. Individuals may receive assistance in exploring career options, developing and/or refining job search skills, establishing job search credentials, identifying professional employment and experiential learning opportunities, referring credential materials to prospective employers, obtaining access to campus interviews for full-time employment after graduation as well as experiential education opportunities, finding part-time, on-campus student employment, and using resource materials in the Career Library. The Career Center is located on the second floor of the Student Services Building, 567 North Fifth Street. More information is available at http://career.indstate.edu/
      The Counseling Center
. The Student Counseling Center works with students experiencing a wide variety of personal problems and conflicts. Difficulties centering around academic achievement and career goals, problems in relationships, questions about sexuality, and feelings of anxiety, depression, alienation, and loneliness are addressed by a staff of counselors and psychologists. In response to requests from individuals, University groups, and departments, the Student Counseling Center offers consultation services on the phone, in person at the center, or at other campus locations. Special workshops and seminars are offered and may be requested to develop skills in such areas as time management, stress management, assertiveness, and effective communication. Free brochures that provide basic information about topics such as stress, sexuality, relationships, self-esteem, and services available on campus are displayed in quantity in the reception area. No appointment is needed for reading these materials or taking free copies. The Student Counseling Center is located on the third floor of the Student Services Building, 567 North Fifth Street.
      ISU’s Student Health Center has as its mission the promotion of the physical, emotional, social, and environmental well being of students in the campus setting. The broad goals include increasing a healthy life span, reducing disease and illness, and providing access to preventative services. The Student Health Center provides students with interventions, which includes health promotion, preventive service, and surveillance components. Registered nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians, and ancillary staff perform the work of the clinic.
      Students eligible for care are required to have a Health History Form and completed Immunization Records on file at the Student Health Center. Immunizations are mandated by the Indiana State Department of Health for all full-time new and transfer graduate students. These forms are of immeasurable help to the staff in evaluating students’ illnesses and enable staff to render better medical care. First-aid is rendered to anyone on campus who presents themselves to the Student Health Center. Referral is then initiated for non-students.
      The Student Health Center is located in the Student Services Building, 567 North Fifth Street. The Medical Clinic is open Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., when the University is in session. The clinic has walk-in hours from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m., Monday through Friday. Otherwise, the clinic works by appointments, which can be scheduled by calling 812-237-3883. Medical services are available to students when the University is in session and when a student is enrolled for one or more credit hours during the regular academic year, during any summer session, or if the student is a graduate assistant or fellow.
      There are minimal charges for services performed and students need to be prepared to pay by cash, check, or Visa/MasterCard at the time services are rendered. The Student Health Center does not bill insurance carriers but will give a receipt with the information necessary for students to present to their insurance carrier. If a student requires referral, extensive care, and/or medical services not available at the Student Health Center, the student is financially responsible for these outside services.
      All medical information about any student is regarded as strictly confidential and no information is given to any person without the express written consent of the patient or a subpoena.
      Health Insurance for Students
. The opportunity to participate in a voluntary group health and accident insurance program is a service provided to students by Indiana State University. This student health insurance is to help cover medical expenses for services available in the Student Health Center as well as outside the University. A student must be taking six hours per semester and three hours for summer semesters to participate in this insurance. Enrollment in the insurance program is available during any period of enrollment in the University. Students covered by a family policy should be aware of any circumstances, such as the date, student’s age, or other conditions that would end their insurance coverage under their family policy. It is important that students understand the coverage provided by the insurance. Questions concerning this program should be directed to the Student Health Center.
      Student Health Promotion. Student Health Promotion, part of the Student Counseling Center, is located on the lower level of the Student Services Building, 567 North 5th Street, 812-237-3939. Today’s college students face many challenges and adjustments in the academic and social world. Student Health Promotion provides accessible and accurate health information to help students make important lilfestyle decisions. A variety of services and programs are available to assist students in achieving and maintaining a healthy balance between body, mind, and emotions.
      Student Health Promotion provides Health to Go Workshops, which are available to classrooms, residence halls, campus groups, and organizations. These interactive educational programs are approximately 30-60 minutes in length. Topics offered are:

  • Alcohol and Other Drugs
  • Body Art
  • Colds and the Flu (including Avian and Pandemic)
  • Condom Use/Contraceptives
  • Customer Service
  • Diversity
  • Eating Disorders and Body Image
  • Health Education Program Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Nutrition
  • Self-esteem
  • Sexual Assault Prevention
  • Sexual Health
  • Sleep
  • Stress Management and Relaxation
  • Study Skills
  • Suicide Prevention
  • Test Anxiety
  • Time Management
  • Tobacco
  • Wellness
  • Weight Management

     Individual Consultations are provided in a non-judgmental environment with caring staff to listen and help students balance the multiple demands of college life. Call 812-237-3939 to make an appointment regarding weight management, stress and time management, nutrition, or sexuality issues.
     Health Information Resources. Printed health information on a wide variety of health and wellness topics is available at the Student Counseling Center located on the lower level of the Student Services Building.
     Promoting Health Across Campus Together is a Bacchus and Gamma chapter. Bacchus and Gamma is an international association of university-based peer educators who work to promote health and wellness within their campus by offering programs focused on pertinent health topics. Students interested in joining the organization should contact Student Health Promotion at 812-237-3939 or visit the Web site at http://www.indstate.edu/shp
     To get more information about Student Health Promotions and other health and wellness related topics visit http://www.indstate.edu/shp
     Identification Card for Students. A student identification (ID) card is required as a means of access to many services on campus. The ID card is to be retained by the student for use during any subsequent enrollment. The card remains the property of the University. There is a replacement fee for identification cards.
     The Indiana State University Office of Alumni Affairs establishes programs to promote a positive relationship between alumni and the University, and to represent the interests of alumni on campus.
     Providing services for over 75,000 graduates and former students, the Alumni Office serves as headquarters for the Indiana State University Alumni Association, a voluntary organization coordinated by a 30-member Board of Directors. The representatives who serve on the Alumni Council are elected by the alumni of the University on a geographic and/or constituency basis. The Board of Directors is responsible for nominating two of the nine members of the University’s Board of Trustees.
     Alumni activities include a scholarship program, alumni clubs around the country and abroad, reunions, school and departmental alumni programs, Homecoming events, foreign and domestic travel programs, and other programs which benefit alumni and the University.
Alumni are informed of University and alumni matters through the Indiana State University Magazine, the official publication of the Alumni Association. The Student Alumni Association, sponsored by and working with the Alumni Office, serves as a link between students and alumni. More information is available at http://web.indstate.edu/alumni/
     Services for Disabled Persons. Students who request academic accommodations for a documented disability may obtain help through services located in the Student Academic Services Center. Services include assistance in accessing recorded textbooks or readers for students with visual impairments and reading disabilities. This office also arranges for note takers or interpreters for hearing-impaired persons. Alternate testing procedures may be arranged as needed. Services for persons with disabilities are based on individual documentation of need and the University’s intent to offer appropriate accommodations according to Section 504 and ADA guidelines. It is recommended that persons with disabilities visit Indiana State University prior to making a decision to enroll.
     Testing Services for Students
. The University Testing Office, Erickson Hall, room 231, serves as a national test center for testing programs such as Graduate Record Examinations (GRE), Praxis Series (PPST and special subject examinations), American College Testing Program (ACT), the National League of Nursing Achievement Tests (NLN), the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), Compass mathematics placement testing, and assists with placement testing during Sycamore Advantage days. This office will also aid with research tools for doctoral students, and supports the administration of tests to large groups of students for institutional use. Additional information is available at http://www1.indstate.edu/testing/



     The “University” residence classification must not be confused with a person’s “civil” residence status. In-state residence requires a bona fide permanent domicile in excess of 12 months, as explained in the ISU residency regulations. Holders of undergraduate degrees from Indiana State University, who at the time of graduation were residents of the State of Indiana, shall, for the purpose of subsequent registrations in the University, be classified as residents of Indiana. Questions concerning residence status should be referred to the Office of Registration and Records, Indiana State University.
     Non-resident Tuition.
In addition to the combined fees required of all students, those who are classified as non-residents of the State of Indiana must pay additional non-resident tuition for study during the regular academic year and summer sessions.



Indiana State University offers a variety of on-campus living units and nearby apartments. Graduate students are welcome in any residence hall and in the apartment complex.
      Residence Halls.
Residence halls on Indiana State University’s campus offer a variety of accommodations for all students. The application material provides information on those halls that are of particular interest to graduate students. Students are housed in coed facilities with separate floors for men and women or on coed floors. Two halls feature double occupancy with private baths and air-conditioned rooms. One hall is all single rooms open to students with 56 credit hours. Several halls remain open throughout the academic year. However, a small surcharge is assessed to cover housing over break periods. Parking facilities are available near the buildings. The halls are located near the University library, classroom buildings, and recreational facilities. Cooking facilities are available in floor lounges in most halls. Computer access is available in all rooms. Alcoholic beverages are permitted for students who are 21 years of age and over in one hall. Small refrigerators are permitted in students’ rooms. Voice mail and caller ID, as well as wake-up call options are provided with phone service. Additional information is available at http://web.indstate.edu/reslife/
      Food Service.
Residence hall students, as part of their housing contract, have a very flexible board plan. The plan includes credits, which are spent for meals in the two residence hall dining units, and Commons Cash, which is spent like cash in the Commons. The Commons is part of Hulman Memorial Student Union and contains several brand name fast food units. The residence hall dining rooms offer a variety of concepts (deli, grill, hot entrees, pizza) at each meal. Room without board is not available.
      University Apartments.
A University-owned apartment complex, located near South Third and Crawford Streets approximately ten blocks south of campus on U.S. Highway 41, provides comfortable accommodations for students with families, single graduate students, and undergraduate students at least 21 years old or with 56 credit hours completed. One-, two-, and three-bedroom apartments are available. The monthly cost includes utilities and local phone service.
      Application. For additional information, rates, or application forms for either residence halls or apartments, direct inquiries to: Residential Life, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana 47809, telephone 888-824-3920 or 812-237-3993. More information is available at http://web.indstate.edu/reslife/



     All University fees and assessments are established by the Indiana State University Board of Trustees, which reserves the right to make necessary adjustments at any future time. The right to correct errors is also reserved.
     Students who are residents of Indiana pay academic fees, technology fee, a transportation fee, and a recreation center fee. Out-of-state residents pay tuition, the combined fees, the technology fee, and the recreation center fee (See Fee Information in the Schedule of Classes for each enrollment period). The combined contingent, student service, and building facilities fees are used to help meet the cost of construction and maintenance of buildings, campus, library, laboratories, and to support various student services and activities.
     Graduate Fees.
All tuition and fees are assessed at the graduate rate, regardless of the level of the individual courses in which enrollment exists. The payment of fees is made to the Office of the Controller at the time of registration. Information regarding payment options is available on-line in the “Important Registration Information” section of the Schedule of Classes for each enrollment period. Students may use Visa or MasterCard to pay for fees and other charges.
All currently enrolled students are eligible for various personal, social, and cultural activities including the use of services, facilities, and programs provided by Hulman Memorial Student Union and by the Student Government Association. Further, they are entitled to receive the Indiana Statesman, the student newspaper; and are eligible for services at the Student Health Center. Students, if enrolled in the appropriate number of credit hours, can be admitted without further charge to all regularly scheduled home intercollegiate athletic contests sponsored by the Intercollegiate Athletics Office.



     Students scheduling classes by utilization of the Web system must obtain important financial messages regarding payment responsibilities at the conclusion of their course selection process. Payment information is also published on-line in the “Important Registration Information” section of the Schedule of Classes of the respective term. Bills may not be mailed until after the variable payment plan fee has gone into effect.



     Students scheduling classes by utilization of the Web system must obtain important financial messages regarding payment responsibilities at the conclusion of their course selection process. Additionally, payment information is published on-line in the “Important Registration Information” section of the Schedule of Classes of the respective term. Bills may not be mailed until after the variable payment plan fee has gone into effect.
Students registering in the Office of Registration and Records are also provided payment information at the conclusion of their registration process.



     Returned Check Policy. Students providing checks, which are subsequently returned as non-negotiable, are assessed a $20.00 penalty per check. In addition, once a student has presented three non-negotiable checks, all check writing privileges will be suspended indefinitely.
     Admission Application Fee.
A $35.00 nonrefundable application fee must accompany all applications for graduate degree or certification programs.
     International Student Application Fee.
In lieu of the admission fee listed above, international students’ applications must be accompanied by a $35.00 nonrefundable fee. The fee is applied to the cost of mailing I-20’s and other documents overseas.
     Auditor’s Fee.
An auditor’s fee of $5.00 per credit hour is charged to persons properly qualified who desire to attend one of the classes open for auditing without participating in the recitation and without formal credit.
. Students who have a financial obligation to the University will have their future registrations encumbered; their records, transcripts, and diploma will not be released.
     Variable Payment Plan Fee.
Variable Payment Plan Fees are assessed each semester according to the schedules published on-line in the “Important Registration Information” section of the Schedule of Classes for the respective term. There is a $50.00 maximum per semester in the fall and spring, and a $25.00 charge per summer session.
     Collections Process.
Students turned over to University Collection Specialists for failure to meet financial obligations:

  • Will have grades withheld;
  • Will be prohibited from obtaining copies of their academic records (diplomas, transcripts, etc.);
  • Will be prohibited from registering for future terms; and,
  • Will have a $50.00 collections fee added to their account.

     Change of Schedule Fee. A $10.00 drop/add fee is assessed, per completed transaction, to students changing courses through the seventh calendar day of the academic semester. A $30.00 drop/add fee is assessed, per completed transaction, to students changing courses starting with the eighth calendar day of the academic semester. A $10.00 drop/add fee is assessed, per completed transaction, to students changing courses during the summer terms.
     Parking Permit.
All faculty, staff, and students who own, possess, operate, or have the use of a motor vehicle on any property owned, leased, or used by Indiana State University, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, must purchase and properly display a current parking permit from the rear view mirror. The University Board of Trustees has established a registration fee. The registration fee is paid at the Public Safety Department, Traffic and Parking Services.
     Parking Fine.
The Public Safety Department may assess fines for parking and traffic violations in accordance with Indiana State University traffic regulations.
     Replacement of Sycamore Card Fee.
A fee will be charged to students who make application to replace their Sycamore Card. The fee is payable at the time a replacement card is requested in the Public Safety Department.
     Breakage Fee.
Breakage fees are charged for laboratory equipment which is either non-returnable or which is not returned in good condition.
     Laboratory Course Fees
. Laboratory course fees are charged students in certain classes for supplies and equipment usage, and/or special instruction/supervision.
     Library Fines.
Library fines are assessed for overdue and lost books.
     Graduate Student Cap, Gown, and Hood Fee.
Candidates who attend commencement are required to purchase or rent the appropriate cap, gown, and hood for commencement.
     Applied Music Fee.
An applied music fee will be charged per semester hour for each course in instruments or voice done on the basis of individual instruction with a regular faculty music instructor.
     Transcript Fee.
A transcript fee will be charged for each transcript of record issued.
     Thesis/Dissertation Binding Expense.
The binding of three copies of the thesis/dissertation is an expense which should be considered by each graduate student when writing a thesis/dissertation.



     At Indiana State University, financial assistance is available to eligible graduate students either in the form of ISU graduate assistantships, fellowships and tuition scholarships, other ISU awards (scholarships), or Federal Government student loans.
     Students in all graduate degree programs who meet award criteria are eligible for ISU assistantships, fellowships, and/or tuition scholarships, and other awards (scholarships). Eligible students who are interested in these ISU financial awards must submit applications to the chairperson of their chosen academic department/program and/or to other chairpersons. Application forms are available on-line at the Web site or offices of the School of Graduate Studies.
     Students who meet established requirements and are eligible to apply for federal government student loans administered by ISU must contact the ISU Office of Student Financial Aid (Tirey Hall, room 150, telephone 812-237-2215 or toll free at 800-8414744; or e-mail money talks@finaid.indstate.edu ) for advisement and/or to submit the appropriate application forms.



     The University appoints a number of assistants and fellows through its academic departments and administrative units on a competitive basis. Students seeking information on the availability of and standards for appointment should contact the appropriate academic department or administrative unit. Candidates for a graduate assistant/fellow must complete and sign an Application for Graduate Assistant/Fellow Appointment form and submit it to the appropriate unit.

Graduate Assistantships

     A graduate student holding an appointment as a graduate assistant performs part-time work for the University as determined by the department or unit involved. A student holding admission to a graduate degree or certification program is eligible for appointment as a graduate assistant. Payment is on a monthly basis and a student with a full-time graduate assistant position is expected to perform a maximum of 20 hours of work per week. In most cases, tuition fellowships are also offered. Summer appointments may also be available.
     A student receiving a partial assistantship (one-half) receives a stipend in proportion to the kind of assistantship awarded and has a service requirement of similar proportion.
     Standards for appointment are:

  1. The student must have been admitted to a graduate degree or certificate program under a regular admission status.
  2. The student must have completed requirements for the baccalaureate degree prior to the first semester of the appointment year.
  3. The student must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 at the time of award (undergraduate if the first term of graduate work, or graduate grade point average on nine graduate hours after the first term of enrollment, or grade point average of 3.5 on nine graduate hours after the first term of enrollment in the doctoral programs in the College of Education). At their discretion, however, individual academic units may set higher standards above this minimum requirement.
  4. International students who may be considered for appointments as assistants or fellows as indicated above must meet the criteria of 1, 2, and 3, and possess a valid passport and appropriate Visa at the time of award and be in good standing and in compliance with U.S Homeland Security and U.S. immigration laws and regulations.

The Guidelines for Graduate Assistantships are available on the web at http://www1.indstate.edu/sogs/finance_cost.htm

Graduate Fellowships

     A number of appointments as University fellows may be available each year to qualified graduate students. These fellowships allow the recipient to pursue a full-time course of study with no obligation to the University other than to maintain a high level of academic performance. A student holding admission to a Ph.D., Psy.D, or M.F.A. program is eligible for appointment as a University fellow. The standards for graduate assistantships also apply to graduate fellowships.

Retention of an Assistantship or Fellowship

     The graduate assistant/university fellow must maintain a graduate grade average of 3.0 to continue in graduate school as well as retain his/her appointment, with individual programs perhaps having higher standards. Although most graduate appointments are granted for the academic year, failure to obtain the 3.0 grade average during the first semester of the appointment will necessitate termination of the assistantship/fellowship at that time. A minimum of nine hours of graduate course work must be taken each semester or six hours during the summer period.
     Unsatisfactory performance of the assigned duties of a graduate assistantship will also be grounds for termination of the appointment at any time at the discretion of the department. If, one month after notice of unsatisfactory performance, improvement has not been made to the satisfaction of the department, the appointment will be terminated.
     Each student who is a candidate for appointment as a graduate assistant or fellow must be knowledgeable of these regulations and take the initiative in ascertaining that all provisions have been fulfilled. The Graduate Assistantship Award Guidelines are available at:http://www1.indstate.edu/sogs/finance_cost.htm

Tuition Fellowships

     Students awarded assistantships are also provided tuition fellowships in recognition of their scholarly accomplishment. Tuition fellowships are part of the financial aid package, but are not related to services. For students awarded full-time assistantships, nine hours of tuition waiver per semester (up to 18 credit hours per academic year), and up to six hours during the summer may be awarded. For half-time assistantships, 4.5 hours of tuition waiver per semester (up to nine credit hours of tuition waiver for the academic year), and three credit hours during the summer may be awarded.

Scholarship/Fee Waiver Awards

     Depending on availability of funds, a limited number of fee waivers are awarded on a competitive basis to students who meet the eligibility requirements listed below and have not received assistantships or other tuition awards. These waivers are at the discretion of the dean of the School of Graduate Studies. For programs requesting awards, a memorandum of understanding signed by the dean of the awarding college and the dean of the School of Graduate Studies must be on file.
     Eligibility for scholarship/fee waiver awards is the same as for graduate assistantships (see Graduate Assistantships), except that the student does not have to be enrolled full time.
     Scholarship/fee waiver awards shall be immediately withdrawn from students who:

  • are placed on academic probation, suspended, or expelled
  • violate Indiana State University academic policies (academic integrity, etc.)
  • are international students and become out-of-status or violate Federal regulations governing foreign students



Paul A. Witty Scholarships

     A limited number of scholarships are available to graduate students who are interested in the education of gifted and creative children. These scholarships range in value from $2,000 to $8,000 and each is awarded for one academic year. A scholarship may be held in addition to a graduate assistantship or fellowship. A recipient may reapply for a subsequent award of the scholarship. It is not necessary to demonstrate financial need.
     In general, minimal qualifications will include outstanding references, an undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 or better, a grade point average of between 3.5 and 4.0 on all graduate work completed, scores on the General Tests of the Graduate Record Examinations well above the fiftieth percentile, and evidence of a professional commitment to the education of gifted children. Recipients must hold admission to a graduate degree program at Indiana State University.
These scholarships are made possible by the generous bequest of Dr. Paul A. Witty, a native of Terre Haute. Witty, a 1920 graduate of Indiana State University, became an internationally known writer, teacher, and scholar in the education of the gifted. Applications are available from the dean of the School of Graduate Studies.



Veterans Programs

     Indiana State University has been approved by the State Approval Agency to teach veterans under Chapters 30, 31, 32, and 106 of Title 38, U.S. Code. Children, wives, and widows of totally disabled or deceased veterans are eligible to receive educational benefits under Chapter 35 of Title 38, U.S. Code. Eligible persons desiring detailed information should address their requests to the Veterans Advisor, Office of Registration and Records.
     Visit the Office of Registration and Records Web site at www1.indstate.edu/registrar to view the scales used to determine a student’s enrollment status or to certify a veteran’s enrollment status. Questions about status (full-time, three-quarter time, half-time, and part-time) should be directed to the Office of Registration and Records at 812-237-4996.

Federal Government Financial Aid Programs

     The Office of Student Financial Aid provides information on financial resources and assistance in the application process to University graduate students. The first step towards applying for any financial aid from the federal or state governments is completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The encouraged priority deadline for completing the FAFSA is March 1 annually prior to the start of the academic year, but later applications are accepted. The FAFSA should be completed on-line at www.fafsa.ed.gov Include Indiana State University’s Federal School Code of 001807 on your FAFSA.
          Students who have been fully admitted into a graduate degree program can be considered for federal and state aid from the following sources:

  • Federal Work Study
  • Federal Perkins Loan
  • Federal Stafford Loans (subsidized and unsubsidized)
  • Federal Graduate PLUS Loans
  • Some Indiana grants for Children of Disabled Veterans and Public Safety Officer Fee Remission Programs.

          Basic student eligibility criteria include:

  1. Be a United States citizen or eligible non-citizen
  2. Be fully admitted to Indiana State University as a regular degree-seeking graduate student or pursuing a certificate in an eligible program
  3. Make satisfactory academic progress as defined by the policy at www.indstate.edu/finaid/special_aid_rules.htm
  4. Be registered with Selective Service, if required
  5. Have a valid Social Security Number
  6. Complete the FAFSA and any other paperwork required by the Office of Student Financial Aid in a timely fashion.
  7. Not be in default on a federal student loan.
  8. Not owe a repayment of a federal student loan or grant.

     Detailed information about financial aid applications, available funds, and specific program rules are available from the Office of Student Financial Aid Web site at www.indstate.edu/finaid or by contacting the office in Tirey Hall, room 150.


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