2008-2009 Graduate Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2008-2009 Graduate Catalog [Archived]

Special Resources

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     Indiana State University has many resources which, as an integral part of the institution, facilitate learning, contribute to the total education and success of its students, and also serve faculty and administrators in performance of their duties and the enhancement of their continuing professional development. What follows are selections of examples of special resources available at Indiana State University.



     Information technology at ISU is guided by the chief information officer. Support services and physical facilities are provided by two general areas-the Office of Information Technology which contains three units, and the Center for Instruction, Research, and Technology. Detailed information concerning services and facilities may be obtained through the two Web sites www.indstate.edu/oit and www.indstate.edu/cirt
     As a service unit, the staff of the two offices provide support to Indiana State University students, faculty, and staff for functions relating to information technology such as: faculty development, course redesign assistance, computing, multimedia, networking, telephone, and video resources. Among the wide range of services provided are numerous computer laboratories and multimedia enhanced classrooms; courseware systems (e.g., Blackboard) for on-line delivery of instruction; a campus-wide local area network serving both academic and residence facilities; connections to the Internet; e-mail, telephone, and voice mail services; instructional and entertainment video services; instruction technology research; high performance computing; and statistical consulting services.
     The following provide a brief description of each of the four information technology units:
     User Services
provides phone and face-to-face desktop computer and software support for the ISU community. This unit implements and maintains the state-of-the-art instructional facilities on campus including technology-enhanced classrooms, public and discipline aligned laboratories, and distance learning classrooms. Student support is a primary function within User Services and is provided through the Computer Support Center, The Residence Computing Consultant Program, and the walk-in Help Desk. The Computer Store, a unit of User Services, provides students, faculty, and staff with a convenient on-campus facility where they can view and purchase all types of computer related technology. The University Testing Office is a new addition to User Services and provides testing services for students and faculty.
     Institutional Computing Services
manages computer systems and applications to support the administrative functions of Indiana State. This includes the development, enhancement, maintenance, and production support activities of administrative applications, administrative systems, and support utilities. Most Institutional Computing Services work involves systems that impact the campus as a whole. One such system is the Banner data system which houses student, staff, and financial records.
     Technical Infrastructure Services
implements and maintains the campus-wide infrastructure for the delivery of technology and technology-based services. This unit researches, selects, and implements network hardware and software to support the delivery of voice, video, and data; installs and maintains the telephone systems and cable; and installs and maintains the operating system software for all Information Technology central servers and other network-based hardware. The unit also has the responsibility to develop, review, update, and manage Information Technology security policies and procedures.
     The Center for Instruction, Research, and Technology explores, develops, promotes, and supports effective teaching and research practices to advance knowledge and promote active learning at Indiana State University. As part of its mission, the center endeavors to have a measureable impact on the academic community by building the reputation of Indiana State for innovative instruction and technology-enhanced research. Services provided by this unit included faculty development and instructional design; emerging technology research and support; interactive and multimedia design; and evaluation and research support.



      The library collections include more than two million items. Graduate students may check out most materials for a 120-day loan period, using their student ID. More than a 110 full-service computers are available throughout the library. Collaborative group and individual study areas are available, as well as group study rooms.. Reference and research assistance are offered at the reference desk. For library hours, call 812-237-2375, or visit the library’s Web site at http://library.indstate.edu
      Reference Services
. Reference assistance may be obtained in various ways: in person at the reference desk, by phone at 812-237-2580, by e-mail at http://library.indstate.edu/tools/questions/ or by on-line chat at http://library.indstate.edu/tools/reflive.html during regular library hours. To access the on-line services, go to the library’s Web site at http://library.indstate.edu and select “Reference Live Chat” or “Email a librarian” from the left column.
      Database Searching.
A growing number of e-journals, electronic indexes, abstracts, and full text databases are available to the ISU community via the library’s Web page menu at http://library.indstate.edu In addition, the library now offers WebFeat, a federated search engine application that lets the user search many resources from one interface so that different interface designs for different databases do not impede the research process. Now part of the library’s home page, this software simplifies searching strategies while allowing users optimum and seamless search returns. For more information on how to use these resources, or suggestions on effective searching of databases contact the library’s reference desk at 812-237-2580.
      Instruction Services.
Two classrooms and an instructional computer laboratory are available for librarian-conducted instruction. To receive more information or to make an appointment, call 812-237-2604 or visit the instruction Web site at http://library.indstate.edu/about/units/instruction/liohome.html
      Individualized Instruction Workshops.
Individuals may request specific, one-on-one instruction or use the self-guided on-line instructions and tutorials on database searching and other topics available at http://library.indstate.edu/tools/tutorials/ These tutorials address practical concerns of conducting library research, including library and Internet research strategies.  On-line library research guides are available at http://library.indstate.edu/about/units/instruction/topic.html
      Interlibrary Loan
. Interlibrary Loan borrows books, dissertations, reports, and other materials not available in the ISU library. Loaned materials may be picked up at the circulation desk or may be sent via campus mail to teaching or research assistants with campus office addresses. Due dates and renewals are established by the lending library. Copies of journal articles, book chapters, and other print materials may also be requested and are delivered to students’ desktops electronically. Interlibrary loan requests are accepted via the ILLiad system accessible from “Interlibrary Loan” under the “Services” link on the library’s home page at http://library.indstate.edu/ Additional information can be obtained there or by contacting Interlibrary Loan at libill@indstate.edu or call 812-237-2566, Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m-4:30 p.m.
      Support for Distance Learning Courses. Reference, instructional, and document delivery services are available. Access library services for distance students through the “Services” link on the library Web page at http://library.indstate.edu A librarian has been designated the distance learning coordinator. For reference assistance, call 812-237-2580 or 1-800-851-4279; for document delivery or interlibrary loan questions, e-mail libill@.indstate.edu or call 812-237-2566.
      Special Collections.
Located on the third floor of the library, the Special Collections Department contains rare and other materials in the form of books, pamphlets, manuscripts, photographs, memorabilia, and similar items. Among its major collections are the world-renowned Cordell Collection of Dictionaries, which is partially on permanent display; the Eugene V. Debs Collection, which contains over 10,000 items related to the famous social activist; and the Indiana Collection, which offers a wide array of prominent literary works, county histories, and even books on sports figures such as Larry Bird. For more information, visit http://library.indstate.edu/about/units/rbsc/
      Library Hours.
During the fall and spring semesters the library is open Sunday through Thursday until 2:00 a.m. For a complete list of hours, check the Web site at http://library.indstate.edu/about/calendar.html or call 812-237-2375.
      Diversity Information ONLine.
DION is an ISU resource created and maintained by the ISU library. The DION team works with the Office of Diversity and Affirmative Action and the President’s Commission for the Enhancement of Diversity Resources. DION links to courses, departments, organizations, electronic resources, community information, and events that relate to the promotion of diversity on campus and in the community. DION is available at http://library.indstate.edu/tools/dion/dion.htm



     The Office of Sponsored Programs is a pre-award grant and contract office. The primary mission of the office is to assist ISU faculty, staff, and students in obtaining external funds to support their research, creative, service, and other activities. The office also provides University review and record keeping functions for all proposals submitted and funded, and a variety of other administrative tasks. Support to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for review of human subject research is also provided. The office offers both source-finding and proposal development assistance. To assist proposal writers in their search for grant funding, the office maintains electronic databases and other sources of information, which describe governmental (public) and foundation/endowment (private) grant programs and organizations. Once a potential grant program is identified, the professional staff in the office can assist with the various phases of proposal preparation and budget and assurance issues, and other topics involved with externally sponsored activities. Persons interested in these services can find this information and more on the Office of Sponsored Programs home page www1.indstate.edu/osp



     The Consortium for Advanced Technological Studies was organized to offer the doctor of philosophy in technology management. This is an unique organization of five universities having studies in technology including Bowling Green State University; University of Central Missouri; East Carolina University; Indiana State University; and North Carolina A&T State University. The Consortium brings together leading schools/colleges of technology in the United States to capitalize on existing resources and faculty expertise in specialized areas of technology. The Consortium universities have been recognized for providing continued leadership to the industrial technology profession.



     Indiana State University offers several courses and degree programs via distance learning. Distance programs are designed for working professionals who cannot commute to campus, and for the growing number of individuals who prefer courses delivered via the Internet. Many courses and programs can be completed entirely via distance learning. Other “distance friendly” programs require minimal visits to the ISU campus. For more information about distance learning, contact the Office of Distance Support Services at 888-237-8080 or http://www.indstate.edu/distance/



     Internship programs off campus and special clinical facilities on campus are integral parts of many degree programs at Indiana State University. They offer the kind of practical on-the-job experience and cooperative links with industry and community agencies which foster the advancement of knowledge. Graduate training and work experience are available in such areas as college student affairs administration, communication disorders, counseling, criminology, economics, education, geography and geology, history, political science, psychology, school administration, and sociology. Among the clinical facilities on campus which are used in the development of specialized skills are the Counseling Clinic, the Porter School Psychology Center, the Psychology Clinic, and the Rowe Center for Communicative Disorders. For more detailed descriptions of these programs and facilities, see individual departmental listings.



     The Graduate Student Association is the official representational body for ISU graduate students. This organization hopes to work strategically in order to facilitate and enhance communication between graduate students and ISU administrative offices as well as other campus organizations. The association’s functions and operations are currently funded by the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs through the School of Graduate Studies.
     The Graduate Student Association is currently involved in many student activities such as the Graduate/Undergraduate Research Showcase, Graduate School Day, and Graduate Student Orientation programs. As the Graduate Student Association recruits more students into its membership and attracts representatives from each department, it strives to promote and advance the academic interests and experiences of graduate students including assisting ISU with recruitment and retention of graduate students. The Graduate Student Association also strives to facilitate the professional development of its members as they work closely with other major student organizations at ISU and with other graduate student associations throughout the country.
      Additional information about the Graduate Student Association is available in the organization’s office (located in the College of Education, room 910), or by calling 812-237-2538, or visiting its Web site at http://isu1.indstate.edu/gsa



     Students accepted into the Indiana University School of Medicine may take the first two years of their regular four-year medical program at a statewide campus including the Terre Haute site located on the campus of Indiana State University. The basic sciences are taught during the first two years. The first year program includes courses in biochemistry, concepts in health and disease, gross anatomy, histology, immunology, introduction to medicine, microbiology, neuroscience, and physiology. Clinical exposure is provided to medical students in cooperation with Union Hospital, the Hamilton Center, Terre Haute Regional Hospital, and community physicians. After successful completion of the first year of medical school, students take the second year of courses, which include biostatistics, introduction to medicine, medical genetics, general and systemic pathology, and pharmacology. Medical students then transfer to the Indianapolis campus for their third and fourth years. Several of the third year clerkship rotations and fourth year clinical electives have also been established in community hospitals throughout Indiana, including Terre Haute, as part of the Indiana University statewide system for medical education. This system is presently expanding in the number of students accepted and the number of four-year sites.
      In fall 2008, the Indiana University School of Medicine-Terre Haute inaugurated the Medical School Rural Program in which selected incoming students attend all four years at the Terre Haute campus. This program emphasizes early and rapid acquisition of clinical skills, the study of medicine from the perspectives of the rural physician and rural patients, and an understanding of the community context of rural medicine. It is believed that this novel program provides needed physicians to rural communities as well as provides educational opportunities for students from rural areas of Indiana.
      Since 1997, Indiana State University and Indiana University School of Medicine-Terre Haute have conducted a joint Bachelors/Medical Degree Program. Interested and qualified high school students from rural counties apply and are admitted simultaneously to college and medical school. Provided that the students maintain a qualifying grade point average and obtain a competitive MCAT score during their four years of college at Indiana State University, they are directly admitted to the Indiana University School of Medicine to complete their four years of medical school. To date, 12 physicians have graduated from this program.
      Requests for further information about the Medical Education Program should be directed to Dr. Taihung Duong, interim director. Information is also available at http://web.indstate.edu/thcme


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