2009-2010 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2009-2010 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived]

University General Education Program

Click on any of the following links for information:

Coordinator: Dr. Linda Maule
General Education Office: Holmstedt Hall, room 220
Web site: www.indstate.edu/gened/
E-mail: gened@indstate.edu

Through its Basic Studies and Liberal Studies requirements, the General Education Program prepares students to become active professionals and productive citizens. The Basic Studies requirements promote refinement of communication, quantitative literacy, and information technology skills; encourage the study of a foreign language; and advocate physical fitness for life. The Liberal Studies requirements encourage students to understand the value of a traditional university education in the arts, humanities, and sciences and to explore the relation of a liberal education to any major course of study. All approved Liberal Studies courses promote the four common goals of the General Education Program:

  1. Critical Thinking: To develop students’ capacities for independent thinking, critical analysis, and reasoned inquiry.
  2. Communication Skills: To enhance students’ writing, speaking, reading, and listening abilities.
  3. Issues of Value and Belief: To enhance students’ capacities for making informed and reasonable choices.
  4. Lifelong Learning: To help students develop the knowledge and intellectual skills that encourage participatory citizenship, acknowledge the value of learning, and facilitate adaptation to change.

Associate Degree General Education Requirements


Students completing an Indiana State University associate degree program must meet the following General Education requirements. For additional information, see the requirement definitions and course listings under Basic Studies and Liberal Studies below.

Basic Studies

Writing at the 100 level [English 101 and English 105 or English 107 or English 130]
Speech Communication [Communication 101]
Quantitative Literacy [Mathematics 102, college algebra or higher level mathematics course (except Mathematics 205 or 305), a college-level statistics course, or a passing score on the Quantitative Literacy Exemption Test]
Information Technology Literacy [See section E under Basic Studies.]

Liberal Studies

Five courses, with a minimum of one course in each of three Liberal Studies Core Areas.

Basic Studies


The six Basic Studies areas of the General Education Program prepare students to succeed in their majors and in their professional and personal lives by emphasizing writing; speaking; quantitative and computer skills; broadening perspectives through the study of a foreign language; and promoting fitness through a physical education requirement. Required courses in Basic Studies, like those in the Liberal Studies core areas, enhance the critical thinking and broad communication skills that predict success in academic work and develop professional flexibility, preparing ISU graduates for a competitive professional job market or advanced graduate work. Requirements in each of the Basic Studies areas follow.

  1. English 101 and English 105 or English 107 or English 130 are required of all students during their first two semesters. Freshmen with SAT verbal scores below 510 or ACT English usage scores below 20 are required to take English 101 during their first semester before taking English 105 during their second semester. Freshmen with SAT verbal scores of 510 or higher or ACT English usage scores of 20 or above are required to take English 107 during their first semester. International students whose native language is not English are tested by the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics for placement in an appropriate course. Unless specifically exempted, international students whose native language is not English must take English as a Second Language 103A and English as a Second Language 103B before enrolling in English 105. English majors and minors take English 108 (unless their SAT verbal is less than 510). Students in English Honors or University Honors take English 108.

    English 305 or English 305T or English 405 or Business Education, Information, and Technology 336 or a substitute course approved by the Department of English is required of all students upon completion of the freshman composition requirement and 48 semester hours of course work. English teaching majors and minors take English 307 and English liberal arts majors and minors take English 308 in lieu of 305. Students enrolling in English 405 must have completed 62 hours of course work.

    A student who does not earn a passing grade in one of the above-mentioned writing courses must repeat that course the following semester.

  2. Communication 101 is required of all first-year students with the following exceptions:

    If an agreement exists between the Department of Communication and a student’s major department, that student may meet the communication requirement by successfully completing one of the following courses:

    Communication 202
    Communication 215
    Communication 302

    A student may also meet the communication requirement by passing a for-credit equivalency examination administered by the University Testing Office.

  3. Quantitative Literacy Requirement. Students may satisfy the Quantitative Literacy requirement by obtaining a passing score on the Quantitative Literacy Exemption Test or by earning a passing grade in one of the following courses: Mathematics 102, 115, or a higher-numbered mathematics course (except Mathematics 205 or 305), or a college level statistics course. A college level statistics course is defined as a course that includes as a prerequisite either Mathematics 111 (or a higher level/higher numbered mathematics course) or a placement examination result indicating an equivalent background in mathematics. As of the current date, statistics courses that meet the Quantitative Literacy requirement are: Business 205, Economics 370, Biology 485, and Mathematics 241. Any other statistics course satisfies this requirement if it requires one of the preceding statistics courses or Mathematics 111 (or higher) as a prerequisite and the department provides a course syllabus and official documentation of the change to the General Education Office. In addition, college algebra courses that transfer to ISU as Mathematics 018 will satisfy the Quantitative Literacy requirement. This revision of the Quantitative Literacy requirement is effective immediately. For more information, see the Quantitative Literacy section of the General Education Web site, http://www.indstate.edu/gened.

  4. Foreign Languages. Students must complete 101 and 102, in a single language of their choice, unless they have completed the equivalent of two years (four semesters) of a single language at the high school level with an average grade of C or better. International students whose first language is not English are exempt from this requirement. Students entering ISU with an associate’s degree or higher degree from an institution other than ISU may be exempted from this requirement by the recommendation of the program in which they enroll at ISU.

    Students who are not exempt from the requirement are advised for placement into the appropriate language class (101 or 102) according to their record of high school language study.

    Students who have already satisfied the language requirement are eligible to earn free credit by examination for language completed in high school if they take the Foreign Language Placement Examination administered by the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics and complete a language class offered by that department. Contact the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics for details.

  5. Information Technology Literacy for Students Entering Summer 2003 or Later. Information technology literacy is expected to be demonstrated by all students within the first 32 hours of course work at ISU by obtaining a passing score on the Information Technology Literacy Exemption Test (offered by the University Testing Office, 237-7666), completing a major for which the requirement is met through course work required for the major program, or successfully completing one of the following approved information technology literacy courses:

    BEIT 125   Information in the Electronic Age
    CIMT 272   Introduction to Classroom Computer Use
    CS 151, CS 170, and CS 256   Satisfies the Information Technology Literacy requirement for information technology majors
    CS 101   Information Technology Literacy
    ELED 272   Introduction to Classroom Computer Use
    HLTH 112   Computing Literacy in Health, Environmental, and Safety Sciences
    NURS 108
    TMGT 195
      Information Technology Literacy for Healthcare
    Introduction to Computer Applications
  6. Physical Education 101 and 101L are required of all students. Majors in elementary education take Physical Education 348, while majors in kindergarten-primary education and early childhood education take Physical Education 463 to satisfy this requirement.

    Course work in the five Liberal Studies core areas emphasizes intellectual development, career preparation, and lifelong learning by further empowering students to make critical judgments within specialized areas of knowledge while promoting engagement with scientific reasoning, development of historical perspective, appreciation of philosophical and aesthetic traditions, and sensitivity to cultural diversity both globally and within the United States. The General Education Capstone requirement functions to connect these general education goals to students’ majors, acknowledging that the values central to a general and liberal education are also essential to students’ professional growth and career goals.

Liberal Studies Regulations


For the most part, students may not receive General Education Liberal Studies credit for courses in their major. There are three exceptions:

  1. Students may count cognate courses, that is, courses required for a major but taught outside the discipline in which the degree is given;
  2. Students pursuing a double major may count cognate courses required for the first major as well as all of the courses required for the second major; and
  3. Students may count courses outside their specific major within a discipline that offers two or more majors.

These three exceptions apply only to courses listed within the five Liberal Studies core areas.

Liberal Studies Core Area Definitions and Course Listings


The following core area definitions and listings of approved courses include only those courses approved for Liberal Studies credit as of 2003. Those approved Liberal Studies courses having prerequisites carry the designation + after the course number. To identify the prerequisite(s) for a course so designated, consult the course description in the appropriate section of this Catalog. The appropriate Liberal Studies core area code designations are including in the area definitions and precede each list of approved courses.

The University Honors Program and General Education: All Honors Core Courses (designated as General Honors or GH courses) earn credit in the General Education Program. Visit the Office of General Education Web site (http://www.indstate.edu/gened/) and click on “Schedule of Classes Offered” to locate currently offered General Honors courses in each Liberal Studies core area, or follow the links from “GE Program” to “Approved Courses by Department” to “General Honors Courses” to locate a complete list of approved General Honors courses and topics organized by Liberal Studies core area.

Scientific and Mathematical Studies: One Foundational Laboratory Science course (SMS: F,E) and one Scientific and Mathematical Studies Elective course (SMS: E). Course work in this area is designed to develop students’ scientific and mathematical literacy through an understanding of basic principles underlying natural phenomena and the products of science and mathematics.

All students must take at least one Foundational Laboratory Science course unless they complete a major whose requirements or approved cognates grant them credit for completing a laboratory science course. If credit is given separately for a laboratory the student must complete both the laboratory science course and the laboratory in order to satisfy the requirement. For example, a student must take both Chemistry 100 and Chemistry 100L to complete the Foundational Laboratory Science requirement. Students completing two of the approved 100 or 200 level laboratory science courses as cognates or required courses within a major or minor will have satisfied both the Foundational Laboratory Science and the Scientific and Mathematical Studies Elective course requirements. Students enrolled in a science, allied health, nursing, preprofessional, or other major or minor that requires two or more laboratory science courses should consult with their academic advisor.

SMS: F,E–Courses listed below satisfy the Foundational Laboratory Science or Elective requirement.

BIO 112/112L
CHEM 100/100L
  Human Aspects of Biology and Laboratory
Reactions and Reason
GEOG 111/111L   The Physical Environment
GEOL 160/160L   Introduction to Earth and Sky
PHYS 101/101L   Introduction to the Physical Sciences

SMS: E–Courses listed below satisfy the Scientific and Mathematical Studies Elective requirement only.

BIO 113
BIO 410
BIO 415
BIO 455
CS 151
  Survey of the Plant Kingdom
History of Biology
Natural History: A Study of the Diversity of Life
Humans and the World Environment
Introduction to Computer Science
FCS 201   Fundamentals of Nutrition
GEOG 115   Earth from Space: Contemporary Remote Sensing
GEOG 316+   Weather and Climate
GEOL 270+   Historical Geology
GEOL 360   General Astronomy (Cross-listed as Physics 360)
GEOL 361+   Oceanography
MATH 131   Calculus I
PHIL 105   Introduction to Logic
PHIL 409   Philosophy of Science
PHYS 105/105L   General Physics I and General Physics I Laboratory
PHYS 106/106L   General Physics II and General Physics II Laboratory
PHYS 360   General Astronomy (Cross-listed as Geography 360)
PHYS 423   Fundamentals of Light and its Application to Photography (Cross-listed as Science Education 423)
PHYS 440   Musical Acoustics
SCED 423   Fundamentals of Light and its Application to Photography (Cross-listed as Physics 423)

Approved Laboratory Science Courses for Students in Science, Allied Health, Nursing, and Preprofessional Programs ONLY. Students not in these programs should select from the SMS:F,E and SMS:E courses listed above. The courses listed below are designed strictly for majors and minors in science, allied health, nursing, and preprofessional programs.

ATTR 210/210L
BIO 101/101L
BIO 102/102L
BIO 231/231L
BIO 241/241L
BIO 274/274L
CHEM 103/103L
CHEM 104/104L
CHEM 105/105L
CHEM 106/106L
GEOG 111/111L
GEOL 160/160L
PE 220/220L
PHYS 105/105L
PHYS 106/106L
PHYS 205/205L
PHYS 206/206L

Social and Behavioral Studies: One Foundational Course (SBS: F,E) and One Social and Behavioral Studies Elective Course (SBS: E). Course work in this area introduces students to fundamental methods of inquiry and research in the social and behavioral sciences, encouraging reflection on the operation and evolution of social institutions and systems.

SBS: F,E–Courses listed below satisfy the Social and Behavioral Studies Foundational or Elective requirement.

CRIM 100   Individuals, Societies, and Justice
ECON 100   Basic Economics
PHIL 201   Ethics and Good Life
PSCI 130   Introduction to Political Science
PSY 101   General Psychology: Understanding Human Behavior
SOC 100   Foundations of Social Life

SBS: E–Courses listed below satisfy the Social and Behavioral Studies Elective requirement only.

AET 461   The Auto Industry–The First 100 Years
AFRI 423G   Urban Geography (Cross-listed as Geography 431)
ANTH 100   Introduction to Anthropology
ANTH 409   Medical Anthropology
CRIM 150   Introduction to the Criminal Justice System
CRIM 200   Criminology
ECON 200   Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 201   Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 331   Public Finance
ECON 351+   Survey of Labor Economics and Labor Institutions
ENG 310   English Grammar for Teachers and Writers
ELAF 200   Education and Community
EPSY 202   Psychology of Childhood and Adolescence
EPSY 221   Developmental Psychology (Note: Students cannot also take Educational Psychology 221 or Psychology 266 for General Education credit)
EPSY 342   Growth and Development of the Young Child
FCS 103   Human Development within the Family Context (Note: Students can not also take Family and Consumer Sciences 103 or Psychology 266 for General Education credit)
FCS 426   World Hunger and Nutrition
GEOG 210   Introduction to Cultural Geography
GEOG 213   Introduction to Economic Geography
GEOG 411   Conservation of Natural Resources
GEOG 431   Urban Geography (Cross-listed as African and African American Studies 423G)
HLTH 111   Personal Health Science and Wellness
IS 301   World Problems Since 1945: Global Hunger
JOUR 280   Visual Communication
LING 200   Exploring Language
LING 210   Introduction to Linguistics
MGT 140   Introduction to Business
PSCI 201   American Government
PSCI 305   State and Local Government
PSCI 370   International Politics
PSCI 481   Politics in Western Europe
PSY 100   Psychology of Human Sexuality and Sexual Responsibility
PSY 266+   Developmental Psychology (Note: Students can not also take Educational Psychology 221 or Family and Consumer Sciences 103 for General Education credit)
PSY 338+   Psychology of Women
PSY 340   Cognition in Everyday Life
PSY 350   Environmental Psychology (Cross-listed as Family and Consumer Sciences 350)
PSY 362+   Psychology of Personality
SOC 220   Contemporary Social Problems
SOC 240   Introduction to Social Psychology
SOC 260   Courtship and Marriage
SOC 322   Social Conflict

Literary, Artistic, and Philosophical Studies: One Literature and Life Course (LAPS: LL) and One Literary, Artistic, and Philosophical Studies Elective Course (LAPS: E). Emphasizing critical and creative thinking and requiring students to both discuss literary works and write analytically about them, the required course in literature and life engages the aesthetic and cultural dimensions of literary, artistic, and philosophical studies, while elective course work in this area furthers students’ awareness and understanding of the ways human experience is reflected in literary, artistic, or philosophical studies.

LAPS: LL–Courses listed below satisfy the Literature and Life requirement only.

Literature and Life/Public Life Topic Courses

ENG 239   Literature and Life
LLL 250   Literature and Life
THTR 230   Literature and Life
COMM 208   Literature and Life
COMM 210   Literature and Life
PHIL 221   Literature and Life
ENG 338   Literature and Public Life
LLL 350   Literature and Public Life
THTR 330   Literature and Public Life
COMM 308   Literature and Public Life
COMM 310   Literature and Public Life
PHIL 321   Literature and Public Life

Literature and Life/Public Life Individual Courses

AFRI 213   Introduction to Black American Writers (Cross-listed as English 243)
AFRI 383   Modern Black American Literature (Cross-listed as English 346)
ENG 219   Introduction to Creative Writing
ENG 231   Introduction to Fiction
ENG 243   Introduction to Black American Writers (Cross-listed as African and African American Studies 213)
ENG 335   Science Fiction as Social Criticism
ENG 336   Popular Literature in the Media
ENG 346   Modern Black American Literature (Cross-listed as African and African American Studies 383)
ENG 349   Women Writers of the United States
ENG 359   Women Writers of Great Britain

LAPS: E--Courses listed below satisfy the Literary, Artistic, and Philosophical Studies Elective requirement only.

AFRI 325   Survey of Blues and Rock
AFRI 423M   Survey of African American Music (Cross-listed as Music 425)
ANTH 316   Native American Art and Cultures
ART 151   Visual Arts in Civilization
ART 200   Special Problems in Art
ART 271   Survey of Art History I
ART 272   Survey of Art History II
ART 371   History of Art: Survey of the Twentieth Century
ART 374   History of Architecture
ARTH 373   Women Artists
COMM 110   Television in Contemporary Society
COMM 240   Introduction to Film
COMM 265   Oral Interpretation of Literature
COMM 266   Oral Interpretation of Children’s Literature
COMM 367   Oral Interpretation of Poetry
FCS 354   Traditional Interiors
LAT 215   Classical Mythology
LAT 316   Survey of Latin Literature in Translation
LLL 170   Humanities in the Modern World
MUS 233   Music Appreciation
MUS 330   Survey of Jazz, Blues, and Rock (Cross-listed as African and African American Studies 325)
MUS 333+   Masterpieces of Classical Music
MUS 341   History of Jazz
MUS 343   Survey of American, Folk, Country, and Blue-Grass Music
MUS 344   Survey of Electronic Music
MUS 425   Survey of African American Music (Cross-listed as African and African American Studies 423M)
PHIL 101   Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 190   The Philosophy of Star Trek
PHIL 204   Introduction to Aesthetics
PHIL 253   Environmental Ethics
REL 190   Introduction to Religion
THTR 150   Beginning Acting
THTR 174   Introduction to the Theater
THTR 191   Introduction to Play Analysis
THTR 395   History of Theater I: The Greeks to Moliere
THTR 396   History of Theater II: The Restoration to Shaw

Historical Studies: One Historical Studies Course (HS). This requirement promotes an historical perspective, either through a broad survey or through more concentrated study of a single period, and recognizes that students learn to better understand their own culture through a refined historical understanding of the complexity and diversity of human cultures.

HS:R--Courses listed below satisfy the Historical Studies requirement.

HIST 101   Studies in World Civilization to 1500
HIST 102   Studies in World Civilization Since 1500
HIST 110   History of World War II
HIST 201   The United States to 1877
HIST 202   The United States Since 1865
HIST 315   The American Civil War
HIST 336   The 1960s: Counterculture and Protest
HIST 351   The Ancient World
HIST 355   Europe: 1500-1815
HIST 356   Colonialism and Nationalism in Southeast Asia

Multicultural Studies: One U.S. Diversity Course (MCS: USD) and One International Cultures Course (MCS: IC). United States diversity and international cultures courses expose students to cultural diversity and sensitize them to complex power relations among cultural groups, especially those relations that result in prejudice, discrimination, and oppression. These courses also develop students’ awareness of the aspirations of traditionally underrepresented groups who seek to redefine contemporary social and political realities. The study of cultures, one’s own and others, helps students to reflect upon and critically evaluate their own cultural backgrounds.

MCS:USD–Courses listed below satisfy the U.S. Diversity requirement.

AFRI 113   Foundations of African and African American Studies
AFRI 212   African American Culture I
AFRI 312   African American Culture II
AFRI 331   Survey of African American Art (Cross-listed as Art 389)
AFRI 340   Multicultural American Literature (Cross-listed as English 340)
ANTH 315   Indians of North America
ART 389   Survey of African American Art (Cross-listed as African and African American Studies 331)
ENG 340   Multicultural American Literature (Cross-listed as African and African American Studies 340)
ENG 342   Native American Literature
ENG 373   American Folklore
EPSY 341   Education in a Multicultural Society
PSCI 107   United States Diversity: Contemporary American Issues
SOC 110   Sociological Perspectives
WS 200   Introduction to Women’s Studies

MCS:IC--Courses listed below satisfy the International Cultures requirement

AFRI 214   Literature of the Black World (Cross-listed with English 244)
AFRI 334   Introduction to African Art (Cross-listed as Art 388)
AFRI 350   History and Culture of Modern Africa I: African Societies in the Age of Colonialism (Cross-listed as History 371)
AFRI 351   History and Culture of Modern Africa II: National Movements and Independence (Cross-listed as History 372)
ANTH 202   Multiple Lifeways
ANTH 306   Peoples of Middle and South America
ART 388   Introduction to African Art (Cross-listed as African and African American Studies 334)
COMM 416   Cross-Cultural Communication
ENG 244   Literature of the Black World (Cross-listed as African and African American Studies 214)
ENG 370   Survey of Folklore
FCS 214   Perspectives of Dress I
FL 201+   Intermediate I: French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Russian, or Spanish
FL 202+   Intermediate II: French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Russian, or Spanish
GEOG 130   World Geography
GEOG 423   Geography of the Middle East
GERM 308   Weimar and Fascism in German Culture
HIST 320   Comparative Slavery
HIST 358   The Atlantic World 1500-1820
HIST 371   History and Culture of Modern Africa I–African Societies in the Age of Colonialism
HIST 372   History and Culture of Modern Africa II–National Movements and Independence
IS 110   Invitation to Asian Studies
MUS 151   Introduction to Musical Traditions II
MUS 329   Music in Africa
PSCI 105   Issues of Our Times
PSCI 280
REL 250
TMGT 335
  Introduction to Comparative Politics
World Religions
Technology and International Department

General Education Capstone Requirement for Students Entering Summer 2003 or Later: One Approved General Education Capstone Course (CAP) in Liberal Studies or the Major. The capstone course brings coherence to the liberal studies experience by asking students to reflect on their liberal studies course work, guiding them to synthesize the seemingly disparate liberal studies core areas into a more cohesive whole, and encouraging them to relate their liberal studies experiences to their work in their major and to their personal and professional goals. Before enrolling in a General Education Capstone course, students must have earned 78 hours of college credit and completed seven of the nine required Liberal Studies core area requirements. All approved General Education Capstone courses are either open to majors or open only to students earning a major or minor in the discipline offering the course. Students should consult their advisors to determine whether they are required by their major or minor to enroll in a particular General Education Capstone course.

Students who entered Indiana State University prior to summer 2003 may enroll in approved General Education Capstone courses and receive Liberal Studies Elective credit in Scientific and Mathematical Studies, Social and Behavioral Studies, or Literary, Artistic, and Philosophical Studies if they have:

  1. Completed seven of the nine Liberal Studies core area requirements,
  2. Earned at least 78 hours of college credit, and
  3. Submitted and received approval of an appropriate petition.

Majors Only General Education Capstone Courses (CAP)

ART 499P   Art and the Artist in the Context of Society
BIO 497   Current and Historical Issues in Science
BIO 498   Capstone Research
BIO 499   Research Capstone Presentations
BUS 401   Senior Business Experience
COMM 479   Communication Ethics
CRIM 499   Danger and Disorder: Critical Issues in Criminology
ELED 450   Early Childhood Education
ELED 457   Elementary and Special Education
ENG 486   Teaching English
ENG 487   Crime and Punishment (Correctional Education Program students only)
FCS 410   Family and Consumer Sciences Capstone Seminar
MUS 350   Music History I
MUS 351   Music History II
NURS 486   Professional Nursing Synthesis
PSY 485   Psychology and Society
SOCW 494   Professional Seminar in Social Work
SS 305   Teaching Social Studies in Secondary Schools
SS 306   Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Teaching Social Studies

General Education Capstone Courses Open to All Majors (CAP)

AFRI 470   Racial Expression in African American Popular Culture
ANTH 498   The Human Discovery
CIMT 475   Critical Thinking in Teaching
ELAF 400   Liberal Studies and Education: Creating Learning Communities
ENG 483   Multiple Literacies
ENG 484   Interrelations of Literature
IS 495   International Studies Capstone Experience
MATH 492   History of Mathematics
PSCI 464   Contested Issues in Political Science
  Work, Employment, and Society
Research and Development in Technology
Student Activism in Theory and Practice

Liberal Studies Credit through Study Abroad. Study abroad students should meet with the coordinator for Academic Programs Abroad before their departure to discuss Part I of the Guide for Students, attend a pre-departure orientation, complete the Guide to Students within one month of their return to ISU, and approved by the Coordinator of Academic Programs Abroad based upon the completed Guide to satisfy the Liberal Studies Multicultural Studies: International Cultures [MCS:IC] requirement of the General Education 2000 Program. Although, the study abroad experience and completed Guide for Students will substitute for the MCS:IC requirement, no college credit will be awarded for these activities.

Several Liberal Studies courses are offered through the Academic Programs Abroad Office. These courses are available only to students studying abroad and are not taught on the ISU campus. Students studying abroad can also request Liberal Studies credit for courses taken abroad. Students planning to study abroad should contact the Academic Programs Abroad Office for information and instructions regarding requesting Liberal Studies course offerings abroad and how to request credit for other courses taken abroad.

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