2025-2026 Academic BLUEprint 
    Mar 24, 2025  
2025-2026 Academic BLUEprint

Registration and Grades


 All students should meet with their Academic Advisor  before registration

Priority Registration

Summer 2025

Fall 2025

Spring 2026

Summer 2026

Fall 2026

Seniors: 90+ earned hours


April 14-27, 2025

opens at 6:30 am

November 10-November 23, 2025

opens at 6:30 am

April 6-19, 2026

opens at 6:30 am

Honors College Students

April 14-27, 2025

opens at 7:00 am

November 10-November 23, 2025

opens at 7:00 am

April 6-19, 2026

opens at 7:00 am

Graduate Students

April 15-27, 2025

opens at 6:30 am

November 11-November 23, 2025

opens at 6:30 am

April 7-19, 2026

opens at 6:30 am

Juniors: 60-89 earned hours

April 17-27, 2025

opens at 6:30 am

November 13-November 23, 2025

opens at 6:30 am

April 9-19, 2026

opens at 6:30 am

Sophomores: 30-59 earned hours

April 21-27, 2025

opens at 6:30 am

November 17-November 23, 2025

opens at 6:30 am

April 13-19, 2026

opens at 6:30 am

Freshmen: up to 29 earned hours

April 24-27, 2025

opens at 6:30 am

November 20-Novermber 23, 2025

opens at 6:30 am

April 16-19, 2026

opens at 6:30 am

Open Enrollment: 

degree and non-degree students

April 28-May 23, 2025 

November 24, 2025-January 20, 2026

April 20-May 22, 2026


Class Schedule

Availability on specific distance education courses can be found using the Dynamically Searchable Schedule of Classes using the “Scheduling Type Attributes” group.  This website can be found online.

Requisite Information:

Many courses have mandatory prerequisites or co-requisites. Each student is responsible for meeting the published prerequisites or co-requisites for each registered course.  After each registration and grading period, colleges, schools, and departments may review the completion of prerequisites and co-requisites of registered students.  The academic units have the authority to administratively drop a student from a course for which the student has not fulfilled the published prerequisites or co-requisites.


If you experience a registration error, this indicates an attempt to register for a course in which you have not met the approved prerequisites, co-requisites, or class restrictions. Refer to the Registration Errors on the Registrar Sycamore Root. 

Registration Instructions

We currently provide two methods for students to add and drop courses; students may do this through the Add/Drop link on Student Self-Service or by utilizing the Schedule Builder software. Schedule Builder provides additional functionality to allow students to plan their schedules, generate schedules, and register from MySAM plans. 

  • Registering through the Add/Drop link on Student Self-Service
    • Click on portal.indstate.edu
    • Enter your University ID and password
    • Click on Student Self Service
    • Click on Register (Add/Drop Classes) under the Academic Resources tab
    • Click on Select Term
    • Enter advisement PIN (if applicable; see below)
    • Follow instructions for registration on the Scheduling Page
  • Registering through Schedule Builder
    • Click on portal.indstate.edu
    • Enter your University ID and password
    • Click on Student Self Service
    • Select Student Profile
    • On the left side, select Schedule Builder
  • You may also access Schedule Builder from MySam
    • Click the Schedule Builder link at the top of the page


Scheduling will be unavailable on specific dates for billing and official file processing. Notifications will be posted on the Office of the Registrar’s webpage.

You cannot register for classes in a term past the graduation date for which you have applied. To register, you must either be admitted to another program or update your graduation term if degree requirements have not been met. 

By completing registration, students are financially responsible for all applicable fees by the published due date(s). Tuition is based on residency and the number of credit hours in which a student enrolls.

If students are wanting to enroll in more than the maximum amount of hours (18 for undergraduate and 12 for graduate students) they should contact their advisor. Associate Deans can complete the override for the maximum number of hours to be increased.


Scheduling Changes

Adding Classes: Classes may be added up until the last day of the term with proper approval. For specific dates, see the scheduling calendars at the beginning of this document. The instructor’s signature is required if the class is at capacity and/or if the course has already started.

Dropping Classes: Classes may be dropped from your schedule without signatures through the last day to drop as listed in the academic calendar. If you are dropping all of your classes, you must follow the withdrawal instructions.


Grading Policy for Dropped Courses:


FALL 2025*

SPRING 2026*

SUMMER 2026*

No Grade

April 14th-August 25th

November 10th-January 20th


W grade assigned for

dropped/withdrawn course

August 26th-November 3rd

January 21st-April 6th


*Grading Policy dates listed above are for standard 16-week terms and may vary based on the duration of the course.


Pass/Fail Option  

Undergraduate students pursuing their first baccalaureate degree may elect to switch a maximum of seven (7) credits per semester/term, allowing for a maximum of 16 credits total, from a standard letter grade (A-F) to a Pass/Fail grade. The deadline to make changes is aligned with the last day to drop/withdraw from the individual course. Instructors will not be aware of the student’s choice. Students can make this choice by updating the grade mode of a registered course.

If a student switches more courses than they are allowed by policy, they have until the last day to drop/withdraw to make adjustments. If they fail to act by the deadline, the academic college will decide which course(s) will be switched back to A-F grading.

Consult with your academic advisor before making any changes.

Grade Type  

Grade Displayed 

on Transcript  



Impact GPA


Eligible to count

toward degree requirements? 

Counts in Attempted Hours

(may impact Financial Aid)  

Counts in

Earned Hours  

Eligible for Grade Improvement

Course Repeat  

Undergraduate Student Selected Pass Option  




Check with your Advisor  




Undergraduate Student Selected Fail Option  








If I want to stay with letter grades (A-F) for all of my classes, do I have to do anything?  No.

Is there a certain number of points that are needed to earn a “Pass Option” grade?  Each instructor determines the grading scale for each course. The grading scale defined in the course syllabus will continue to apply.  

Is this option available for online courses?  Yes.  

If I choose the “Pass/Fail Option” for a class, does that mean I am now done with the class?  No. Making this choice does not mean that the class is over. You still need to complete the requirements of the course. 

Can I change my mind after I’ve switched?  Yes, as long as you meet the course deadline(s), which align with the last day to drop/withdraw. Once the deadline has passed, there is no exception for the student to make a change to the grade option. 

Can I change the grade mode for a pre-requisite course?  Consult with your academic advisor.

Should I change my grade option to “Pass/Fail Option” if my major requires a certain grade in a class?  Do not use the “Pass/Fail Option” for that class.  

What if my major requires me to earn a certain GPA in my major?   If your major does NOT require a minimum grade for each class and instead has a GPA requirement across all major classes, you might be eligible to select the “Pass/Fail Option” on a major course, but you should always check with your advisor first.  

I am in a pre-major and need to apply for my major at ISU. Will a “Pass/Fail Option” grade impact that application?  It may. Check with the academic college and your advisor as to how “Pass Option” grades impact admission to a major.  

I am a student-athlete.  How will a “Pass/Fail Option” grade affect my athletic eligibility or scholarship?   Check with your athletic advisor before choosing the “Pass/Fail Option”.  

Will this impact my 21st Century Scholarship?   No. The State of Indiana will consider that all courses with a “Pass Option” are earned credits that count toward your degree.  

Will the “Pass/Fail Option” impact my ability to be on the Dean’s List?  As long as you meet the required earned ISU credits, it will neither improve nor prevent Dean’s List.

If I plan to go to graduate school, law school, or medical school, what should I do?  Other schools may not accept the “Pass Option” grade when determining admission. If you are completing any courses required by post-baccalaureate programs, it is not recommended to change the grading option.  

Will Latin Honors for graduation be impacted by switching to a course to “Pass/Fail Option”? As long as you meet the required ISU residency credits, it will neither improve nor prevent Latin Honors.  

How do “Pass/Fail Option” grades work for students on academic probation?  Students on academic probation may choose the “Pass/Fail Option”. Check with your academic advisor, as a “Pass Option” grade will not improve your GPA.  

Do “Pass/Fail Option” grades affect my Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for financial aid?  A “Fail/NP Option” WILL impact SAP, the same as an F would impact SAP.  


Official Withdrawal

“Official withdrawal” involves the student withdrawing from all classes for which he/she is registered as well as notifying appropriate administrative officials of his/her decision to leave the campus. If a student leaves without properly processing a withdrawal, the absences from class and the campus will be justification for the grade of “F” to be assigned for the courses in which the student is enrolled.

Grading Policy

Grade determination: students who officially withdraw from the University by the last day to add (7th calendar day of a 16-week semester) will not have a grade or courses assigned to their transcript. After the last day to add and through the 11th week of classes, the grade of “W” will be given. Dates and deadlines for summer and shorter length classes vary based on the duration of the class. Please see the corresponding semester refund schedule above for specific information. “W” grades are not included in the calculation of the grade point average.


Enrollment Verifications

Students can print enrollment verification certifications and view enrollment history (from Fall 2006 forward) via the Web. This service is provided through the National Student Clearinghouse, a non-profit organization serving the higher education community.

This online service enables students to:

  • Print enrollment verification certificates to send to health insurers, housing providers, or other organizations requiring proof of a student’s enrollment.
  • Check the deferment forms and electronic notifications sent to lenders.
  • Obtain a list of their student loan lenders and link to real-time loan information.
  • View their enrollment history.
  • View enrollment verifications provided to student service providers at their request.


  1. Log on to the MyISU Portal using your University ID and password.
  2. Click on Student Self Service
  3. Click on “Enrollment Verification” located in the upper left-hand corner under the class schedule.
  4. This will direct you to the National Student Clearinghouse MyHub. 
  5. You will need to set up multi-factor authentication to access your enrollment verification. 

Note: International students without a Social Security Number who need enrollment verification certificates must contact the Office of the Registrar.


Final Exam Schedule

The final exam schedule is for all full-semester classes which meet at the times listed, including distance education courses. All classes are scheduled to take final exams during final exam week, including distance education courses. During summer, final examinations are on the last scheduled class day. The final exam schedules for fall and spring are listed below.

 Fall 2025 Final Exam Schedule [Inactive]   

Spring 2026 Final Exam Schedule   

Study Week Policy

Study Week is intended to encourage student preparation for final examinations given during the final examination week. Class attendance, however, is still expected.  No examination of any kind, including quizzes that count over four percent of the grade, can be given during Study Week.  Papers due during Study Week must be specified in the class syllabus and available to students at the beginning of each semester.  Examinations for laboratory; intensive, mini-courses; or summer sessions are permitted.

The student is responsible for notifying the Student Government Association of a violation of any of the above terms. The Student Government Association will take the correct procedures for informing the faculty member and the academic department chairperson of the failure to comply with the terms of the Study Week policy.  The student’s name will be confidential to the Student Government Association.


Course Repeats

Undergraduate courses can be retaken for grade point average (GPA) improvement. The highest grade becomes the official grade for the course. Your remaining grades will remain on your transcript but will not count in the GPA or the total of credits. Graduate students receiving a grade of C+ or lower may retake a non-repeatable course a maximum of 1 time. The highest grade earned will be included in the students GPA. Both grades will remain on the student’s transcript. Please be advised that federal regulations may prohibit students from receiving financial aid for repeating coursework. A student who has already taken a course and has questions about whether financial aid will cover a repeat should contact the Office of Student Financial Aid.


Academic Standing

Undergraduate Requirements for Continued Enrollment

  • Good Standing. A student must maintain a C (2.0) cumulative grade point average to be considered in good academic standing by the University.
  • Academic Warning. If a student’s cumulative grade point average is less than 2.0, the student will be placed on academic warning until such time their grade point average brings them back to good standing or they are spearated from the University. Students who are on academic warning are expected to consult with their academic advisor to identify if repeating courses in which deficient grades were received is appropriate during the next semester (or the next time the course is offered). Students on Academic Warning are required to participate in the University Academic Recovery program. One possible outcome of Academic Warning is Separation in a subsequent term.
  • Academic Separation. Students who are on Academic Warning and meet the following criteria will be separated unless an exception is provided by the dean of the relevant college on a case-by-case basis:
  • Students with fewer than 30 earned hours and earn a term grade point average of less than 1.7;
  • Students with 30-59 earned hours and earn a term grade point average of less than 2.0;
  • Students with 60 or more earned hours and earn a term grade point average of less than 2.2.

Procedure for Separation Appeal

Students who have been academically separated should expect to stay out of classes for one academic semester (following a first separation) and one academic year (following a second separation), after which students will need to apply for re-admission. Re-admission decisions will be made by the Dean of the College of the student’s major. 

It should be pointed outt aht some programs may have requirements above the minimum University retention standards.

Academic Separation is not synonymous with Satisfactory Academic Progress Suspension. A student may be in good standing but still be suspended from receiving financial aid due to low rate of completion or exceeding the allowable attempted credit hours.

Graduate Academic Standing 

A student whose grade point average drops below 3.0 (or the program-specific minimum) will be placed on warning, suspended from graduate study, or dismissed from Indiana State University. The student’s home academic college dean, in accordance with the regulations of the student’s academic department, will make decisions in such matters. In addition to academic standing, students may be removed from an academic program at the request of the program coordinator or department chairperson for failing to meet professional or licensure standards, or not meeting program-specific expectations outlined in the catalog or a program’s student handbook. A student suspended from graduate study or dismissed may request a review of the case by the applicable subcommittee of the Graduate Council. 

Procedure for Dismissal Appeal

Students who have been academically dismissed should expect to stay out of classes for one academic semester, after which such students should petition the dean of their home academic college to return to classes. The petition must be approved by the graduate program director and the department chair before it is reviewed by the dean.   

You will need to provide them with the following:

  • An explanation of the circumstances that led to your current academic performance; and
  • A plan indicating the steps you intend to take to rectify this situation as soon as possible. This should include steps you will take to raise your cumulative GPA to 3.0 and/or retake any classes in which you have previously received failing grades. Please note courses that are retaken do not replace prior grades.