Indiana State University offers many services to students both academic and non-academic related. Click on any of the following links for additional information.
Accessibility and Advocacy Resource Office (AARO)
HMSU 816
Phone: 812-237-3829
AARO collaborates with the campus community to provide accommodations and create an accessible educational environment. The Indiana State University confidential Victim Advocate offers support to victims and survivors of sexual violence, relationship violence, and stalking.
Visit bookstore online.
25 N. 4th St.
Phone: 812-232-2665
Click here for hours.
Student Recreation Center
Phone 812-237-4097
Home to intramural and club sports, campus recreation facilities, group x classes, and informal recreational activities.
231 North 6th Walkway, Terre Haute, IN 47809
Phone: P 812.237.5000 TF 888.892.6044 F 812.237.4392
The ISU Career Center helps students identify their interests, skills, and values and make connections between academic majors and future career options. Through individual, group, and workshop sessions, career coaches help prepare students to make career decisions, find related employment, meet workplace expectations, and make decisions about graduate school. The center offers a wide range of tools and services including: Career Coaching Appointments, Career Assessments, Student Employment, Internship and Job Search Assistance, Career Fairs and Workshops, and Professional Skills Certificates. Multiple resources are available online for students to conduct career research, search for jobs, and prepare for interviews anytime of the day or night.
Tirey Hall 134, Terre Haute, IN 47809
Phone: 812-237-2335
The Center for Community Engagement promotes civic leadership and public service by connecting ISU students with the local community.
Service-learning Courses. Service-learning courses incorporate community service into required course content. Students in service-learning courses benefit from hands-on application of course content in a real-world setting. Students can search for service-learning designated courses through the schedule of classes.
Volunteer Opportunities. If volunteer hours are required for a course, contact the Center for Community Engagement to assist with placement with a community partner. Multiple volunteer opportunities are available to students. The Alternative Break Program provides students the opportunity to travel to various destinations throughout the United States and internationally to provide community service during Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter breaks. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, Donaghy Day, and other service events are programs for the campus community to come together to help local agencies.
University Hall, Garden Level, Suite 008K-O
Phone: 812-237-2969
The Center for Education Abroad provides high quality programs and services to students, faculty, and staff that support Indiana State University’s strategic goal of enhancing and advocating multicultural and international values. To this end, the CEA coordinates the University’s traditional yearlong, semester and summer study abroad programs, as well as the short-term, faculty-led student travel programs. In collaboration with the academic colleges, CEA also administers and oversees partnerships and relations with foreign universities in support of the internationalization of the University. CEA staff provides support for international institutional grant development and provides support for the development of international contracts and educational joint ventures. CEA also provides consultation services to the campus on systems and institutions of higher education in foreign countries. In addition, the office maintains relationships with embassies, ministries of higher education, private and public educational agencies, and foundations in support of the University’s internationalization objectives.
CEA coordinates international recruitment efforts and manages the relationships between recruitment agencies abroad, as well as sponsoring agencies and the University. CEA provides the monitoring and reporting of international students and scholars at Indiana State University on a J or F visa to the Department of Homeland Security or the United States Department of State. CEA staff also advises international students and scholars about immigration regulations, policies, and procedures to which they must obey to remain in their immigration status. CEA offers presentations, workshops, and orientation programs to domestic and international students in a variety of areas including immigration laws and procedures.
Phone: 812-237-4969
The Center for Education Abroad (CEA) provides high quality support and services to Indian State students, faculty, and staff for international opportunities. We provide experiential learning through traditional Study Abroad and Faculty-Led programming. CEA is committed to support Indiana State University’s strategic goal of enhancing and advocating multicultural and international values as well as its commitment in transforming the lives of our students through a high-quality education infused with experiential learning, community engagement, and career-readiness.
CEA advises, coordinates, and facilitates traditional semester-based and summer study abroad programs. Additionally, we offer Faculty-Led Short-Term Study Abroad programs, centered around a 3-credit course with an optional international travel component. In collaboration with academic colleges, departments, partner universities abroad, and affiliate programs, CEA delivers high-quality, timely services to help students become informed global citizens.
Our enthusiastic and creative EdAb Team is ready to support Indiana State’s students and faculty in expanding their skills and knowledge, empowering them to make a greater impact in Indiana and beyond.
Academic and Residential Accommodations: The Accessibility Resource Office works with students who have a diagnosed medical, neurological, physical, or psychological condition to provide accommodations that allow access to the entire campus, including classes and residential halls. Students who feel they might qualify for accommodations, or who wish to talk about managing their condition, can email the office at Students will be asked to provide an intake form, as well as medical documentation or a recent IEP, and to meet with a staff member to customize their accommodation plan.
Supplemental Instruction: The Supplemental Instruction Program provides peer-guided group study in challenging courses. The Supplemental Instruction leader attends class, consults with the course instructor, and conducts two or three study sessions each week.
Tutoring Services: Tutoring services are available free of charge to Indiana State University students for most Foundational Studies courses and for help with study skills like note-taking and exam preparation. Tutoring is offered in one-on-one or group settings for a single session or for long-term support. Help is available virtually or in person by calling 812-237-2700 or booking at
Math Tutoring Lab
Mathematical Science
424 N 7th St
Phone: 812-237-2130
Writing Center
Cunningham Library
2nd Floor Southwest Corner
Phone: 812-237-2989
Tutoring: Acadaemic Support
Normal Hall- 1st Floor
Phone: 812-237-2700
Hours: Mon- Fri 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
University Testing Center
John W. Moore Welcome Center
318 N 6th St
Phone: 812-237-9634 
Hours: Mon- Fri 8:00-4:30
Twenty-First Century Scholars: Indiana State University is committed to providing 21st-century Scholars with the resources they need to graduate on time with a degree and experience that will prepare them for a successful future. The 21st-century Scholars coordinator supports Scholars in the following areas: community service opportunities, academic and financial aid workshops, and career events. The coordinator’s Cedric Jones’ office is in the University Student Success & Advising Center, Normal Hall, Room 334.
Mentoring: The Mentoring Center is available to connect students to a peer mentor who can help them navigate the college experience. Students interested in a peer mentor should contact the Mentoring Center via email at
Parking Permit. All faculty, staff, and students who own, possess, operate or have the use of a motor vehicle on any property owned, leased, or used by Indiana State University, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, must purchase and properly display a current parking permit from the rearview mirror. The University Board of Trustees has established a registration fee. The registration fee may be paid online or at Parking Services, a division of the Public Safety Department. For more information go to
Phone: 812-237-3811
The cultural center provides a learning environment for the ISU community to understand, recognize, and appreciate the contributions made by African, African American and the entire Diaspora. The cultural center strives to engage students while offering academic support, social programming, community involvement, cultural immersion, personal growth, and professional development.
HMSU 808
Phone: 812-237-3829
The Dean of Students serves as an advocate for all students and can assist students in navigating unexpected roadblocks in their education. Common activities include student absence notifications to faculty, responding to student crises, reviewing medical withdrawal requests, interfacing with family members of our students, and responding to a variety of student questions and requests. The dean also assists faculty and staff at Indiana State University in addressing challenging student situations.
The Foundational Studies Program prepares students to become effective professionals and productive citizens. Please work with your academic advisor to determine whether there are any special Foundational Studies requirements or exceptions for your major. The requirements of the Foundational Studies Program can be found online or contact Root Hall A-258, telephone 812-237-3276 , e-mail Availability on courses that meet specific foundational studies requirements are now searchable using the “Course Attributes” group in Dynamically Searchable Schedule of Classes which may be found in the schedule of classes.
HMSU 208
Phone: 812-237-3999
HMSU provides an environment for comprehensive social, cultural, recreational, and educational activities and services that complement the university’s mission. As the community center for the university, the union is a dynamic, innovative, inclusive, and inviting gathering place for students, faculty, staff, and the extended university family and guests.
Phone: 812-237-2580
The Cunningham Memorial Library (CML) is located at 510 N. 6 ½ Street. Our collection includes more than 1.4 million items in print and electronic format. As a member of the Library Consortium of Vigo County, ISU students may access the collective library holdings of CML, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College Library, and the Vigo County Public Library through the online catalog called Fusion. More than 130 public computers are available throughout the Library. Printers, document scanners and photocopiers are also available. Collaborative, group, and individual study areas are offered as well as group study rooms. The following services are available and/or located in the Library:
- ADA-assisted devices
- Circulating Collections
- Course Reserves
- Cup & Chaucer Cafe
- Distance Education Support
- Electronic Resources
- Faculty Center for Teaching Excellence
- Inter-library Loan
- Math and Writing Center
- Media Collections (Movies, Music, Electronic Games and more)
- Research Assistance
- Computer Lab
Hours of Operation: A complete schedule of hours and events is located on the CML website.
HMSU 7th floor
Phone: 812-237-8513
MSP supports students in marginalized communities and assists in the retention and graduation of multicultural students by fostering a sense of community through intellectual, social, and cultural exchange. MSP is home to the International Student Resource Center, La Casita Resource Center, the LGBTQ+ Resource Center, the Veteran’s Resource Center (HMSU 114), and the Women’s Resource Center.
OIT Helpdesk/ Canvas support phone: (812) 237-2910
The Office of Information Technology (OIT) provides technology support and resources for students, faculty and staff at Indiana State University. As a student there are many resources available to assist you with technology at ISU. Students can receive assistance with technology related questions or issues by checking out the Service Catalog and Knowledge Base. On the same webpage, there is a Student Resources button that takes you to a page of links to topics of interest to students.
The Technology Support Center (TSC) is the walk-in support center for registered students, staff, and faculty; appointments are not necessary. TSC is located on the lower level of Stalker Hall, Room 009. The TSC is a Certified Warranty Service Center for the Lenovo and HP models approved by ISU, which include the Sycamore Technology Award Laptops, Scholarship Award Laptops, laptops rented from the ISU Laptop Rental Program and those purchased through the ISU Laptop Purchase Program. The TSC provides the following services:
- loading and diagnosing software problems on laptops, tablets, or Smartphones
- connecting gaming consoles or other devices to the network
- resetting passwords
- solving network connectivity issues
- virus/malware resolution
- print balance payment processing
- Canvas assistance
TSC can also be contacted by calling 812-237-2910 .
Erickson Hall
Phone: 812-237-3993
Residential Life offers on-campus housing and provides life-changing experiences within a vibrant learning community where residence halls and apartments are more than just a place to stay; they’re a home away from home. We embrace academic success and a sense of belonging in a fun and inclusive environment, designed to inspire, engage, and empower every student’s journey.
Erikson Hall (resident dining)
Phone: 812-237-4138
SODEXO is the campus dining provider. Student meal plans can be purchased through SODEXO. SODEXO operates Sycamore Dining, the Commons, satellite dining operations, and catering services.
HMSU 143
Phone: 812-237-3840
SELF provides opportunities to get involved in educational, social, recreational, leadership, and cultural programs. Examples include Homecoming, Union Board, Sycamore Sessions, and student organization workshops. SELF supports fraternities and sororities that engage in philanthropic and community service endeavors. The office provides opportunities for leadership and personal growth, academic excellence, and pride in campus activities.
The Division of Student Affairs fosters an inclusive campus community that engages and supports students through intentional programs, impactful services, and learning experiences. We strive to create career-ready alumni who impact their communities. The Division oversees the programs, services, and facilities that support the mission of the university and the co-curricular aspects of student life at Indiana State University. Services and programs within Student Affairs are committed to building a supportive campus environment, providing enriching educational experiences, and encouraging academic excellence. Visit the website for further information on Student Affairs programs and services.
Students are encouraged to review the information in these publications and to use these publications as resources throughout their college experience. The Code of Student Conduct contains the regulations students must obey in order to maintain student status. Questions regarding the Code of Student Conduct should be directed to the Office of Student Support and Accountability.
Gillum Hall- 2nd Floor
Ph: 812.237.3939 
Students can seek assistance for many reasons, some of which include difficulties adjusting to college life, depression, anxiety, difficult relationships, body image concerns, sexuality, identity, trauma, and substance abuse issues.
HMSU 608
Phone: 812-237-3178
This office assesses health behaviors, collaborates with campus partners, and delivers health promotion initiatives consistent with best practices to support healthy lifestyles, personal development and growth, and the academic success of ISU students. Student Health Promotion also offers The Sycamore Pantry, which makes food more readily available to students who may be experiencing food insecurity on a consistent or inconsistent basis. The Sycamore Pantry is a free service located in the Hulman Memorial Student Union, Suite 615.
Student Services Building
Phone: 812-237-3883
All students, faculty, and staff are eligible to receive services at the Indiana State University Health Center. Services include care for COVID-19, physical exams, immunizations, STI screenings, prescription transfer & pick-up, prepackaged medications, laboratory testing, x-rays, non-emergency illness, and injury treatment. Most insurance plans are accepted.
HMSU 821
Phone: 812-237-3800
This office has the primary responsibility to provide student support, conflict resolution, and conduct accountability for Indiana State University. We understand that life happens, and our students need additional support at times. Our office will assist students in finding appropriate support programs across campus. Students finding themselves in a situation where they need help having a difficult conversation may contact the office for assistance by our trained mediators and staff. Our mission is to be student-centered and educationally motivated. We focus on resolving all situations with a “challenge, support and grow” approach to help each student develop holistically. Student Support and Accountability
HMSU 615
Phone: 812-237-3178
The Sycamore Pantry’s mission is to alleviate the stress of food insecurity among all our students by providing an emergency food source and by promoting healthy, sustainable meals. It offers perishable and non-perishable food items, toiletries, hygiene products, school supplies, and more. The Sycamore Pantry is a free service located in the Hulman Memorial Student Union, Suite 615.
Veterans Resource Center
Hulman Memorial Student Union, Room 114
Hours: Mon- Fri 8:00 am-5:00 pm
Request for Benefits
Certification for VA Education Benefits each semester is not automatic. Students who wish to receive the benefit must complete the request for benefits form every semester in order to continue receiving benefits and to prevent delays in payment of benefits. If the Request form is not submitted, we will assume that the student does not wish to receive the benefit/no longer attending, and the benefits will discontinue into the next semester.
Any individual who is entitled to educational assistance under Chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, or Chapter 33, Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits is permitted to attend or participate in the course of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides the education institution a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under chapter 31 or 33 and ending on the earlier of the following dates:
1. The date on which payment from VA is made to the institution.
2. 90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the certificate of eligibility.
Veterans Career Services (PVA) Outside resource