Outcome 1: Illustrate and Examine Relationships Among Organisms—Illustrate and examine phylogenetic relationships among organisms, and characterize and differentiate the evolutionary processes that yield such relationships. |
1.1 Apply concepts of natural selection and evolution: Apply concepts of natural selection and evolution in understanding any aspect of biology, ranging from genes to speciation. |
1.2 Map key events in biological evolution: Map key events in biological evolution onto the broad phylogenetic tree of life. |
1.3 Summarize biological information: Summarize biological information in the context of phylogenetic trees. |
1.4 Construct a basic phylogenetic tree: Construct a basic phylogenetic tree from biological data. |
Outcome 2: Explain and Illustrate Cells—Explain and illustrate the basic structure and function of cells. |
2.1 Explain cell functions: Explain how internal membranes and organelles contribute to cell functions. |
2.2 Describe the molecular properties of cell membranes: Describe the molecular properties of cell membranes, and relate these properties to the selective permeability of membranes. |
2.3 Explain how cell size/shape affect nutrient intake: Explain how cell size and shape affect the overall rate of nutrient intake and the rate of waste elimination. |
2.4 Explain how cells use energy to maintain homeostasis: Explain how cellular molecules and organelles generate and utilize energy in cells to maintain homeostasis. |
2.5 Explain the differences between cells: Explain the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells with regard to macromolecules, membranes, and organelles, and evaluate the significance of these differences. |
2.6 Explain mitotic and meiotic division: Explain mitotic and meiotic division, and regulation of cell growth. |
2.7 Explain and illustrate how cells respond: Explain and illustrate how cells respond to their internal and external environments. |
Outcome 3: Explain and Illustrate Normal Physiology of Organisms—Explain and illustrate how the normal physiology of organisms’ functions in different taxa to maintain homeostasis in various environments. |
3.1 Explain functional units: Explain how functional units at different levels of biological organization permit diverse organisms to maintain relatively constant internal environments. |
3.2 Explain how organisms sense and respond: Explain how organisms sense and respond to their external environment. |
3.3 Compare and contrast the differences in physiology: Compare and contrast the differences in physiology among organisms, both within and between taxa, that allow them to cope with differences in their abiotic and biotic environments. |
Outcome 4: Explain and Illustrate Growth and Behavior of Organisms—Explain and illustrate how the growth and behavior of organisms are activated and regulated through the expression of genetic information in context. |
4.1 Explain the relationship between phenotype and genotype: Explain and illustrate the relationship between phenotype and genotype. |
4.2 Explain various modes of genetic action: Explain and illustrate the various modes of genetic action, including Mendelian genetics, quantitative genetics, and epigenetics. |
4.3 Explain the applications of genomics: Explain and illustrate the applications of genomics in science and society. |
4.4 Explain how genetic information is stored and expressed: Explain and illustrate how genetic information is stored and expressed. |
Outcome 5: Explain and Illustrate Energy and Matter in Biology—Explain and illustrate the pathways and transformations of energy and matter in biological systems. |
5.1 Describe the structure and function of molecules: Describe the structure and function of biological molecules, including carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids, that are involved in anabolic and catabolic processes in living organisms. |
5.2 Describe pathways involved in photosynthesis: Describe the regulation of pathways involved in photosynthesis. |
5.3 Describe pathways involved in cellular respiration: Describe the regulation of pathways involved in cellular respiration and explain how these pathways utilize energy from carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. |
5.4 Explain how grow and reproduce: Explain how biological systems use free energy and nutrient availability to grow and reproduce. |
5.5 Predict how changes affect organisms: Predict how changes in free energy and nutrient availability affect organisms, populations, and ecosystems. |
Outcome 6: Explain and Illustrate Living Organisms—Explain and illustrate how living organisms are interconnected and interacting at multiple functional scales. |
6.1 Interpret coevolutionary and symbiotic relationships: Interpret coevolutionary and symbiotic relationships and illustrate mutualism, antagonism and commensalism. |
6.2 Describe ecological interactions: Examine and describe ecological interactions within and between populations and species, including competitive and exploitative relationships. |
6.3 Describe generation & maintenance of biological diversity: Describe and explain the generation and maintenance of biological diversity, and its role in ecosystem function. |