2022-2023 Academic BLUEprint 
    Jan 28, 2025  
2022-2023 Academic BLUEprint [Archived]


Click on the following links for information:

What is a major?

A major is the primary discipline or field that is part of a degree program. Majors generally consist of 31-80 credits from a specified group of courses. Majors are displayed on a student’s transcript.

What is a minor?

A minor is a secondary discipline or field that is completed as part of a degree program. Minors generally range from 15-29 credits. Completed minors are displayed on a student’s transcript.

What is a concentration?

A concentration is a set of courses (a minimum of 9 credits) within a major that allows a student to focus on a particular area within, or closely related to, the major. Completed concentrations are shown on a student’s transcript.

*Students should initiate a change of major/minor/concentration through the college of their current major. Additional information can be found online here.

Academic Standing

Academic Standing Requirements for Continued Enrollment (Undergrad)
  • Good Standing. A student must maintain a C (2.0) cumulative grade point average to be considered in good academic standing by the University.

  • Academic Probation. If a student’s cumulative grade point average is less than 2.0, the student will be placed on academic probation. Students on academic probation will not be permitted to take more than 13 credit hours. Students will be given interim grades so they are aware of possible academic difficulties early in the semester. Students who are on academic probation are strongly encouraged to repeat courses in which “F” grades were received during the next semester (or the next time the course is offered).

  • Academic Dismissal. Students who meet the following criteria will be academically dismissed unless exception is provided by the dean of the relevant college on a case-by-case basis:

    It should be pointed out that some programs may have requirements above the minimum University retention standards.

    • First-term students who earn a term grade point average of less than 0.85;

    • Freshmen who are on probation and earn a term grade point average of 1.7 or less;

    • Sophomores who are on probation and earn a term grade point average less than 2.0;

    • Juniors and seniors who are on probation and earn a term grade point average less than 2.2.

Students who have been academically dismissed should expect to stay out of classes for one academic semester (following a first dismissal) and one academic year (following a second dismissal), after which such students should petition their academic dean to return to classes. Deans will retain the discretion to provide exception to NOT academically dismiss on a case-by-case basis. No student may return to classes after a third academic dismissal. Students needing to be readmitted after an academic dismissal should complete an application for re-admission

Academic Standing Requirements for Continued Enrollment (Graduate)

A graduate student whose grade point average drops below a 3.0 (3.25 or 3.5 in certain programs) will be placed on probation, suspended from graduate study, or dismissed from the College of Graduate and Professional Studies. The dean of the College of Graduate and Professional Studies, in accordance with the regulations of the student’s academic department and the College of Graduate and Professional Studies, will make decisions in such matters.

Students who have been academically dismissed should expect to stay out of classes for one academic semester (following a first dismissal) and one academic year (following a second dismissal), after which such students should petition their academic dean to return to classes. No student may return to classes after a third academic dismissal.

A student who is suspended from graduate study or dismissed from the College of Graduate and Professional Studies may request a review of the case by the Graduate Student Appeals Committee of the Graduate Council.

Class Attendance

Students are expected to attend all classes. It is the responsibility of each instructor to inform students of the consequences of absence from class. It is the responsibility of the student to keep instructors informed regarding absences from classes.

It is the responsibility of each instructor to maintain attendance records as required to inform the University whether a student was present in class during certain weeks of class, as the University may designate. Each instructor must also include their class attendance policy, if any, in the course syllabus. Attendance records may take many different forms and each instructor may choose their own method.

Students with financial aid may have their aid reduced or cancelled if they are identified as not attending one or more courses during the first three weeks of each term.  Attendance should be accurately reported, even if the student has withdrawn from the University during the first three weeks of class, so that the correct amount of Title IV aid can be returned to the Department of Education and the State.

Throughout the semester, instructors are responsible for maintaining participation records or gradebooks with enough information for the instructor to accurately identify the latest date each student participated in an academically-related activity.  Examples of such activities include attending class in person, attending class via Zoom, submitting an assignment or discussion post, taking a quiz or exam, or discussing an academic matter with the instructor in person or via email.  When a student fails to earn any credits during a term, the Office of Student Financial Aid may contact the instructor to verify the Last Date of Attendance, which determines the amount of Title IV aid that is required to be returned to the Department of Education.

Attendance is reported for all courses (some courses are exempt) after the first three weeks of the fall and spring terms. Summer attendance is taken at different times throughout the semester due to different parts of term. If a student is marked as not attending any of their courses a letter is sent to that student to see if he/she would still like to continue to be enrolled at Indiana State University. If the student does not respond by the deadline or responds that they do not wish to continue, the student will be withdrawn as of the beginning of the term.

Academic Integrity

This procedure is based on the right of faculty to make academic decisions in the courses they teach while upholding the core value of academic integrity. The Policy on Academic Integrity describes appropriate academic conduct in research, writing, assessment, and ethics.  The policy is found in the Code of Student Conduct, Section 2.0.  By following these procedures, the University community promotes consistency, fairness, and mutual support for the principle of academic integrity.

When a situation arises that appears to be in violation of the policy, faculty should proceed as follows:

  1. If the faculty member’s initial review of the facts leads to a conclusion that the allegation was unfounded, documents associated with the incident are destroyed and no further action taken.
  2. If the initial facts merit further review and possible action, the faculty member should report the alleged violation to the department chair.
  3. The faculty member should arrange a meeting (individually) with the student(s) involved. At this meeting the faculty member presents the facts supporting the allegation and offer the student an opportunity to provide an explanation or additional information.
  4. If the student offers a satisfactory explanation, the matter is dropped and all documents associated with the inquiry are destroyed (e-mails, memos, etc.).
  5. If the faculty/student discussion causes the faculty member to conclude that a violation has in fact occurred, the faculty member decides what action(s) to take. Possible actions include:
    1. Assign a grade penalty for the specific academic exercise
    2. Assign a grade penalty for the course 
    3. Assign additional work to replace the academic exercise and for which a different grade may be assigned.
  6. The faculty member and the department chair complete an on-line Notification of Academic Integrity Violation Form. The record is maintained in the office of Student Conduct and Integrity and a copy provided to the student, faculty member, department chair, as well as the Associate Dean for the academic department. If the violation occurs in a class outside the student’s academic college, the Associate Dean for the college which the student belongs may also be notified.
  7. This form is a confidential record. The University will not release this document to any external party unless compelled by subpoena or statute. Absent a repeat violation of the Academic Integrity policy, the form will be destroyed when the student completes a degree or does not re-roll within two years of last attendance. 
  8. If Student Conduct and Integrity receives a second notification form on the same student, a conference will be held with the student and formal University charges may be filed.
  9. The Associate Dean in the specific college/school will advise the faculty member as to the procedures for participating in the formal conduct process.
  10. The faculty member cannot be required to file a formal complaint or to participate in a formal complaint filed by the AIC.
  11. Formal Adjudication is processed through Student Conduct and Integrity following established conduct procedures.
  12. Formal adjudication is recommended when the student has a prior academic integrity violation and/or when the student has engaged in “considerable advanced planning, group coordination, or other serious acts of fraud or deception” (Pavela, Applying the Power of Association on Campus: A Model Code of Academic Integrity, Journal of College and University Law, Summer, 1997).
  13. In the event formal adjudication is pursued, under the direction of the Office of Student Conduct and Integrity, the case will be assigned to a University Conduct Board hearing panel. The three member panel includes a faculty,  administrative staff (EAP), and student justice. The faculty member will serve as the presiding justice. If the complaint involves a graduate student, the presiding justice will be a member of the graduate faculty and the student justice will be a graduate student (when possible).
  14. The charges and supporting documentation will be presented to the hearing panel. The course instructor may be requested to attend to answer questions or clarify information.
  15. The University Conduct Board must find convincing preponderance of evidence to assign responsibility.
  16. If the student is found responsible for the violation the University Conduct Board may impose sanctions up to and including suspension or expulsion. All documents associated with the process become part of the Student Conduct and Integrity record and are managed under the records policy outlined in the Code of Student Conduct.
  17. The University Conduct Board may order that the official transcript include the comment “Due to a Violation of the Policy on Academic Integrity” to the grade(s) assigned as a result of the violation.
  18. The student, in accordance with procedures outlined in the Code of Student Conduct, may file an appeal of the University Conduct Board decision with the Vice President for Student Affairs. The appeal must be based on one or more of the following grounds:
    1. To determine whether the original hearing was conducted fairly and in conformity with the prescribed procedures giving the accused party a reasonable opportunity to prepare and to present a rebuttal of the allegations.
    2. To determine whether the sanction(s) imposed is appropriate for the violation that the student is found to have committed, and/or
    3. To consider new evidence that is sufficient to alter a decision, or to offer relevant facts not brought out in the original hearing because such evidence and/or facts were not known to the appealing party at the time of the original hearing.

Course Repeats

You may repeat an undergraduate course for grade point average (GPA) improvement. The highest grade becomes the official grade for the course. Your remaining grades will remain on your transcript but will not count in the GPA or total of credits. Graduate level courses CANNOT be repeated for grade point average (GPA) improvement.   Please be advised that federal regulations may prohibit students from receiving financial aid for repeating coursework. A student who has already taken a course and has questions whether financial aid will cover a repeat should contact the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Final Exam Schedule

The final exam schedule is for all full-semester classes which meet at the times listed, including distance education courses. All classes are scheduled to take final exams during final exam week, including distance education courses. During summer, final examinations are on the last scheduled class day. The final exam schedules for fall and spring are listed below.

 Fall 2022 Final Exam Schedule  

Spring 2023 Final Exam Schedule    

Study Week Policy

Study Week is intended to encourage student preparation for final examinations given during the final examination week. Class attendance, however, is still expected.  No examination of any kind, including quizzes that count over four percent of the grade, can be given during Study Week.  Papers due during Study Week must be specified in the class syllabus handed out to students at the beginning of each semester.  Examinations for laboratory; intensive, mini-courses; or summer sessions are permitted.

The student is responsible for notifying the Student Government Association of a violation of any of the above terms. The Student Government Association will take the correct procedures for informing the faculty member and the academic department chairperson of the failure to comply with the terms of the Study Week policy.  The student’s name will be confidential to the Student Government Association.

Requisite Information

Many courses have mandatory prerequisites or co-requisites listed in the academic catalog or in the Dynamic Schedule of Classes.  Each student is responsible for meeting the published prerequisites or co-requisites for each registered course.  After each registration and grading period, colleges, schools, and departments may review the completion of prerequisites and co-requisites of registered students.  The academic units have the authority to administratively drop a student from a course for which the student has not fulfilled the published prerequisites or co-requisites.

If you experience registration errors, this would indicate that you are attempting to register for a course in which you have not met the approved prerequisites, co-requisites, or class restrictions.  For a guide to determine the various error messages and proper corrective action, visit Student Resources on the Office of the Registrar webpage.

Philosophy for the First Year

The first year of college is the foundation for the personal, academic, and professional growth and success of engaged student learners. Within a climate of mutual respect, students and teachers participate collaboratively in the cooperative enterprises of inquiry, learning, scholarship and creative achievement, and service.

Goals for Students for the First Year

  1. Gain the confidence, competence, and commitment necessary to progress toward degree completion;
  2. Develop a foundation for building life-long learning skills, including critical thinking, communication, problem solving, leadership, analytical reasoning, and interpersonal skills;
  3. Participate in educational and social opportunities designed to facilitate the transition of new students into the intellectual, cultural, and social milieu of the University community;
  4. Realize roles and responsibilities as members of the University community of learners;
  5. Develop meaningful connections within the University community to achieve their educational, social, and personal potential;
  6. Increase the awareness of values and beliefs;
  7. Accept the obligation of educated persons to be participatory citizens;
  8. Increase the realization of, appreciation for, and respect for diversity and multicultural perspectives.

Athletic Support Program for Student-Athletes

The Academic Support Program for Student-Athletes provides and monitors tutorial services, study hall, class scheduling, and mentoring for all student-athletes. It carefully monitors the academic progress of student-athletes for graduation, NCAA reporting, and NCAA and Missouri Valley Conference eligibility purposes as well. Student-athletes enroll in sections of University College (UC) 110, a course focused on student success, that are specifically focused on the unique needs of this population.  The Academic Support Program for Student-Athletes participates in CHAMPS/Life Skills developed by the NCAA, which is designed to provide a smooth transition from high school to college and from college to professional life for student-athletes.