2022-2023 Academic BLUEprint 
    Feb 14, 2025  
2022-2023 Academic BLUEprint [Archived]

Fee Information

Click on the following links for information:

Bracket Information

Students who are enrolled in 12-18 credit hours will pay a bracketed tuition rate.  If any courses are dropped during the term but the total number of registered hours are still within the 12-18 credit hours, will still be charged the same rate and no refund adjustments will be made.  Students enrolled in more than 18 credit hours, will pay a different bracketed rate. 

Academic Fees - Fall 2022, Spring 2023 and Summer 2023

Hours Indiana Resident Out-of-State Student International Student

IL/OH/KY and Midwest Consortium Scholarship Recipients*

Out-of-State Online Student*

Above 18 hours (per semester)


$12,344 $12,344 $7,144 $7,144
12-18 hours (per semester)


$10,440 $10,440


.5-11.99 hours (per credit hour) $342 $738 $738 $445 $445

*Reduced rate for eligible students. Some program exclusions apply.

Hours Indiana Resident Out-of-State Student International Student IL/OH/KY and Midwest Consortium Scholarship Recipients* Out-of-State Online Student*
All hours (per credit hour) $438 $861 $861 $569 $569

*Reduced rate for eligible students. Some program exclusions apply.


In addition, a Student Recreation Center Fee and Student Health and Wellness Fee will also be assessed when a student enrolls in six or more on-campus credit hours for fall or spring and three or more on-campus credit hours for summer, beginning with the first fee assessment of the respective term.  The assessment of the fee will be $100(Rec Center Fee) and $40(Student Health and Wellness Fee) per semester Fall/Spring and $40(Rec Center Fee) and $20(Student Health and Wellness Fee) for the summer session.

A distance education delivery fee of $30 per undergraduate course and $50 per graduate course will also be assessed to distance learning courses.

Students are also assessed for any applicable laboratory fees, course fees, program fees, and/or applied music fees in certain classes for supplies and equipment usage, and/or special instruction/supervision.  For a list, visit the course fee page.  In addition, students are required to purchase textbooks for the respective programs.

The University Board of Trustees reserves the right to change fees at any time in the future. The right to correct errors is also reserved.                

Payment Procedures

An email notification will be sent to your ISU email address and to the email address provided by authorized users in the ISU Account Suite after initial billing is completed for each term. The email will alert you when a new bill is available for viewing at http://www.indstate.edu/payisu. If you register after the initial billing date listed below you can access a current account summary through your MyISU Portal under the Student Tab.

The Sycamore Plan provides three payment plan options from which you may choose—the Single Payment Plan, the Monthly Payment Plan, or the Variable Payment Plan.   Should your bill not reach you, you will still be responsible for paying by the deadline dates associated with the plan of your choice.

The Single Payment Plan requires full payment of academic and housing fees* by the dates listed below for each term in which you are enrolled. If academic and mandatory fees* remain unpaid as of this date, the Variable Payment Plan Fee will be assessed according to the schedule below.

The Monthly Payment Plan** requires enrollment in the Nelnet Program which allows you to spread your fall 2022/spring 2023 fees* over equal month payments, with payments due the first of each month. A $40 non-refundable, per semester, enrollment fee is required. Budget payments are made directly to the Nelnet payment processor. If your Nelnet budget and other resources do not cover your academic and mandatory fees* as of this date, the Variable Payment Plan Fee will be assessed according to the schedule below.

The Variable Payment Plan allows you the flexibility of determining the amount and timing of your payments, requiring only that your account be paid in full no later than the dates listed below for each term in which you are enrolled. If academic and mandatory fees* remain unpaid as of this date, the Variable Payment Plan Fee will be assessed according to the schedule below.

  FALL 2022 SPRING 2023 SUMMER 2023
Initial Billing July 22, 2022 December 15, 2022 May 5, 2023
Payment Plan Due Dates:
  FALL 2022 SPRING 2023 SUMMER 2023
Single Payment Plan August 16, 2022 January 10, 2023 May 22, 2023
Monthly Payment Plan

1st of each month

July 2022- Nov 2022

1st of each month

Dec 2022- April 2023

Variable Payment Plan October 13, 2022 March 16, 2023 Varies

* Includes laboratory, program, course, distance delivery, and recreation center fees. Excludes Non-term based Independent Study, Study Abroad, or Non-credit, and University Apartment fees and normally excludes non-web registered outreach courses.

**The Monthly Payment Plan is NOT a payment option during the summer terms.

Variable Payment Plan Fee Schedule:
FALL 2022 SPRING 2023 SUMMER 2023
Variable Payment Plan Fee for payments made after August 16, 2022 Variable Payment Plan Fee for payments made after January 10, 2023 Variable Payment Plan Fee for payments made after May 22, 2023
Final payment received:         Fee:   Final payment received:         Fee: Final payment received:         Fee:
August 17-September 12        $25 January 11-February 6           $25 TBD                                        $30
After September 12                $60 After Februrary 6                   $60  
Payment Methods:

For your convenience, Discover, Visa, or MasterCard payments or electronic check payments may be made by going through the ISU Account Suite (http://www.indstate.edu/payisu).  Payment may be made by Discover, Visa, or MasterCard from 8:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., weekdays by calling 812-237-3511.  There is also a payment drop box (Controller’s Office Depository) located on the north side of Parsons Hall. Payment may also be made in person by visiting the Office of the Controller, Account Analyst Area, or by mail by sending checks made payable to Indiana State University to: Indiana State University, Office of the Controller, Account Analysts, Parsons Hall, room P100, 200 North 7th Street, Terre Haute, IN 47809. Should you choose to pay by mail or by utilizing the payment drop box, please write your university ID number on your check. For additional information call the Office of the Controller, 812-237-3535, or e-mail to: isu-bursar@indstate.edu

University Collections Process

If you do not pay your account in full by the late fee assessment date listed below according to the term in which you are enrolled, you will be subject to the University Collections Process, which may result in assignment to University Collections Specialists. If you are assigned to University Collections Specialists note the following:

  • Your grades/records will be withheld
  • You will be prohibited from obtaining copies of your academic records (diplomas, transcripts, etc.)
  • You will be prohibited from registering for future terms
  • You will have a $55 late fee added to your account



FALL 2022



University Collection Process Begins

October 14, 2022

March 17, 2023

July 13, 2023



Financial Aid Procedures

Financial aid will pay for direct ISU charges which include tuition, fees, room, and board.  Aid that exceeds your direct charges will create a credit balance on your school account.  Such balances are paid to you as a check mailed to your address of record or by direct deposit to a designated bank account on file with the Office of the Controller.  For a Financial Aid policies and detailed information about Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements, renewal policies, what to do in a financial emergency, special deadlines, etc you may refer to:  https://www.indstate.edu/financial-aid/policies.

Remember, many types of aid require full-time enrollment in order for you to receive your aid.  Your enrollment on the seventh and twenty-eighth day of classes is particularly important.  Changes in your enrollment, including adjustments in the number of credit hours for which you are enrolled, non-attendance in class, and your academic performance may all affect your financial aid eligibility.  These adjustments may also cause you to have financial obligations to the University and impact your future aid eligibility.  Please refer https://www.indstate.edu/financial-aid/enrollment-effects for further details.

Summer Aid:

Financial Aid requirements for summer are different than a standard term.  For more specific information about using Financial Aid during the summer term, refer to https://www.indstate.edu/financial-aid/summer-aid.

Return of Title IV Aid Policy

The Federal government requires a prorated repayment of aid disbursed for any student who withdraws from all their classes before the term is completed.  This is required when you complete an official withdrawal by contacting the Office of the Registrar, as well as for unofficial withdrawals for ceasing attendance in classes.  The federal Title IV aid programs included in this calculation are the Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Iraq Afghanistan Service Grant, Federal Direct Subsidized Loans, Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans, Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loans, and Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loans. In addition, many state programs require ongoing monitoring as well, including the Frank O’Bannon Grant, 21st Century Scholars, and the Child of Disabled Veteran fee scholarship.

If the student withdraws from all classes, the University will return a portion of the financial aid money used to pay institutional charges (such as tuition, fees, or university housing) on the account. Sometimes this will leave some university charges unpaid, and the student will be billed for this amount. Also, if the student received aid funds directly (as a refund, for example) to be used for other educational expenses, the student may have to return some portion of that money. The amount due will appear on the student’s bill in about 7-45 days after the withdrawal date.   ISU’s Office of Student Financial Aid “Return of Title IV Policy” is explained in more detail on the office’s Web site at https://www.indstate.edu/financial-aid/return-of-title-iv-policy.

GI Bill Delayed Payment Policy

Indiana State University will  not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet their financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement funding from the VA under Chapter 31 or 33. This protection is valid for the first 90 days of the term as long as the student takes the following actions no later than the first day of the term. After the 90 days, the University will treat each Veteran on a case-by-case basis.

Submit a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) to the Office of the Registrar

Submit the ISU Veteran Benefits Request Form for each term requesting to use benefits

Any portion of the student bill not covered by VA benefits is still expected to be settled by the due date and will be subject to the assessment of late fees.

Indiana State University complies with the requirements of 38 USC 3679(e).


Miscellaneous Fees

Admission Application Fee

  • $25 Undergraduate - domestic student
  • $65 Undergraduate - international student
  • $45 Graduate - domestic student
  • $65 Graduate - international student

Audit Fee

  • $5 per credit hour

The audit fee is assessed to students choosing to audit a class.

Change of Schedule Fee

  • A registered student that drops or adds courses on or after the official first day of those specific courses will be assessed a $30 change of schedule fee per day (midnight to midnight) regardless of the number of changes made.

International Sponsored Student Fee

  • $300 per semester assessed to international sponsored students

Late Fee

  • $55

A late fee is assessed to students that have been sent to University Collections as a result of the Collections Process.

Late Registration Fee

  • The Late Registration Fee has been eliminated for the summer term.  The $100 Late Registration Fee will be assessed beginning with the first official day of the fall/spring semesters, regardless of the course start date.

Library Fines

  • $10 library fine
  • lost book/material charges vary

Parking Fine/Vehicle Registration Fees

  • See University Police for additional information.

Replacement Diploma and Notary Fees

  • $25 replacement diploma fee
  • $5 notary fee per transcript  or diploma notarized by the Office of Registration and Records

Replacement ID Card

  • $15

Returned Check Admin. Fee

  • $25 per check assessed to both hard copy and electronic checks

Transcript Requests

  • $12 Walk In transcript
  • $12 Mail transcript
  • $20 Fax transcript
  • $10 Certified Electronic PDF Official transcript

Use and Breakage Fee

  • Varies

A use and breakage fee is assessed based on the cost of the actual item broken in the Chemistry Department.

Variable Payment Plan Fee

  • $25 or $60 per academic semester
  • $30 summer
    • A variable payment plan fee will be assessed to students choosing the variable payment plan option. For Fall and Spring semesters, the fee is $25 through the first 4 weeks of classes and a $35/$60 charge is assessed at the conclusion of the 4th week of classes. 
    • For summer, the fee is $30.

The University Board of Trustees reserves the right to change fees at any time in the future. The right to correct errors is also reserved.


Lab/Course/Program Fees

Lab/course/program fees are assessed to students enrolled in specific courses, as listed in the Schedule of Classes. The exact fee varies by course.

Accounting Course Fee

  • $75 per course

Applied Health Sciences Fee

  • $15, $20, $25, $50, $85 or $100 per course

Art Course Fee

  •  $15, $30, $36, $60, $65, $75, $120 or $130 per course

Art Lab Fee

  • $4 or $10, $12, $15, $20, $22, $25, or $43 per credit hour

Athletic Training Lab Fee

  • $20, $28, $40, $100, $300 or $400 per course

Aerospace Technology Course Fee

  • Ranges from $27 to $300 per course

Biology Lab Fee

  • $75 per course

Chemistry Lab Fee

  • $60 per course 

College of Education Course Fee

  • $10, $25, $50, $100, $108, $150, or $500 per course or $17 per cr hr

College of Technology Course Fee

  • $8, $10, $12, $15, $25, $26, $28, $35, $38, $40, $45, $50, $56, $60, $65, $75, $90, $105, or $325 per course

Communication Disorders Program Fee

  • $700 per semester

Counseling Course Fee

  • $100, or $108 per course

Criminology Course Fee

  • $15 per course

Dissertation Fee

  • Regular academic fees

The dissertation fee is assessed to students enrolled in GRAD 600, 700, 800 and 900.

Doctor of Athletic Training Program Fee

  • $250 per semester

Doctor of Physical Therapy Fee

  • $1,800 per semester

Doctor of Nursing Practice Program Fee

  • $400 per semester

Earth and Environmental Systems Lab Fee

  • $25 or $30 per course

Genetic Counseling Program Fee

  • $1,600 per semester

International Studies Course Fee

  • $100 per course

Languages, Literature, Linguistics Fee

  • $20 per course

Masters in Science Athletic Training Program Fee

  • $500 per semester

Masters of Science Nursing Program Fee

  • $450 per semester

Masters of Social Work (Advanced Standing Program) Program Fee

  • $250 per semester

Masters of Social Work (Traditional Program) Program Fee

  • $150 per semester

Math & Computer Science Course Fee

  • $75 per course

MBA Course Fee

  • $129 per credit hour

MS Mental Health Counseling Program Fee

  • $135 per semester

Music Course Fee

  • $100 or $150 per course

Music Lab Fee

  • $50 per credit hour

Nursing Clinical Education and Faculty Course Fee

  • $300 or $500 per Undergraduate program course

Occupational Therapy Program Fee

  • $1,000 per semester

Ph.D. Technology Management Program Fee

  • $200 per semester

Physical Education Course Fee

  • $10, $15, $20, $30, $35, $40, or $45 per course

Physical Therapy Course Fee

  • $20 per course

Physician Assistant Program Fee

  • $2,000 per semester

Physics Lab Fee

  • $34 per course

Post-Master’s Family Nurse Practitioner Certificate Program Fee

  • $450 per semester

Recreation & Sports Management Fee

  • $10, $50, $60, $100 or $200 per course

Science Education Course Fee

  • $50 per course

Social Work Course Fee

  • $50 or $75 per course

Theater Course Fee

  • $15, $50, $75, or $100 per course

Transition to Teaching Fees

  • $75 application fee
  • $200 per course
    • The $75 application fee must be paid prior to being accepted into the program.
    • The $200 per course fee is based on enrollment in CIMT 602, CIMT 501, ELED 583T, or ELED 666T.

The University Board of Trustees reserves the right to change fees at any time in the future. The right to correct errors is also reserved.