2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 20, 2024  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived]

Multidisciplinary Studies Learning Outcomes

Outcome 1: Communicate Effectively—Multidisiplinary Studies majors are able to communicate effectively using the methods appropriate to their course of study, usually in writing.
1.1 Students understand material they read, hear, and see.
1.2 Students use proper techniques for the form of communication in which they are engaged.
Foundational Studies 10: Express themselves effectively, professionally, and persuasively both orally and in writing.
1.3 Students persuade, inform, explain, or perform for (as appropriate to their course of study) their audiences.
Foundational Studies 10: Express themselves effectively, professionally, and persuasively both orally and in writing.
Outcome 2: Demonstrate Habits of Integrative Thinking—Multidisciplinary Studies majors demonstrate “habits of integrative thinking.” especially across the disciplines constituting their major.
2.1 Understand the various disciplines constituting their major.
2.2 Understand the theoretical basis of interdisciplinarity.
2.3 Use different disciplines in conjunction with one another to explore and explain intellectual problems.
Foundational Studies 2: Critically evaluate the ideas of others.
Outcome 3: Transfer Skills from One Setting to Another—Multidisciplary Studies majors demonstrate the ability to transfer skills from one setting to another.
3.1 Acquire problem-solving skills from at least two different disciplines.
3.2 Assess problems or situations to determine which skills may be useful in addressing them.
3.3 Apply a variety of skills in addressing problems or situations.