2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived]


  • ACCT 315 - Introduction to Fraud Accounting

    3 Credits

    A continuation of Accounting Principles I. Topics covered include: the accounting cycle with emphasis on a business simulation that prepares the firm’s financial statements; accounting information systems; foundations of internal control systems; and financial statement analysis, including ratio, vertical, and horizontal analysis with an emphasis on identifying changes in the financial statements that could indicate fraud.

    BUS 201 or consent of department chairperson.

    Not open to students with credit in ACCT 301.

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  • AET 433 - Service Facility Organization and Management

    3 Credits

    Facility utilization, work scheduling, record keeping, maintenance, and supervisory responsibilities associated with modern vehicle service.

    Junior standing

    This course is offered concurrently at the graduate level (AET 533). In certain circumstances, senior students may opt to take the graduate level version in lieu of this course. The graduate version requires additional work of a research nature. See the graduate catalog for policies and regulations regarding enrollment in a graduate course as an ISU senior.

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  • AET 457 - Fleet Management

    3 Credits

    This course familiarizes students with fleet maintenance operations. Topics include transportation systems technology, fleet maintenance organizations, maintenance concepts, and safety.

    Junior standing

    This course is offered concurrently at the graduate level as AET 557. In certain circumstances, senior students may opt to take the graduate level version in lieu of this course. The graduate version requires additional work of a research nature. See the graduate catalog for policies and regulations regarding enrollment in a graduate course as an ISU senior.

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  • AET 458 - Technological Perspectives in Entrepreneurship

    3 Credits

    Students examine entrepreneurism from various social, managerial, and technological vantage points. Topics include risk, social capital, business/project planning, and idea evaluation and development. Projects include interviewing entrepreneurs and proposal evaluation and development. Technology applications may vary according to section.

    Junior standing

    This course is offered concurrently at the graduate level as AET 558. In certain circumstances, senior students may opt to take the graduate level version in lieu of this course. The graduate version requires additional work of a research nature. See the graduate catalog for policies and regulations regarding enrollment in a graduate course as an ISU senior.

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  • AET 461 - Evolution of the Automobile Industry through the Lens of Sociology

    3 Credits

    Through the lenses of sociology, including such theories as functionalism and conflict theory, the evolution of the automobile industry is explored, focusing on relevant social conditions and events that have advanced the automobile industry from inception to the present and future. Through the medium of student developed presentations, students utilize sociological concepts and theories to explain and even predict outcomes in the automotive industry, enter into dialogue with their peers, and participate in critiquing fellow student presentations.

    Junior standing

    Foundational Studies Credit
    [FS 2010: Social and Behavioral Sciences]

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  • AFRI 312 - The African Diaspora

    3 Credits

    This course traces the spread of African culture and ideas through the African Diaspora as a result of slavery and colonialism, and the ways that African traditions were re-interpreted and combined with European culture. Topics include: ideas of the Diaspora, religious beliefs, food traditions, music, and kinship traditions in the United States, Caribbean, and South America.

    Upper Division Electives require 45 earned credit hours or more at time of registration.

    Foundational Studies Credit
    [FS 2010: Upper Division Integrative Elective]

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  • AFRI 329 - Music in Africa

    3 Credits

    An examination of music making in African cultures. Topics include a general survey of major principles of African music, and case studies of specific national and ethnic traditions. An underlying theme is the relation of musical structures and practices to African social and cultural systems and institutions.

    Upper Division Electives require 45 earned credit hours or more at time of registration.

    Foundational Studies Credit
    [FS 2010: Upper Division Integrative Elective]

    (Also listed as Music 329.)

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  • AFRI 423M - Survey of African American Music

    3 Credits

    A study of the music resulting from the duality of being Black and American. Includes work songs, spirituals, recreational songs, symphonic and other formal concert music, jazz, blues, rock, gospel, and miscellaneous songs. Selected readings, listening to both recordings and live performances, and a research paper on some social, cultural, or analytical aspect of music are required.

    No prior background in music is necessary.

    (Also listed as Music 425.)

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  • AFRI 423S - Race and Ethnic Relations

    3 Credits

    This course provides a sociological analysis of race and ethnic relations with particular attention to the United States. Specific topics to receive attention include: the concepts of race, ethnicity, minority, dominance, power, privilege, and inequality. Evolutionary, psychological, and sociological perspectives of race/ethnic relations will be examined.

    SOC 110 and junior/senior standing or consent of instructor.

    (Also listed as Sociology 420.)

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  • AFRI 468 - History of Islam

    3 Credits

    This survey begins with the examination of the emergence of an Islamic society in Arabia in the seventh century and its rapid conquest of a world empire. The subsequent development of Islam as a religion, legal system, political order, and civilization is traced. Contributions of non-Arab peoples—Persians, Turks, Mongols—will be assessed. The conflict between orthodoxy and sectarianisms, Islamic mysticism, the formation of Muslim states and kingdoms, and the spread of Islam to Spain in the west and China in the east will be covered.

    No previous knowledge of classical Islamic history (seventh through the fifteenth centuries) is required.

    (Also listed as History 478.)

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  • AFRI 470 - Racial Expression in African American Popular Culture

    3 Credits

    An analysis of the ways in which racial identity is created, expressed, and contested in African American cultural forms. Primary emphasis will be placed upon the constructions of Black/white identities and the ways they are expressed and received within various communities. Specific course content may vary from semester to semester depending on the instructor, but is likely to focus on topics selected from film, television, popular music, art, literature, and other forms of cultural expression.

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  • AFRI 486 - Senior Seminar in African and African American Studies

    3 Credits

    An in-depth study of a topic or topics determined by the instructor. This course will provide a culminating experience for students in African and African American studies, building upon previous course work in the discipline. Course work may include research projects, seminars, and service learning experiences.

    completion of 30 credits in African and African American studies, including 390 for majors; completion of 390 for minors; non-majors and minors students admitted by departmental permission only.

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  • AHS 211 - Emergency Medical Care and Advanced First Aid

    2 Credits

    (This course is part of the “Transfer Indiana” [TransferIN] initiative. For additional information, link to www.transferin.net/ctl.)

    Prepares students to use emergency medical care and advanced first aid knowledge and skills in delivering care to persons experiencing accident and health emergencies. Successful completion of the course leads to certification from the American Red Cross in Advanced First Aid and Emergency Care, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for adults, children, and infants.

    Concurrent requirement students must enroll concurrently in 211L.

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  • AHS 240 - Introduction to Biostatistics

    3 Credits

    Introduction to statistical methods as applied to the study of health and safety risk evaluation; census and vital data; human mortality, morbidity, and natality. Topics include measures of central tendency, variability, display of data, selected sampling distributions probability, hypothesis testing, correlation, and regression.

    B or better in high school Algebra II (Parts I & II), or appropriate placement score (12 or higher), or MATH 035 with a C or better, or MATH 115, or MATH 116, or MATH 131.

    Foundational Studies Credit
    Quantitative Literacy

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  • AHS 305 - Society and Aging

    3 Credits

    This course provides an introduction to the social aspects of aging and the life course through multiple ways of knowing. Students will differentiate between the aging individual and the aging population, discuss the social implications of an aging society, and seek to understand the social influences on older adults.

    Upper Division Electives require 45 earned credit hours or more at time of registration.

    Foundational Studies Credit
    [FS 2010: Upper Division Integrative Elective]

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