2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 15, 2025  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived]

Undergraduate Academic Information

Click on any of the following links for information:


The University establishes those conditions, which determine eligibility for continued enrollment. Students should be aware of these conditions and of other pertinent academic information as well, such as the policies on grading and class attendance; procedures for changing class schedules or degree programs; and the availability of special academic opportunities.

Academic Year

The University’s academic year includes two semesters and one summer term. During the summer term, courses start and end at different times; although they traditionally run three, four, seven, eight, and eleven weeks.

Persons unable to attend regular day classes are served through on-campus evening and distance education classes.

Class Attendance

Students are expected to attend all classes. It is the responsibility of each instructor to inform students of the consequences of absence from class. It is the responsibility of the student to keep instructors informed regarding absences from classes.

It is the responsibility of each instructor to maintain attendance records as required to inform the University whether a student was present in class during certain weeks of class, as the University may designate. Each instructor must also include their class attendance policy, if any, in the course syllabus. Attendance records may take many different forms and each instructor may choose their own method.

Students who know of necessary absences should consult with their instructors before the absence. Students who miss classes are not excused from their obligations to their instructors. The faculty is expected to provide students with an opportunity to meet class commitments when the absences are for good and proper reasons. Further, instructors are expected to maintain attendance records and are required to report attendance information to the Office of Registration and Records. Failure to attend classes negatively affects academic success and may jeopardize a student’s financial aid standing.

Only students who are advised by a Student Health Services staff physician to remain at their place of residence for medical reasons will be given, upon their request, a statement attesting to the absences because of medical reasons. Students returning to classes after an illness not under the care of a Student Health Services staff physician should report the reason for the absence directly to their instructors.

Class Load

The recommended class load at Indiana State University is 15 hours per semester, based on the assumption that most students wish to graduate after eight semesters of academic work.

Good Academic Standing. Students in good academic standing may take up to 18 hours in a semester. Students who for any reason find it necessary or desirable to carry more than the maximum semester hours shall petition for this privilege at the offices of their academic deans. In general, petitions for schedules in excess of 18 semester hours may be approved: when the student’s grade point average for the three previous semesters is 3.0 or above; when a student can complete graduation requirements only by carrying an excessive load in either of the last two semesters. (Students who are student teaching should not exceed 16 semester hours.)

Academic Probation. Students on academic probation are restricted to a maximum of 13 credit hours. Exceptions may be granted by the students academic dean on a case-by-case basis.

Enrollment Verification and Veteran’s Certification

Undergraduate students are considered full-time if they are currently enrolled in 12 or more credit hours in a semester or term. The following tables serve as a quick reference guide for determining enrollment status.


Undergraduate Enrollment Status (Per Semester/Term)


Number of Hours for Federal/State Aid and Scholarships

Number of Hours for Veteran’s Benefits*

Full time

12+ Credit Hours

12+ Credit Hours

3/4 time

9-11.9 Credit Hours

9-11.9 Credit Hours

1/2 time

6-8.9 Credit Hours

6-8.9 Credit Hours
Less than 1/2 but more than 1/4 time  N/A 4.-5.9 Credit Hours

1/4 time (or less)

3-5.9 Credit Hours

.5-3.9 Credit Hours

*Time status can differ due to varying course lengths and will be individually calculated by the Veterans Administration.

Questions about status should be emailed to the Office of Registration and Records.

Class Standing

A student is usually identified as a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior. Such a classification is applicable to the four years of regular college attendance. However, an increase in hours earned during one or more semesters or enrollment in summer may result in an accelerated program. Thus, it is more accurate to designate class standing in accordance with semester hours earned.

The following schedule of hours earned is used to establish class standing:

Hours Earned Class Standing

Hours Earned Used to Establish Class Standing

0-30 Freshman
31-60 Sophomore
61-90 Junior
91+ Senior









Course Numbers

In this Catalog, undergraduate courses are numbered in 100, 200, 300, and 400 sequences. Normally, freshman courses are in the 100 series, sophomore courses are in the 200 series. Courses numbered in the 300 and 400 series are considered upper division, and a minimum of 45 upper level credits are required to complete a baccalaureate degree.

Course Examinations

The use of written examinations as a means of determining achievement in the requirements of a course is considered by the University to be part of acceptable pedagogy. Each instructor may administer such examinations as they deem suitable to the content of the course, and at such times during the semester when the need for a written measuring device exists.

The final examination schedule is within the last week of each semester. During these days, each regularly scheduled class which offers two or more semester hours of credit, which meets between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and which meets for the full semester will be in session for one final two-hour period.

Final Examination Schedule. The final examination schedule for day, evening, and Saturday classes is published on the University Web site. During summer, final examinations are on the last scheduled class day.

Study Week. Study Week is intended to encourage student preparation for final examinations given during the final examination week. Class attendance, however, is expected. No examination of any kind, including quizzes that count over four percent of the grade, can be given during Study Week. Assignments due during Study Week must be specified in the class syllabus given to students at the beginning of each semester. Online courses are treated, for the purpose of this policy, like all other courses. Courses of 11 weeks’ duration or less are exampt from this policy. Examinations for laboratory, practicum, or clinical courses are permitted.

The student is responsible for notifying the Student Government Association of a violation of any of the above terms. The Student Government Association will take the correct procedures for informing the faculty member and the academic department chairperson of the failure to comply with the terms of the Study Week policy. The student’s name will be confidential to the Student Government Association.

Grading System

Letter Grades for Course Work Completed. A new plus/minus grading system was approved by the Faculty Senate effective fall 2009 and is reflected in the table below.  Courses taken before fall 2009 will retain their old grade point values; courses taken in fall 2009 and beyond will follow the New Points column.  Official transcripts will also reflect this change beginning with the fall semester of 2009.  Letter grades indicating the quality of course work completed and for which the credit hours earned can be applied toward graduation requirements generally can be interpreted as follows:


Grade Value

(effective Fall 2009)

Grade Value

(prior to Fall 2009)






























































Letter grades assigned for unsatisfactory course work are “F” (failure) and “U” (unsatisfactory).

Grades of “W” will be assigned to dropped/withdrawn courses after the last day to add for the semester/term and will not be calculated in the student’s grade point average. 

The Grade Point Average (GPA). The grade point average is a numerical value which is obtained by dividing the number of grade points earned by the number of credit hours attempted. This average, often called the index, is computed at the end of each semester/term, and on a cumulative basis. No points are recorded for an “F”, although the hours attempted are included in the computation.

Suppose a student has earned the following grades:

3 hours of A (equal 12 points)
3 hours of B (equal 9 points)
3 hours of C (equal 6 points)
2 hours of D (equal 2 points)
2 hours of F (equal 0 points)

The semester average, then, would be 2.23, which is the quotient obtained by dividing 29 (the number of points) by 13 (the number of hours attempted).

An average (cumulative) grade point of 2.0 or above is required for graduation. (Some academic units require a higher cumulative grade point average; students should consult the appropriate section of the Catalog and talk with their academic advisor.)

The Incomplete. An incomplete grade (IN) may be given only at the end of a semester or term to those students whose work is passing but who have left unfinished a small amount of work – for instance, a final examination, a paper, or a term project which may be completed without further class attendance.

When a grade of incomplete (IN) is assigned, the professor will specify, via Blackboard and Web grading, the work necessary to complete the course and receive a grade, the deadline date for completion, and the grade to be assigned if the work is not completed by the specified date. The date for completion will normally be within four weeks of the beginning of the next semester, but will not be longer than one calendar year. The sole exception is for graduate research courses, which will have no maximum deadline.

In the event that the instructor from whom students receive an IN is not on campus, the disposition of students’ eventual grade resides with the appropriate department chairperson.

Students may not graduate with an incomplete on their record when the incomplete was assigned for any semester/term after spring 2007.

Course Repeat Policy. Students may choose to repeat any course for grade improvement.  The decision to repeat a class for grade improvement can potentially affect financial aid eligibility and such a decision should be in consultation with an academic advisor and financial aid counselor. 

Courses that can be taken multiple times for academic credit are not included in the policy.  Only the highest grade received for the course, taken at Indiana State University, will be included in the computation of the cumulative GPA.  The initial grade(s) and the repeat grade(s) will appear on the student’s record.  Only courses taken at Indiana State University are eligible for course repeat.  An exception can be granted by the Dean of the relevant college on a case-by-case basis.

Grade Appeal

Basis for Appeal. A student may appeal a grade granted by any instructor of any course. The student may appeal the grade based on one or more of the following:

  1. An error in the calculation of the grade.
  2. The assignment of a grade to a particular student by application of more exacting or demanding standards than were applied to other students in the same section of the same course, in the same semester, with the same instructor.
  3. The assignment of a grade to a particular student on some basis other than performance in the course.
  4. The assignment of a grade by a substantial departure from the instructor’s previously announced standards for that section of that course.
  5. The assignment of a grade by a substantial departure from the written departmentally approved standards for a course.

Informal Appeal. All students must follow the informal appeals process for questioning grades prior to engaging the formal appeal. In so doing, they are to, where possible, seek out the instructor for a face-to-face conversation. The instructor is encouraged to listen to the entirety of the student’s case and then to consider whether the current grade is appropriate. Should no resolution occur, the student is required to contact the department chairperson. The chairperson is required to meet with the student one-on-one, to seek a conversation with the instructor one-on-one, and then is highly encouraged to meet with the two together. Students must initiate their informal appeal within 30 working days of the posting of the grade. Should no resolution occur, the student may choose to engage the formal appeal process.

Filing a Formal Appeal. A formal appeal is made in writing to the dean of the college of the instructor, hereafter referred to as “the dean.” When filing an appeal, a student must specify the basis of the appeal and do so within 30 working days of the conclusion of the informal appeal. The student must indicate one of the following: 

  1. The instructor is unable or unwilling to communicate with the student on the appeal and the informal appeal could not proceed.
  2. No resolution resulted from the informal appeal process.

The contents of the appeal should include as much of the relevant physical or electronic record as is possible for the student to collect. If the second basis (differential standards) is asserted, the student should provide a list of the names of other students and specific assignments so that a review of the relevant materials and appropriate comparisons can be made. 

Verification of the Appropriateness of the Appeal. An instructor “cannot respond” if she/he has died or has suffered a debilitating physical or mental condition. For appeals to grades submitted by instructors who have been terminated, resigned, or retired, it is the dean’s responsibility to manage the notification process. In doing so, the dean shall make three separate attempts at contacting the instructor within 30 days with the last attempt being in writing via registered letter to the last known address. If after ten working days of the dean’s receiving of the registered letter receipt, the instructor still refuses to discuss the grade appeal, the dean shall convene the Grade Appeal Committee.

If an instructor has denied the grade appeal after having met with the department chairperson, the dean must review the materials and discuss the matter with the student. The dean may choose to discuss the matter with the instructor, the chairperson, or both. If the dean cannot create a resolution satisfactory to the instructor and student, the dean shall convene the Grade Appeal Committee.

Academic Standing–Requirements for Continued Enrollment

The cumulative grade point average (GPA), in conjunction with class standing and term GPA, is used to indicate the academic standing of students at the end of any semester or summer term and will determine their eligibility for continued enrollment.

Good Standing. A student must maintain a C (2.0) cumulative grade point average to be considered in good academic standing by the University.

Academic Probation. If a student’s cumulative grade point average is less than 2.0, the student will be placed on academic probation. Students on academic probation will be restricted to no more than 13 credit hours, unless granted an exception. Students who are on academic probation are strongly encouraged to consult with their academic advisor to identify if repeating courses in which deficient grades were received is appropriate during the next semester (or the next time the course is offered).

Academic Dismissal. Students who meet the following criteria will be academically dismissed unless an exception is provided by the dean of the relevant college on a case-by-case basis:

  1. First-term students who earn a term grade point average of less than .85;
  2. Freshmen (0-30 earned hours) who are on probation and earn a term grade point average of 1.7 or less;
  3. Sophomores (31-60 earned hours) who are on probation and earn a term grade point average less than 2.0;
  4. Juniors (61-90 earned hours) and seniors (91+ earned hours) who are on probation and earn a term grade point average less than 2.2.

Students who have been academically dismissed should expect to stay out of classes for one academic semester (following a first dismissal) and one academic year (following a second dismissal), after which such students should petition their academic dean to return to classes. Deans will retain the discretion to provide exception to NOT academically dismiss on a case-by-case basis.  No student may return to classes after a third academic dismissal.

It should be pointed out that some programs may have requirements above the minimum University retention standards.

Grade Reports

Students access grade reports through the MyISU portal. No later than the Wednesday of the seventh week of classes, all undergraduates will receive progress reports in the form of letter grades based on assessments offered through the sixth week, known as Interim grades.

The Dean’s List

The Dean’s List recognizes students for academic achievement. This Dean’s List includes full-time students whose semester grade point average is 3.5 to 4.0. Full-time status for Dean’s List calculation is determined by a minimum of 12 credit hours of punitive grades (“A” through “F”). The Dean’s List is prepared each semester/term in the Office of Registration and Records after grade processing, which occurs after the close of the semester/term.

Class Schedules

A schedule of University class offerings is prepared for each semester/term and is found on-line

Registration Procedures

Students register for classes and make any subsequent schedule changes (i.e. drop or add classes) through the MyISU Portal. Detailed scheduling information and important dates are located on-line.

Auditing of Courses

Students who wish to audit a course for no credit do so for the purpose of hearing and seeing only; they do not have the privilege of participating in class discussions, laboratory work, or field work.  They do not take tests, submit term papers, or receive grades.  Students who audit a course will not appear on the class rolls or grade rolls, and no notation of the audit will be made on the student’s transcript.  A valid admission to the university is required.  The Permission to Audit form must be authorized by the instructor and department chairperson which offers the course on or after the first day of classes (not before).  A student may not transfer from audit to credit or from credit to audit.  There is a $5 per credit hour auditing fee.

Student Withdrawal from Semester/Term

The University recognizes that numerous circumstances may arise which will necessitate a student ceasing class attendance prior to the end of the semester. An “official withdrawal” involves the student withdrawing from all classes for which he/she is registered as well as notifying appropriate administrative officials of his/her decision to leave the campus. If a student leaves without properly processing a withdrawal, the absences from class and from the campus will be justification for the grade of F to be assigned for the courses in which the student is enrolled. Withdrawing from all courses can have substantial impact on aid eligibility and should be made in consultation with an academic advisor and financial aid counselor.

Procedures. The student is not officially withdrawn until he/she has completed the withdrawal procedures.

Grade Determination. Students who officially withdraw from the University by the last day to add (7th calendar day of a 16 week semester) will not have a grade or courses assigned to their transcript.  After the last day to add and through the 11th week of classes, the grade of “W” will be given. Dates and deadlines for summer and shorter length classes vary based on the duration of the class. Please see the schedule of classes for specific information. “W” grades are not included in calculation of the grade point average.

Residence Hall Contract Cancellation. Withdrawal from enrollment results in cancellation of the residence hall contract; however, students are responsible for contacting Residential Life if they are not planning to return to the University. Residence hall students should review the terms and conditions of their residence hall contracts concerning refunds and the contract cancellation service charge.

Administrative Withdrawal

Administrative withdrawals are initiated by the Director of the Office of Student Conduct and Integrity when a student fails to obey University policies, fails to comply with procedures, or has been suspended or expelled from the institution. The grading and refund policies, which apply to voluntary withdrawals also apply to administrative withdrawals.

Administrative withdrawals are also performed when a student is academically dismissed at the end of a semester or term and has registration for a future semester/term. In that case, the student is administratively withdrawn from the future semester(s)/term(s).

Involuntary Medical Withdrawal

The University may order the involuntary medical withdrawal of a student if it is determined that the student suffers a condition that is detrimental to the functioning of the student or poses a significant threat to the campus community.  Examples include, but are not limited to, conditions that:

  • Cause the student to engage in behavior that poses a significant danger of causing harm to others or to substantial property rights.
  • Involve a threat to public health (for example, incomplete immunizations or failure to meet TB compliance policies.).
  • Directly and substantially impede the lawful activities of others.
  • Interfere with the educational process and orderly operation of the University.

Questions regarding this policy should be referred to the Dean of Students who also serves as the liaison to the Union Associated Physicians Clinic and chairs the involuntary medical withdrawal process. 

Change of College, Department, or Curriculum

Students who wish to change their majors should consult with their current academic advisor as to the appropriateness of the change. Normally, students must be in good academic standing to make a change. Students may request changes through the MyISU portal.  The dean’s office(s) and students will be notified of the status and any advisor changes via their ISU email account.

Degree Maps and MySAM

At Indiana State University, we provide all students with a degree audit and degree map in MySAM. MySAM is accessed through the student portal. Students should check their degree map regularly.  Degree maps are updated before each priority registration period so students can see the classes they need to take in upcoming terms.

Students unable to register during priority registration for a course on their degree map, must contact StayOnTrack@indstate.edu and their academic advisor so Indiana State University can work to:  

  • modfy the degree map without increasing time to degree, 
  • provide a substitute course, or  
  • ensure registration in the course that is needed. 

If a student fulfilsl their obligations and Indiana State University is unable to provide a solution, the university commits to pay the tuition and course fees for the respective Indiana State University course(s) scheduled in the future.

Sycamore Graduation Guarantee

ISU is committed to keeping your education affordable by helping you graduate on-time. Part of our commitment to on-time graduation is the Sycamore Graduation Guarantee.  The Sycamore Graduation Guarantee assures eligible students will be able to graduate within four years with a major, or the university will pay the remaining course(s) tuition and course fees. As part of the Sycamore Graduation Guarantee, you will receive an annual communication regarding your progress towards on-time graduation.

To be accepted and remain eligible for the Sycamore Graduation Guarantee, student’s must:

  • Submit a Sycamore Graduation Guarantee application
  • Enter the university as a first-time, full time degree-seeking student
  • Meet with an advisor each semester before priority registration and follow the updated degree map provided by the advisor each term.
  • Ensure there are no holds that prevent registration during priority registration.
  • Register as a full-time student during priority registration and successfully complete a minimum of 30 credit hours each year.
  • Declare a major by the end of completing 30 credit hours.
  • Remain in good academic standing each term.
  • Apply for graduation by the first of October of your fourth year.
  • If you are unable to register during priority registration for a course on your degree map, you are required to contact StayOnTrack@indstate.edu and your academic advisor so that we can work to:  
    • re-organize your degree map with different course options that will not add to your time to degree, 
    • provide you with a substitute course, or  
    • ensure that you have a seat in the course that is needed. 


Graduation represents the culmination of a student’s program of study.  Baccalaureate degrees are awarded upon successful completion of all degree requirements. Degree requirements may be those in effect at the time of matriculation or at graduation, but not a combination of both. Usually, students should expect to follow the curricular requirements and University regulations provided in the Undergraduate Catalog based on their matriculation term. The dean of the college may determine which of the courses taken by the student more than seven years prior to graduation may be applicable to a baccalaureate degree.

Degree requirements for graduation are those as described by the college and the student’s chosen curriculum. The dean of each college is responsible for certifying the completion of degree requirements for each candidate for graduation. A degree audit is available from the MyISU Portal to assist students in planning and progressing toward graduation.

Each student is responsible for meeting all degree requirements by the time he/she expects to graduate, including that students must:

  1. Apply for graduation two semesters before their planned graduation date. Following submission of the graduation application, any subsequent changes to the application are the responsibility of the student.  If requirements are not met by the expected graduation term, a change in the date of graduation must be made and is the responsibility of the student.
  2. Earn a minimum of 120 credit hours, excluding any duplicate course credits.
  3. Resolve any incomplete grades if the incomplete was assigned after spring 2007.
  4. Complete at least 30 credit hours enrolled at Indiana State University, of which at least nine must be at the 300-400 level.
  5. Complete a minimum of 45 credit hours of course work in 300 and 400-level courses.
  6. Complete the Foundational Studies Program (see relevant section of this Catalog).
  7. Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0. Note: Certain programs require a higher minimum grade point average. Consult the relevant sections of this Catalog for individual degree program information.
  8. Additional degree requirements are specified by the college and the students’ chosen curricula. Students should consult the relevant section of this Catalog for complete information about degree requirements for their major/minor programs.

Second or Additional Baccalaureate Degree. A student who desires a second or additional baccalaureate degree must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours at ISU after the awarding of the first degree and must fulfill all requirements for the degree being pursued. Two baccalaureate degrees may be granted simultaneously provided all requirements for both degrees have been completed and a minimum of 150 credit hours has been earned.

Upon certification of graduation, degrees are awarded, and graduates are granted full alumni standing. Graduates who are free of all University obligations are issued a diploma and transcript. The academic record at the semester of completion is closed once graduation is certified; no record changes will be permitted once the degree is awarded. No further registrations beyond the semester of completion are permitted. If the graduate desires to take additional courses or pursue another degree/certificate, he/she must be readmitted.

Commencement Ceremony.  Students who apply to graduate in Spring/Summer are invited to the commencement ceremony held in May.  Students who apply to graduate in Fall are invited to the commencement ceremony held in December. For more information, contact the Office of Registration and Records.

Graduation Honors

Latin Honors are recognized by Indiana State University for baccalaureate candidates at commencement and on diplomas and transcripts. To be considered for Latin honors, students must:

  1. Have a current graduation application on file in the Office of Registration and Records
  2. Adhere to commencement deadlines (March 15 for Spring/Summer and October 15th for Fall commencement).  Once the deadline has passed, graduation candidates will not be included in the commencement booklet or have Latin honors announced at the commencement ceremony.
  3. Complete a minimum of 55 hours of resident (ISU) credit (not including credit awarded through credit by exam, prior learning, or other advanced standing programs).
  4. Earn a minimum ISU cumulative grade point average of 3.50.
  5. Earn a minimum Latin honors grade point index of 3.50. The Latin honors index is based on all eligible coursework completed at all regionally accredited institutions.  Eligible coursework includes all college-level courses, whether or not the courses are transferable to ISU. All non-ISU coursework is converted to ISU’s grading scale and combined with the ISU cumulative grade point average to calculate the honors grade point index.

Latin honor designations are based on the student’s cumulative honors index (not the ISU cumulative grade point average):

Latin Honor Cumulative Honors Grade Point Index
Summa Cum Laude 3.90 or higher
Magna Cum Laude 3.70-3.89
Cum Laude 3.50-3.69

When determining Latin Honors for the commencement ceremony, the student’s record will be reviewed at the beginning of the semester/term of graduation and will include all coursework completed at that point in time. Latin honors will be recalculated after graduation and will include all coursework. The official Latin Honor will be designated on the diploma and transcript.

Academic Advising

Indiana State University is committed to providing quality advising. Academic advising is an integral part of the educational process. The primary purpose of academic advising is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans compatible with the attainment of their life goals.

Effective advising is characterized by a good working relationship between the advisor and the student, which adapts to the experiences and changing needs of the students. Quality advising also requires understanding, affirming, and respecting the individual differences within the University community. The advisor is expected to develop the knowledge, experience, and interest for successfully communicating with students in a genuine, sincere, accurate, and confidential manner. Students are expected to understand University and program requirements and accept the responsibility for fulfilling them. Together advisors and students are expected to maintain a professional and mutually respectful relationship as they review students’ progress toward the attainment of educational objectives.

Academic advising is an interactive process in which both students and advisors share the responsibility. The advisor serves as a facilitator of communication, as a source of accurate information, as a coordinator of academic planning, as an assistant in helping students solve academically related problems, and as an agent of referral to other professionals and campus resources.

Responsibilities of the University Administration. Effective advising is contingent upon adequate staffing, facilities, and resources including sufficient course offerings. Given the above, the administration should:

  1. Ensure that facilities and personnel resources are adequate for effective advising.
  2. Provide professional orientation, continuing education, and evaluation for advisors.
  3. Provide adequate incentives, compensation, and recognition for advisors.
  4. Ensure that administrative offices respond promptly to advisement inquiries.
  5. Ensure that administrative offices provide current information.

Responsibilities of the Undergraduate Advisor. Inherent in the advisement process is the need to help students understand the nature of the University and a university education. Given the above, the advisor must:

  1. Have a thorough understanding of:
    1. the Foundational Studies Program
    2. institutional requirements
    3. course sequences and major and minor requirements, and, if appropriate,
    4. teacher education requirements of advisees.
  2. Know University and college policies and procedures.
  3. Be available to students by maintaining adequate office hours and appointment times that are reasonable to accommodate students’ needs.
  4. Be sensitive to the unique needs of individual students.
  5. Discuss linkages between academic preparation, the world of work, and life goals.
  6. Provide students with information about alternatives, limitations, and possible consequences of academic decisions.
  7. Monitor student advisees’ progress toward educational/career goals through the maintenance of accurate student records.
  8. Refer students to appropriate resources for needed assistance and serve as an ombudsperson (advocate) for advisees.
  9. Participate in professional development activities related to academic advisement.
  10. Exhibit the professional rapport necessary to maintain congenial relationships with advisees and for maintaining a positive, constructive attitude toward advising in general.

Responsibilities of the Undergraduate Student. Students must accept the idea of a university education. To have a successful educational experience requires developing a commitment to the advisement process that entails:

  1. Being knowledgeable about the academic policies, procedures, and requirements (including graduation requirements) of:
    1. the University
    2. the college
    3. students’ program major(s)
    4. students’ program minor(s)
    5. the Foundational Studies Program.
  2. Planning an academic program to meet degree requirements.
  3. Maintaining personal copies of a tentative degree plan, progress reports, Foundational Studies evaluations, transfer credit evaluations, and other important University documents.
  4. Knowing the name and office location of the academic advisor, and actively participating in the advising and scheduling process by consulting with that person.
  5. Taking advantage of the information and advice provided.
  6. Seeking and reviewing relevant information for decision-making.
  7. Developing social, academic, and career goals, and examining how these goals can affect life.
  8. Understanding that students must accept final responsibility for decisions regarding personal goals and educational goals, and for satisfying graduation requirements.
  9. Apply for graduation.

Student Participation in Program Planning. Each student enrolled in the University is expected to read carefully and to understand the contents of this Catalog. This includes the awareness of the University’s general policies and regulations for academic achievement necessary for continued enrollment as well as for graduation, in addition to those regulations identified by Student Activities and Organizations relating to his/her social and campus conduct.

Students also are responsible for familiarizing themselves with any requirements special to the academic discipline of their choice which must be a condition of their qualifying for graduation.

Each student should assume at the earliest moment possible the initiative for preparing the semester schedule of classes. The academic advisor is available to offer suggestions and to verify the accuracy of course choices in meeting curricular patterns, but the primary responsibility for knowing the requirements of the academic program and proceeding to satisfy those requirements in an orderly and sequential manner remains with the student.

Degree Audit Tools. Each student will run a degree audit report each semester to use during the advising and registration period for the subsequent term. The degree audit (which is available on the MyISU Portal at http://myisu.indstate.edu) provides students with a current account of courses taken (along with credit hours and grades earned), and also indicates remaining unmet requirements in students’ declared degree programs. Students who have entered the university Fall 2012 forward, will utilize MySAM.  All other students will utilize DARS.  Students are encouraged to review their degree audit each term, report any inaccuracies or questions to their academic advisor, and use the report to plan for degree completion. A completed plan of study is required for all student on the Sycamore Graduation Guarantee.  The degree audit tools are for students and advisors to use to track progress toward degrees; it is not a substitute for academic advising, nor does it certify students for graduation.

A Student Guide to Academic Integrity

Indiana State University requires that all students read and support the Policy on Academic Integrity. Academic integrity is a core value of the University’s community of learners. Every member of the academic community (students, faculty, and staff) is expected to maintain high standards of integrity in all facets of work and study. The Policy on Academic Integrity describes appropriate academic conduct in research, writing, assessment, and ethics. The policy is found in the Code of Student Conduct, Section 2.0.

Academic integrity plays an important role in every aspect of the academic experience:

  1. Academic integrity affirms the importance of learning and the mastery of subject matter in a given discipline.
  2. Academic integrity is critical to the reputation of the institution and to the degrees conferred by that institution.
  3. Academic integrity and the sharing of knowledge must be based on honesty and truthfulness. Knowledge tainted by dishonesty has no value.
  4. Persons who engage in academic dishonesty cheat themselves and the entire University.
  5. Academic integrity is the cornerstone of Indiana State’s community of learners.

Academic dishonesty is not tolerated at Indiana State University. Penalties can be severe and include:

  1. Failing the assignment
  2. Failing the course
  3. Refer to Student Conduct and Integrity to face formal conduct charges. Students found responsible may be suspended or expelled and can have a permanent notation affixed to the official transcript indicating that an academic integrity violation occurred.

Students are urged to discuss questions regarding academic integrity with instructors, advisers, or with the Academic Deans.


This procedure is based on the right of faculty to make academic decisions in the courses they teach while upholding the core value of academic integrity. By following these procedures, the University community promotes consistency, fairness, and mutual support for the principle of academic integrity.

When a situation arises that appears to be in violation of the policy, faculty should proceed as follows:

  1. If the faculty member’s initial review of the facts leads to a conclusion that the allegation was unfounded, documents associated with the incident are destroyed and no further action taken.
  2. If the initial facts merit further review and possible action, the faculty member should report the alleged violation to the department chair.
  3. The faculty member should arrange a meeting (individually) with the student(s) involved. At this meeting the faculty member presents the facts supporting the allegation and offer the student an opportunity to provide an explanation or additional information.
  4. If the student offers a satisfactory explanation, the matter is dropped and all documents associated with the inquiry are destroyed (e-mails, memos, etc.).
  5. If the faculty/student discussion causes the faculty member to conclude that a violation has in fact occurred, the faculty member decides what action(s) to take. Possible actions include:
    1. Assign a grade penalty for the specific academic exercise
    2. Assign a grade penalty for the course 
    3. Assign additional work to replace the academic exercise and for which a different grade may be assigned.

The student may appeal the faculty member’s decision through the Grade Appeal Process

  1. The faculty member and the department chair complete an on-line Notification of Academic Integrity Violation Form. The record is maintained in the office of Student Conduct and Integrity and a copy provided to the student, faculty member, department chair, as well as the Associate Dean for the academic department. If the violation occurs in a class outside the student’s academic college, the Associate Dean for the college which the student belongs may also be notified.
  2. This form is a confidential record. The University will not release this document to any external party unless compelled by subpoena or statute. Absent a repeat violation of the Academic Integrity policy, the form will be destroyed when the student completes a degree or does not re-roll within two years of last attendance. 
  3. If Student Conduct and Integrity receives a second notification form on the same student, a conference will be held with the student and formal University charges may be filed.
  4. The Associate Dean in the specific college/school will advise the faculty member as to the procedures for participating in the formal conduct process.
  5. The faculty member cannot be required to file a formal complaint or to participate in a formal complaint filed by the AIC.
  6. Formal Adjudication is processed through Student Conduct and Integrity following established conduct procedures.
  7. Formal adjudication is recommended when the student has a prior academic integrity violation and/or when the student has engaged in “considerable advanced planning, group coordination, or other serious acts of fraud or deception” (Pavela, Applying the Power of Association on Campus: A Model Code of Academic Integrity, Journal of College and University Law, Summer, 1997).
  8. The case will be assigned to an All-University Court hearing panel. The three member panel includes a faculty,  administrative staff (EAP), and student justice. The faculty member will serve as the presiding justice. If the complaint involves a graduate student, the presiding justice will be a member of the graduate faculty and the student justice will be a graduate student (when possible).
  9. The charges and supporting documentation will be presented to the hearing panel. The course instructor may be requested to attend to answer questions or clarify information.
  10. The Court must find convincing preponderance of evidence to assign responsibility.
  11. If the student is found responsible for the violation the Court may impose sanctions up to and including suspension or expulsion. All documents associated with the process become part of the Student Conduct and Integrity record and are managed under the records policy outlined in the Code of Student Conduct.
  12. The Court may order that the official transcript include the comment “Due to a Violation of the Policy on Academic Integrity” to the grade(s) assigned as a result of the violation.
  13. The student, in accordance with procedures outlined in the Code of Student Conduct, may file an appeal of the All-University Court decision with the Vice President for Student Affairs. The appeal must be based on one or more of the following grounds:
    1. To determine whether the original hearing was conducted fairly and in conformity with the prescribed procedures giving the accused party a reasonable opportunity to prepare and to present a rebuttal of the allegations.
    2. To determine whether the sanction(s) imposed is appropriate for the violation that the student is found to have committed, and/or
    3. To consider new evidence that is sufficient to alter a decision, or to offer relevant facts not brought out in the original hearing because such evidence and/or facts were not known to the appealing party at the time of the original hearing.

Standards of Classroom Behavior

Disruption or obstruction of teaching or other University activities is a violation of the Code of Student Conduct. The primary responsibility for managing the classroom environment rests with the faculty. Students who engage in any prohibited or unlawful acts that result in disruption of a class may be directed by the faculty member to leave the class for the remainder of the class period. Longer suspensions from a class, or dismissal on disciplinary grounds, must be proceeded by a disciplinary conference or hearing, as set forth in The Code of Student Conduct.

Advanced and Prior Learning Credit

Indiana State University offers opportunities for students to earn credit toward a degree for knowledge they have already acquired. Through these opportunities, students can earn up to 63 credit hours towards the baccalaureate degree and 25 percent of an undergraduate certificate. Students should discuss the applicability of the options below with their advisor:

  • Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations
  • College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  • Dantes Standardized Subject Tests (DSST)
  • Departmental Exams/Assessment of Prior Learning
  • Dual Credit
  • Excelisior College Examinations
  • International Baccalaureate (IB)
  • Non-Native (Foreign) Language Placement Exam

Credit earned this way counts toward graduation requirements, but does not count towards resident credit. Students cannot receive this type of credit for courses credit already received. Additional information about all of these programs can be found on the University Testing website.

Residence Credit

For undergraduate students, any course offered for credit by Indiana State University and for which a student must register is designated as residence credit. Credit by examination, placement, and work experience are excluded from residence credit.

Military Activation Policy

If a student is called to active duty during a semester in which they are enrolled at Indiana State University, the student may elect one of the following options:   

1.       PRIOR TO MID-TERM: The student may withdraw from all classes if they are called to active duty prior to mid-term and will automatically be entitled to a 100% reversal of all tuition and academic fees that they have been assessed for that academic semester.  A student who elects to withdraw must provide a copy of their orders to the Office of Registration and Records Parsons 009.

2.       AFTER MID-TERM: If notification of the call to active duty comes after the mid-term examinations or after substantial graded work has been completed, the student may elect one of the following options:

a.    Withdraw from all classes and receive a 100% reversal of all tuition and academic fees assessed the student for that academic semester.

b.    Request an Incomplete (IN) in their courses in order to complete all required coursework upon return to the University. Deans and faculty are encouraged to extend the deadline beyond the customary period once the student has returned from active duty.  The student must provide a copy of the return from deployment to their dean/advisor. The student will not be required to pay additional tuition or academic fee charges on these classes at the time of course completion; however, they will be required to pay the originally assessed fees in accordance with published guidelines applicable to the term for which the Incomplete (IN) was requested.   

3.    Final 20% of Term: If activation is within the final 20% of the term, deans/faculty may choose to award credit to a student who has satisfactorily completed a substantial amount of coursework. 

Room and board charges will be adjusted according to the move out date and no penalties will be assessed for early move outs.  The student will be charged for the time they lived in the residence halls. Students receiving financial aid will be subject to the refund policies as provided by sponsoring agencies, e.g., Title IV, State, or third party. A student called to active duty who has received Perkins Loans Funds will need to contact the Bursar’s Office to discuss a military deferment.

Readmission:  Applicable policies will be waived for any reservists whose active duty extended beyond the time limitations and who wishes to enroll in the semester immediately following release from active duty.

Office of Information Technology

The Office of Information Technology (OIT) provides technology support and resources for students, faculty and staff at Indiana State University. As a student there are many resources available to assist you with technology at ISU. Students can receive assistance with technology related questions or issues by checking out the OIT self-service website.

The Technology Support Center (TSC) is located in the lower level of Stalker Hall room 009. The TSC is a Certified Warranty Service Center for the Lenovo and HP models approved by ISU. Walk-ins are encouraged and reservations are not necessary.

The call-in Help Desk can be used if you do not find a solution on the student self-service website. To contact the Help Desk call 812-237-2910 or 2910 from a campus phone.

For Blackboard assistance, contact the Instructional Tools Support Desk at 812-237-7000 or 7000 from a campus phone or walk-in assistance is provided on the lower level of Stalker Hall 009. For more information about the Office of Information Technology and resources available to you, please visit our website.

Library Services

The Cunningham Memorial Library (CML) collection includes more than 1.4 million items in print and electronic format. As a member of the Library Consortium of Vigo County, ISU students may access the collective library holdings of CML, the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, and the Vigo County Public Library through the online catalog called Fusion. More than 130 public computers are available throughout the Library. Printers, document scanners and photocopiers are also available. Collaborative, group, and individual study areas are offered as well as group study rooms. The following services are available and/or located in the Library:

Hours of Operation: During the Spring and Fall semesters the Library maintains a 24/5 operating schedule with reduced hours on Fridays and Saturdays. A complete schedule of hours and events is located on the CML website.

Center for Global Engagement

The Center for Global Engagement (CGE) is dedicated to providing high quality programs and services to students, faculty, and staff which support Indiana State University’s strategic goal of enhancing and advocating multicultural and international values. To this end, the CGE coordinates the University’s Faculty International Travel Grant and short-term, faculty-led student grant programs. It administers and oversees partnerships and relations with foreign universities in support of the internationalization of the University. CGE staff provides support for international institutional grant development and provides support for international contracts and educational joint ventures. It serves as the initial point of contact for official visitors and foreign dignitaries; promotes initiatives to create opportunities for exporting professional expertise of ISU faculty and staff to markets abroad; and serves to promote local economic development efforts to increase foreign investment and business opportunities abroad. 

Services and programs to domestic and international students to further their educational and cultural experiences while at Indiana State University are also provided. CGE monitors and reports international students and scholars at Indiana State University on a J or F visa to the Department of Homeland Security or the United States Department of State. CGE staff also advise international students and scholars about immigration regulations, policies, and procedures to which they must obey to remain in their immigration status. CGE offers presentations, workshops, and orientation programs to domestic and international students in a variety of areas including immigration laws and procedures. CGE provides and facilitates campus internationalization through strategic exchange recruitment initiatives, curriculum development, campus programing, professional development, and facilitating projects involving Indiana State University students, faculty, as well as civic, business, and educational organizations across the Wabash Valley and the world. In addition, the office maintains relations with embassies, ministries of higher education, private and public educational agencies, and foundations in support of the University’s internationalization objectives.

CGE also provides consultation services to the campus on systems and institutions of higher education in foreign countries’ articulations with foreign universities. The office supports ISU and international visiting scholars participating in teaching and research exchanges abroad through its services and through travel grants, and advises international student associations on campus, including: International Student Leadership Council, Chinese Students and Scholars Association, Korean Student Association, African Student Union, Hispanic Student Association, Japanese Student Association, Muslim Student Association, and the Indian Student Association. Faculty and students should contact the CGE office regarding services and programs. Some international visiting scholars have offices located in this unit. For more information, visit the Center for Global Engagement site.

Transfer Credit

Transfer students must meet graduation requirements as described in the graduation section of this Catalog. The academic dean of the college of a program has authority over the transferability and applicability of transfer credit hours to that program. Transfer credit may be re-evaluated when a student changes their degree program.

Only transfer credit hours earned in college-level courses (typically numbered 100 or higher) from regionally accredited colleges or universities will be considered for acceptance. Transfer courses in which a grade of C or higher was earned will be assigned credit. Courses with a grade of C- or below are not transferrable.  Additional transfer guidelines are available on the Transfer Central site.

Transfer Central provides information for both transfer students and the University’s partner institutions to enhance the success of transfer students. Contact the office by phone at 888-237-8080 (toll free) or by e-mail. ISU is a full partner in all state initiatives to enhance transfer:  Statewide General Education Transfer Core, Core Transfer Library (CTL), Transfer Single Articulation Pathways (TSAP), and E-Transcript.

Statewide Transfer Initiatives

Core Transfer Library (CTL).  Students who successfully complete CTL courses at Indiana public and participating privite instituions can transfer those courses to Indiana State University to meet general education, or in some cases, major or elective requirements. For a list of participating instiutions and to see how courses transfer, visit Transfer IN.net.

Statewide General Education Transfer Core.  Successful completion of the Statewide Transfer General Education Core at an Indiana public institution of higher education transfers as a block of 30 credit hours towards completion of Foundational Studies requirements at Indiana State University.

Transfer Single Articulation Pathways.  Transfer students who have completed an eligible Transfer Single Articulation Pathway (TSAP) program and have been admitted to the corresponding baccalaureate program at Indiana State University are granted a block of 60 credit hours from the respective associate degree. TSAPs are degree completion programs that enable students to earn a baccalaureate degree after completing an additional 60 credit hours as required by the respective major.

Military Credit

Credit will be granted by Indiana State University according to the guidelines of the American Council of Education (ACE). The Office of Registration and Records works with the academic departments to determine how credits transfer. If ACE guidelines are in conflict with Indiana State University policies, the latter takes precedence.

Students who have successfully completed college-level studies or Dantes exams while in the military may be eligible to receive credit if their official military transcript indicates attainment of college-level equivalency.

Credit for military training and experience is granted based on official transcripts and/or discharge forms (DD214). Service members (from all branches except the Air Force) using veterans benefits must submit an official Joint Services Transcript. All service members qualify for 2-8 credits, based on completion of basic training and length of service as indicated on the DD214. Two credits are awarded for physical education with completion of basic training. Additional elective credit is granted for service time as follows:

2 credits for 12-15 months service.

3 credits for 16-17 months service.

4 credits for 18-19 months service.

5 credits for 20-21 months service.

6 credits for 22 months or more of service .

A maximum of 63 credits may be granted based on a combination of military service, training, and education. Credit from the Community College of the Air Force is applied per Indiana State University’s standard transfer guidelines for regionally accredited institutions. A maximum of 90 credits may be applied from CCAF and other regionally accredited colleges and universities.

Contact the Office of Registration and Records for more information.

Extended Learning

Indiana State Online. Indiana State Online offers baccalaureate degree programs designed for freshmen and for transfer students. We also have several minors available online as well. We offer students the flexibility of taking classes on campus or online. All students who wish to participate must declare a major upon admission to Indiana State University.

Eligibility-Freshman: Students who have not taken any courses may apply to Indiana State Online and may be eligible to enroll.

Eligibility-Transfer: Students who have accumulated credit hours from accredited institutions or have earned articulated associate of science degrees (A.S.) or associate of applied science degrees (A.A.S.) may be eligible to enroll in Indiana State Online programs. Articulation agreements have been established with selected colleges and universities .

Transfer of Credit: Transfer of credit depends on each student’s program of study, academic record, and the institution from which the credit is transferred.

On-line Learning. Indiana State University offers a variety of online courses or full degree program formats. These distance education courses are offered on-line via the Internet. A few, however, may require minimal visits to the ISU campus.

Distance courses:

  • Are the full equivalent of our campus programs,
  • Receive the same accreditation as campus programs, and
  • Are taught by ISU faculty.

Special resources are available for on-line learners. Visit Extended Learning’s web site or contact the office for additional information. 

State Specific Information. State specific information concerning Indiana State Online distance programs can be found at State Information and should be revewied before applying for admission.

Precollege Programs

College Challenge. Selected courses from Indiana State University are offered to high school students at designated high schools. These college-level courses are taught by high school teachers who have been approved by the University’s appropriate academic department and, in effect, are serving as ISU adjunct instructors. Contact the College Challenge director at 812-237-2670 for additional information.

Summer Honors Program. The High School Summer Honors Program is coordinated by the Office of Admissions and provides one week of intensive academic challenge for talented high school students who have completed their sophomore or junior year of high school. To qualify for the program, students must have completed their sophomore or junior year during the current academic year, rank in the upper 25 percent of their respective class or have maintained at least a “B” average, and be recommended by their high school counselor, teacher, or principal. Selected freshmen are permitted to enroll in some of the seminars on a space available basis. Each seminar is discipline centered, focusing on a specific body of content. Upon successful completion of the program, students earn one hour of credit. The High School Summer Honors Program began in 1969 and assists Indiana State University in generating an atmosphere of academic excellence throughout curricula.

Center for Community Engagement

The Center for Community Engagement promotes civic leadership and public service by connecting ISU students with the local community.  

Service-learning Courses. Service-learning courses incorporate community service into required course content. Students in service-learning courses benefit from hands-on application of course content in a real-world setting. Students can search for service-learning designated courses through the schedule of classes. 

Volunteer Opportunities. If volunteer hours are required for a course, contact the Center for Community Engagement to assist with placement with a community partner. Multiple volunteer opportunities are available to students. They include the Sycamore Service Corps, an AmeriCorps program. Students can apply to serve as AmeriCorps members, completing between 300 to 675 hour service terms with a local non-profit organization while earning a modest living allowance. The Alternative Break Program provides students the opportunity to travel to various destinations throughout the United States and internationally to provide community service during spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter breaks. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, Donaghy Day, and other service events are programs for the campus community to come together to help local agencies. All ISU students and student organizations are invited to participate in the annual Sycamore Service Challenge by logging their service hours into the center’s on-line tracking system. 

Career Center

The ISU Career Center helps students identify their interests, skills, and values and make connections between academic majors and future career options.  Through individual, group, and workshop sessions, career advisors help prepare students to make career decisions, find related employment, meet workplace expectations, and make decisions about graduate school. The center offers a wide range of tools and services including: Career Advising Appointments, Career Assessments using MyPlan, Student Employment, Internship and Job Search Assistance, Career Fairs and Workshops, and Professional Skills Certificates. The Career Center sponsors the Sycamore Career Ready Certificate which takes students through a process of professional identify, professional skill, and professional experience development. Multiple resources are available through the website to allow students to conduct career research, search for jobs, and prepare for interviews anytime of the day or night.

Philosophy for the First Year

The first year of college is the foundation for the personal, academic, and professional growth and success of engaged student learners. Within a climate of mutual respect, students and teachers participate collaboratively in the cooperative enterprises of inquiry, learning, scholarship and creative achievement, and service.

Goals for Students for the First Year

  1. Gain the confidence, competence, and commitment necessary to progress toward degree completion;
  2. Develop a foundation for building life-long learning skills, including critical thinking, communication, problem solving, leadership, analytical reasoning, and interpersonal skills;
  3. Participate in educational and social opportunities designed to facilitate the transition of new students into the intellectual, cultural, and social milieu of the University community;
  4. Realize roles and responsibilities as members of the University community of learners;
  5. Develop meaningful connections within the University community to achieve their educational, social, and personal potential;
  6. Increase the awareness of values and beliefs;
  7. Accept the obligation of educated persons to be participatory citizens;
  8. Increase the realization of, appreciation for, and respect for diversity and multicultural perspectives.

Athletic Support Program for Student-Athletes

The Academic Support Program for Student-Athletes provides and monitors tutorial services, study hall, class scheduling, and mentoring for all student-athletes. It carefully monitors the academic progress of student-athletes for graduation, NCAA reporting, and NCAA and Missouri Valley Conference eligibility purposes as well. Student-athletes enroll in sections of University 101, a course focused on student success, that are specifically focused on the unique needs of this population.  The Academic Support Program for Student-Athletes participates in CHAMPS/Life Skills developed by the NCAA, which is designed to provide a smooth transition from high school to college and from college to professional life for student-athletes.

Center for Student Success

The Center for Student Success coordinates the efforts of the various programs listed below in order to provide academic support to students of Indiana State University.

First Generation Student Program (First Sycamores).  The First Sycamores program offers students who are among the first in their family to attend college opportunities for focused social and educational engagement. They also can participate in a unique mentoring program by faculty and staff who were themselves the first in their families to attend college.

ScholarCorps, a student organization led by 21st Century Scholars, is advised by this office. This group provides opportunities for Scholars to meet and discuss the opportunities available on campus.

Services for Students with Disabilities.  Disability Support Services provides reasonable, appropriate, and effective academic accommodations to students with known disabilities. This may include academic adjustments and services such as special testing arrangements. Note-taker services are available to qualified individuals. Services for persons with disabilities are based on individual needs and the University’s intent to offer appropriate accommodations according to the student’s documentation of need for same. These services are coordinated by the Student Support Services Grant Program. It is recommended that persons with disabilities visit Indiana State University prior to making a decision to enroll.Student Support Services Program.  The Student Support Services Program is a federally funded program designed to help students who are first-generation, low income, and/or students with learning or physical disabilities. The federally funded program is designed to help students who feel they may need particular academic supports in order to successfully complete course work. Staff members will work with students to provide academic and career counseling and will make referrals to other offices, as needed. In addition, they offer support with virtually any aspect of university life. Special sections of English and UC 100 are offered for Support Services Program students.

Summer Career Exploration Experience.  The Summer Career Exploration Experience offers rising freshman an opportunity to have a paid internship experience before they begin their sophomore year. Students will be connected with professionals in the field and have the opportunity to network and determine early on if that particular career insterest is where they want to pursue studies. Students will be exposed to graduate students and employers who can help them delvelop professional skills.

Supplemental Instruction.  The Supplemental Instruction Program provides peer-guided group study in courses which historically are more difficult. The Supplemental Instruction leader attends class, consults with the course instructor, and conducts two or three study sessions each week.

Tutoring Services.  Tutoring services are available free of charge to Indiana State University students for most Foundational Studies courses and for many upper-division courses.  Tutoring is offered in one-on-one or group meetings for a single session or for long-term support. To apply for tutoring, students need to come to the Tutoring Office in Normal Hall and sign up.

Twenty-First Century Scholars.  The 21st Century Scholars Office provides college Scholars with the resources needed to graduate on-time with a degree and a with a college experience that prepares them for a successful future. Community service opportunities, financial aid workshops, study break activities, and mentoring are offered to help Scholars achieve their academic goals.