2016-2017 Graduate Catalog 
    Jan 30, 2025  
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog [Archived]

The University

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History and Organizational Structure

Indiana State University was created on December 20, 1865, pursuant to an Indiana statute, and was originally known as the Indiana State Normal School. Its primary mission was to prepare teachers for the common schools of Indiana. Indiana State Normal School awarded its first baccalaureate degrees in 1908; master’s degrees were granted in 1928; and the first doctor of philosophy degrees were awarded in 1968.

ISU is governed by a Board of Trustees composed of nine persons appointed by the Governor of the State of Indiana. Two of the nine are nominated for consideration by the Governor, by the Alumni Board of the University, and one of the nine, a student member, is appointed by the Governor from nominations submitted by the Student Government Association’s Search and Screen Committee.

The University is administered by a president, who reports to the Board of Trustees as the University’s chief executive officer. The campus is organized into five broad operations areas: academic affairs; enrollment management, marketing, and communications; finance and administration; student affairs; and university engagement. Each area is headed by a vice president who reports directly to the president.

ISU has six academic divisions, each headed by a dean who reports to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The divisions include the Colleges of Arts and Sciences; Business; Education; Health and Human Services; Technology; and the College of Graduate and Professional Studies.

ISU offers baccalaureate, masters, specialist, and doctoral degrees. The University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, 312-263-0456. Academic programs across the colleges are accredited by more than 30 different agencies. In addition, the University holds institutional membership in at least ten major national associations.

The basic Carnegie classification for ISU is Doctoral/Research University. Institutions with this label offer a wide range of baccalaureate programs and are committed to graduate education through both masters and doctoral degrees.


The Indiana State University main campus adjoins the north side of Terre Haute’s downtown business district and covers more than 200 acres in the heart of the city. Varsity soccer, track & field, and baseball fields are located within a mile of the main campus along the Wabash River. Memorial Stadium, the site of NCAA Division IAA football games, is located on Wabash Avenue, two miles east of the main campus.

The Sycamore Outdoor Center (SOC) is an outdoor teaching, learning, and research area designed to accommodate educational programs and services. The campus is located on a scenic 93 acre plot of land approximately 18 miles east of Terre Haute in Brazil, Indiana and includes eight man-made lakes.

Graduate Education

Since the initiation of the first graduate program in 1927, Indiana State University has been vitally interested and involved in the concerns and challenges of graduate education. In 1927, the primary objective of the graduate program was to prepare students for administrative licenses in education. Thus programs were designed and implemented to meet the needs of elementary and secondary school teachers, including the master of arts and master of science degrees in selected areas of professional education.  As society changed, the institution’s graduate degree programs reflected those changes. Master of arts and master of science degree programs in arts and sciences and in some professional areas were soon offered. To keep pace with advances in society, specialized professional degrees were added in several academic disciplines including master of business administration, master of fine arts, master of music, master of music education, master of public administration, and master of education.

In 1947, a sixth year curriculum was established for those students working toward the school superintendents’ certificate. A cooperative program with the College of Education at Indiana University, leading to the doctor of education degree, was approved in 1948. In 1958, a program leading to the educational specialist degree was added.

In September 1965, doctor of philosophy degree programs were initiated in elementary education and guidance and psychological services. The doctoral degree in life sciences was added to ISU’s curriculum in 1967, and in 1968 doctoral degree programs in education (curriculum and instruction and educational administration) and geography were added. The doctor of psychology degree was implemented in 1981. In 1998, the doctor of philosophy in technology was added.

Graduate education has been an integral part of the University’s history. Graduate programs at Indiana State University, which once served only the teachers and school administrators of Indiana, are now attracting applicants globally.

Graduate education is viewed as being at the heart of those efforts designed to preserve and enhance the quality of life. The concentrated, in-depth study which characterizes this level of experience provides trained employees for addressing and solving society’s needs. Indiana State University has long recognized that research, scholarship, and creative activity are essential parts of its mission. It is through the encouragement and support of these activities that the institution contributes to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge and the preparation of professionals. These focuses benefit not only the citizens of the state and region, but have far-reaching consequences for citizens of the nation and the world.

As the administrative unit responsible for dealing with all aspects of graduate study, the College of Graduate and Professional Studies has primary responsibilities for development and oversight of graduate programs. These responsibilities are administered by the dean and the associate dean of the College of Graduate and Professional Studies. Policies and regulations which govern graduate work are made by the Graduate Council with the delegated assistance of its committees.

Graduate student representation is both encouraged and facilitated as an integral part of graduate committees. Groups and committees composed of graduate students representing the entire campus serve as links between the graduate student body and the graduate dean. 

College of Graduate and Professional Studies

LYNN M. MAURER; Ph.D., The Ohio State University, Dean of the College of Graduate and Professional Studies and Chief Research Officer, Professor of Political Science.

DAWN F. UNDERWOOD; Ph.D., Indiana State University, Associate Dean of Sponsored Programs in the College of Graduate and Professional Studies.

VACANT; Associate Dean of Graduate Programs in the College of Graduate and Professional Studies

The College of Graduate and Professional Studies is responsible for the enforcement of minimum academic standards of all graduate (post-baccalaureate) programs as well as the administrative oversight of such programs in the colleges/school at Indiana State University. However, the responsibility for the daily operations of graduate programs lies with the respective academic departments, programs, and colleges/school.

Mission Statement

The College of Graduate and Professional Studies facilitates student and faculty teaching, research, scholarship, creativity, and community engagement.  The college provides leadership in quality graduate program development and the recruitment, education, and professional preparation of students throughout Indiana and the world.

Graduate Council

The Graduate Council, a standing committee of the Faculty Senate, establishes general policies and standards of the College of Graduate and Professional Studies.  The council must approve any policy changes pertaining to graduate education.  In addition, the council assists the dean of the College of Graduate and Professional Studies in the execution of policies designed to maintain the academic integrity of graduate programs, including the approval of appointment of members of the graduate faculty, who are recommended and/or nominated by their academic units. No faculty member may teach graduate-level courses and/or serve as a member or chair of a thesis or dissertation committee without having been approved by the council and appointed to the graduate faculty.

At Indiana State University, the Graduate Council consists of nine faculty members who are appointed by the Faculty Senate; the dean of the College of Graduate and Professional Studies; academic deans; and two student representatives.