2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 12, 2025  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived]

Admission Requirements and Regulations

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General Policy


Indiana State University, in affirming its commitment to excellence, recognizes the value of a student population reflecting academic achievement, cultural diversity, and special talents. The University’s admissions policies allow for the individual consideration of each applicant and help service a student population with these characteristics.

The primary criterion for admission is evidence that a candidate is prepared to succeed in a degree program. Admission standards are stated in terms of traditional school and college grading systems. For applicants whose records include either a high proportion of nontraditional grades, or a subject pattern which departs markedly from that normally associated with university study, additional evidence of academic potential in support of their applications, such as entrance examinations, interviews, and letters of recommendation, may be requested.

Individuals may seek exceptions to any of the requirements below by petitioning the Admissions Committee to consider additional factors that may indicate college potential. A limited number of students may be admitted on condition that they agree to follow a prescribed course of study and advisement.

Application Procedures


To be considered for admission, candidates must submit a completed admission application, $25 non-refundable application processing fee, and have official transcripts sent directly from all secondary and post-secondary institutions (see the Required Transcripts section) to the Office of Admissions. Applications must be submitted electronically. Visit the University’s Web site and follow the links to the Office of Admissions page.

Admission to Academic Programs

Admission to the University does not guarantee admission to a given academic program or enrollment in specific courses. Applicants are asked to designate their intended major area of study on the application. The academic divisions of the University which may have additional admission requirements will notify applicants of these standards. See appropriate Catalog sections under academic departments and the professional colleges for further details regarding program admission criteria.

Application Closing Dates

Applications for freshman admission may be filed after the student has completed the junior year in high school. Transfer applicants may apply as early as one academic term in advance of their intended semester of enrollment. Application closing dates for international students may vary. Please refer to Admissions International Application Web page for updated information.

*Fall Semester   June 1
**Spring Semester   December 1
Summer Session   May 1

Early application is encouraged for scholarship consideration.

* No student may be admitted for the fall term after August 15. Applicants for fall semester, whose files are incomplete as of August 15, will not be allowed to enroll until the subsequent term.

** No student may be admitted for the spring term after December 15. Applicants for spring semester, whose files are incomplete as of December 15, will not be allowed to enroll until the subsequent term.

Admission Requirements—All Students

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Required Transcripts

Students must submit official transcripts from all institutions at which college course work has been attempted. Applicants for admission or readmission are required to disclose registration at any college or university and to submit official transcripts documenting that registration as a condition for admission or readmission. Failure to disclose attempted course work at other colleges or universities constitutes fraud upon the University.

Transfer students who have earned 24 or more transferable semester credits need not ordinarily submit a high school transcript. However, transfer students who have not completed non-native language study at their transfer institution, but did complete a minimum of four courses in high school in a single or multiple non-native language, including American Sign Language (with a grade of C or better), should have their high school transcript sent to the Office of Admissions where the completion of the non-native language requirement will be recorded. To be official, all transcripts must be sent directly from the registrar’s office of the schools previously attended to the Office of Admissions at Indiana State University. Electronic transcripts can be issued from Indiana secondary schools utilizing the Commission of Higher Education sponsored Parchment Program. All such documents must be received by the above closing dates to ensure consideration.

Test Scores

Freshman applicants under 21 years of age and transfers who have completed fewer than 24 transferable semester credits, must submit scores for the SAT or the ACT. Test scores are used to obtain a measure of the individuals aptitude, to assist in academic advising, and to assure proper course placement.

Admission Requirements—Freshman


High School Curriculum

Indiana State University currently recommends the following high school course curriculum. Students who graduate from high school in 1998 or after are expected to complete the Indiana Core 40 curriculum (or equivalent for non-Indiana high school graduates) to qualify for unconditional admission. 

Academic Achievement

Freshmen candidates applying directly from high school are expected to complete a rigorous college preparatory curriculum (Core 40 curriculum for Indiana residents) and maintain a competitive grade point of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale. (A limited number of students who do not meet these requirements may be admitted conditionally.)

Additional consideration will be given to standardized test scores, the rigor of the high school curriculum, grades earned in academic subjects, and other evidence of academic potential.

Students completing GED diplomas are also given admission consideration based upon percentile rank, schooling completed, and additional standardized test scores.

New Student Orientation

Freshmen and transfer students admitted for the fall or spring term are required to attend New Student Orientation prior to the start of the semester. Students are not allowed to register for coursework outside New Student Orientation unless approved by the Director.

Mathematics Placement Test

In order to correctly place new students in mathematics courses at ISU, all new students are required to take a mathematics placement examination. The test can be taken on-line in less than an hour and must be completed before attending New Student Orientation prior to course registration. There is no charge to take the mathematics placement test.  For specific information regarding the on-line mathematics test, refer to the Office of Admissions site.

Admission Requirements—Transfer Students


The following are general admission standards for transfer students:

  1. Be in good standing at last accredited institution attended.
  2. Have a high school record that meets the entrance requirements of freshmen admitted to Indiana State University.
  3. Have earned 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) in all college level studies.

Admission to the following require higher standards:

- Bayh College of Education: 2.5 cumulative grade point average.

- Nursing: Once admitted to the University, nursing programs require a separate application.

NOTE: Transferable hours are restricted to courses in which the applicant earned a grade of C or higher, and courses at the 100-level (and above) from regionally accredited colleges and universities. Credit from nationally accredited and/or non-accredited colleges and universities will not transfer.

NOTE: Some programs require higher standards for admission. Students should consult the section of this Catalog that describes the academic program they wish to enter.

Transfer of Credit Evaluation

The academic dean of the college of the student’s intended major determines the transferability and applicability of transfer credits. Transfer credit will be re-evaluated if a transfer student changes his/her degree program.


The following guidelines govern transfer of courses:

  1. Only transfer credits earned in college-level courses (typically numbered 100 or higher) from a regionally accredited college or university will be assigned credit. Credit from nationally accredited and/or non-accredited colleges and universities will not transfer.
  2. Only transfer courses in which a grade of C or higher was earned will be assigned credit; courses with a grade of C- or below will not be assigned credit.
  3. A maximum of 90 transfer credits may be assigned toward a bachelor’s degree.
  4. Transfer credits are assigned only for college-level courses.
  5. The dean of the college may determine which of the courses taken by the student more than seven years prior to graduation may be applicable to a baccalaureate degree.


Application of transfer credits depends on the student’s choice of degree program. Transfer credit will be re-evaluated if transfer students change their degree program. Transfer credit may be assigned as course equivalency or as elective credit as described below:

  1. Course equivalency means that a transfer course is equivalent to a specific Indiana State University course in the major, minor, or Foundational Studies Program by the appropriate department/academic unit. Some course equivalencies have been established through existing agreements between Indiana State University and other colleges and universities; other equivalencies will be determined on an individual basis. Visit the ISU on-line credit evaluation tool for more information.
  2. Elective credit is assigned for courses that meet transfer requirements, but for which no equivalency is determined. Elective credit is usually applied toward total earned credits and may also apply to the major, minor, or Foundational Studies Program. The decision to apply transfer elective credit in a program is made by the appropriate academic unit.

Students who have been offered admission and have submitted official transcripts from regionally accredited colleges or universities to the Indiana State University Office of Admissions should review their degree audit report after admission to Indiana State to identify the status of each course and the total number of credits transferred to Indiana State University. After reviewing the degree audit report, students may request a reconsideration of their transfer credit evaluation from the academic dean’s office in the college of the student’s intended major. Students access the degree audit report through the MyISU Portal.

Articulated Programs and General Education Core

Indiana State University has established articulation agreements with several colleges and universities that allow students to complete a specific associate degree program at another institution and receive up to 90 credits toward a specific bachelors degree program at Indiana State University. Each articulation agreement will stipulate the Indiana State University courses needed to complete the bachelors degree program and any requirements or guidelines that govern a particular agreement (for example, course and cumulative grade point requirements that differ from the University’s general requirements). Students should review the articulation requirements presented by the appropriate Indiana State University college or by their chosen program at the institution from which they intend to transfer.

The Office of Registration and Records maintains current listings of articulated programs and course equivalencies between Indiana State University and other colleges and universities. Interested students should consult the Transfer Central web site.

If you successfully complete the Statewide Transfer General Education Core (STGEC) at an Indiana public institution of higher education, you can transfer that coursework as a block of 30 credit hours towards completion of Foundation Studies requirements at Indiana State University.

The DegreeLink Program

Students who have earned articulated associate of science (A.S.) degrees, associate of applied science (A.A.S.) degrees, or have accumulated credits from accredited collegiate institutions may be eligible to enroll in DegreeLink programs on the Indiana State University campus or through Indiana State On-line.

Admission by Exception


Applicants whose academic records do not satisfy the requirements listed above may petition the Office of Admissions for special consideration. The petition provides an opportunity for students to describe factors, which may have led to inadequate academic achievement, and their educational goals and motivation. If approved, applicants are generally admitted conditionally.

Undergraduate Admission Requirements—International Students


Because of the variety of educational systems throughout the world, there are broad admission requirements for international students. An evaluation is made of all credentials associated with the academic qualifications and intended field of study of the applicants.

International applicants are expected to demonstrate evidence of academic potential. In addition to evidence of academic potential, international students must demonstrate financial responsibility and English language proficiency. Please refer to the Admissions site for English Proficiency requirements and exceptions.

International students should apply early to be assured of timely completion of the admission process. They should contact the United States Consulate concerning the time required to process the education visa, and wait for official notice of admission before traveling to the United States for attendance at Indiana State University. Once admission has been granted and an I-20 visa issued, it is the responsibility of the applicant to make all the necessary arrangements for entrance into the United States and for residence in the State of Indiana throughout the duration of study at the University.

Requirement for Admissions–Freshmen

Submit all application materials to the Office of Admissions. Applicants normally receive a response within two weeks of all application materials, including:

  1. Completed application
  2. Application fee: $65 (U.S.) non-refundable
  3. Official transcripts
  4. Affidavit of financial support
  5. Original current bank statement
  6. Proof of English Language Proficiency (unless exempt)
  7. Copy of passport. If studying in the United States an I-94 card, F-1 or J-1 visa, and I-20 or DS2019 are also required. If currently in the United States but not studying, a copy of the applicable visa must also be submitted.

Requirement for Admissions–Transfers

Submit all application materials to the Office of Admissions. Applicants normally receive a response within three weeks of all application materials, including:

  1. Completed application
  2. Application fee: $65 (U.S.) non-refundable
  3. Official transcripts
  4. Affidavit of financial support
  5. Original current bank statement
  6. Proof of English Language Proficiency (unless exempt)
  7. Copy of passport. If studying in the United States an I-94 card, F-1 or J-1 visa, and I-20 or DS2019 are also required. If currently in the United States but not studying, a copy of the applicable visa must also be submitted.
  8. Transfer to ISU form

Financial Support

  1. Applicants need to show financial support to cover educational expenses before admission is granted and the I-20 is issued.
  2. I-20 verification is issued by the Center for Global Engagement.
  3. All applicants should supply an affidavit of financial Support and original bank statement with current information.
  4. Government sponsored applicants must provide an official or certified copy of the award, specifying validity for Indiana State University, listing the expenses and fees covered by the award, beginning and ending dates of study covered, the level/field of study, and the length of the award. The address for billing must also be included.
  5. Those applicants who are academically eligible yet fail to prove adequate financial documentation will receive a letter explaining that admission is delayed until the University can be assured of the student’s financial support. Some applicants may be requested to deposit funds in an account with the Indiana State University Office of the Controller prior to admission.

Transfer of Credit for International Students

International student transcripts are reviewed by the Office of Admissions. The academic dean of the college of the student’s intended major determines the transferability and applicability of transfer credits. Transfer credit will be re-evaluated if transfer students change their degree program. Transfer credits are restricted to college-level courses from institutions accredited by the ministry of higher education in the home country and must meet a minimum standard grade deemed equivalent to a C or higher in the United States higher education system.

The total number of credits which may be applied from a foreign university is assessed in terms of the level of accreditation granted to the institution by the ministry of higher education in the country of origin. The total number of credits that may be applied to an Indiana State University baccalaureate degree cannot exceed 90.

Students transferring from institutions of higher education abroad with which Indiana State University has developed program articulations will receive transfer credit in accordance with the provisions of the articulated program agreement. 

Readmission of Former Students


Former Indiana State University students who have interrupted their studies for more than two calendar years must apply for readmission through the Office of Admissions. Applicants for readmission are required to disclose registration at any college or university and to submit official transcripts documenting that registration as a condition for readmission. Failure to disclose attempted course work at other colleges or universities constitutes fraud upon the University.

Unconditional Readmission. Students who have maintained at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average at the other institutions and left Indiana State University in good academic standing are eligible for unconditional readmission.

Readmission on Probation. Applications from students who were academically dismissed from Indiana State University will be reviewed in the Office of Admissions and by the academic dean of the college of the student’s intended major. Former degree-seeking students cannot enroll as non-degree students if they are on academic probation or have been academically dismissed. No student may be readmitted if academically dismissed three times. Applications from students who left ISU in good standing, but experienced academic difficulty at a different institution will also be reviewed by the academic dean of the college of the student’s intended major. Students readmitted on academic probation are expected to earn the required minimum grade point average in their first return term or are subject to academic dismissal.

Academic Renewal

Indiana State University provides Academic Renewal as an option to returning student applicants who have been out of school for a significant period of time and whose previous academic performance is not indicative of the academic work of which they are now capable. Academic Renewal recognizes that such students are often hampered by a previous, low grade point average, and it offers them the opportunity to use only those classes, taken after readmission, in the computation of their Indiana State University grade point average. The following conditions apply:

  1. Five or more years must have passed between the student’s previous ISU enrollment and the current term of readmission and the student must not have earned a degree from ISU;
  2. Academic Renewal is granted only after completion of a minimum of 12 credits with a grade point average of 2.0 or higher;
  3. Academic Renewal can occur only once, and it is irreversible.
  4. Students’ Indiana State University transcripts will indicate that Academic Renewal has been granted. All courses and grades will remain on the transcript.
  5. If Academic Renewal is granted, students’ cumulative grade point average will be computed from courses taken since readmission. (To determine graduation with honors, however, classes before readmission will still be included in grade point average calculation.)
  6. All academic requirements in place at the time of readmission must be met.
  7. Students’ academic dean will review students’ previous Indiana State University transcripts and determine the applicability of Indiana State University courses that carry a grade of C or higher to the current degree program. These credits will count toward the students’ total earned credits but will not be calculated in students’ grade point average.
  8. Students must complete at least 30 credits of Indiana State University course work after readmission to earn a degree.

To apply for Academic Renewal, students should consult their academic dean.

Continuing Student Taking Courses Outside ISU


Continuing students who attempt additional course work at colleges or universities other than Indiana State are required to promptly submit official transcripts documenting those attempts. Failure to disclose attempted course work at other colleges or universities constitutes fraud upon the University.

Non-Degree Students


The University welcomes those who wish to enroll without intending to pursue a degree program at ISU. While such individuals are expected to satisfy admission requirements, they are not ordinarily asked to provide academic credentials from high school or previous colleges. Non-degree students needing to enroll in a course that has a pre-requisite requirement must submit official transcripts indicating successful completion of prerequisite course.

Non-degree students must complete the on-line application for non-degree study before the beginning of each term of their intended enrollment. Non-degree students may complete registration on-line. Registration is determined upon a space available basis. The Office of Admissions may require high school or college transcripts from individuals who repeatedly enroll as non-degree students if continued enrollment suggests the pursuit of a degree program. Students are limited to no more than six semester credits for any given term while in non-degree status. Non-Degree students must apply for admission each term in which they wish to enroll. Non-degree students are not eligible for federal financial aid consideration.

High School-University Agreement. Indiana State University provides qualified high school students an opportunity for advanced study and university credit in courses not available at their secondary schools. This opportunity is primarily for outstanding high school juniors and seniors who have exhausted courses available to them in high school.

Credits earned in non-degree status may later be applied to a degree program, but the University cannot guarantee their applicability until such students have been admitted to the University. Consequently, persons wishing to pursue degree programs as part-time students must complete a regular admission application and submit official transcripts from schools and colleges previously attended.