2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived]


  • CVET 410 - Structural Analysis and Reinforced Concrete Design

    3 credits

    Students are introduced to analysis of statically determinate and indeterminate structures. Topics include influence lines, moving loads, member forces and stresses, deflection of structures, displacements, and flexibility and stiffness analyses. Students are also be introduced to design of members and frames of reinforced concrete; concrete and reinforcement properties; anchorage and splicing reinforcement; design of beams, columns, slabs, frames, footings, and retaining walls. This course requires American Concrete Institute code requirements and computer applications.

    MET 304 and 406.

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  • ECON 100 - Basic Economics

    3 credits

    (This course is part of the “Transfer Indiana” [TransferIN] initiative. For additional information, link to www.transferin.net/ctl.)

    A brief overview of basic economic principles, with emphasis on the market system and its relevance to current economic issues and policies. The course is designed to introduce economics to those students who will not be taking principles of economics (200 and 201). Also offered as 100I with increased emphasis on international economics. ECON 100 does not count towards the Economics Major or Minor.

    Foundational Studies Credit
    [FS 2010: Social or Behavioral Sciences]

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  • ECON 101 - Quantitative Problem Solving

    3 credits

    This course uses a variety of real-world problems to illustrate the applicability of algebraic, statistical, and financial methods. Using selected problems, students learn the utility of understanding units of measure, extrapolation and interpolation, data conversion, single and simultaneous equation solutions, probability, statistical inference, expected value, and present and future value. ECON 101 does not count towards the Economics Major or Minor.

    Appropriate placement examination (MAPLE T.A.) score or MATH 011, MATH 015, or MATH 035.

    Foundational Studies Credit
    [FS2010: Quantitative Literacy]

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  • ECON 103 - Economics Perspectives on Environmental Problems

    3 credits

    This course examines the relationship between economics and environmental problems. Specifically, students learn about interaction between the economy and the environment, as well as how economic analysis can be used to help solve environmental problems. The analysis considers the economic efficiency and equity dimensions, places environmental problems in a historical context, and contrasts the strategies needed to tackle environmental problems at the local versus the global level. ECON 103 does not count towards the Economics Major or Minor.

    Foundational Studies Credit
    [FS 2010: Ethics and Social Responsibility]

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  • ECON 199 - Honors Summer Seminar for High School Students

    2 credits

    This Summer Honors course allows students to pick topics from many economic and political issues in the news for university-level exploration. In the first few meetings basic economic principles and models are discussed so that policy issues can be explored on a firm foundation. Issues are elected by the students but are likely to include Welfare, Medicare and Medicaid, the budget deficit, and the national debt. Emphasis is on the application of economic principles to these issues, with the majority of the time being devoted to student exploration of the issues using Internet searches and class discussion.

    Open to high school students on the completion of their junior year by application only.

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  • ECON 342 - International Political Economy

    3 credits

    An interdisciplinary study of the development and functioning of the global capitalist system since around 1945. This course gives attention to the structure of the system via such institutions as the GATT/WTO, the IMF and World Bank, and transnational corporations. Implications are drawn for economic efficiency, economic justice, environmental sustainability, and the prospects for broad-based democratic participation and control.

    ECON 200 and 201, or permission of the instructor.

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  • ECON 355 - The Economics of Crime

    3 credits

    This course surveys the intersection of two areas of human behavior: criminal and economic. Social science methodology and basic concepts from economics and criminology are reviewed. An economics framework is applied to analyze criminal behavior and to evaluate the economic burden that crime imposes on a society. Lessons are applied to specific types of crime: property, white collar, illegal markets, and organized crime.

    3 credits of introductory economics (ECON 100, 200, or 201).

    Foundational Studies Credit
    [FS 2010: Upper-Division Integrative Electives ]

    Also listed as CRIM 355.

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  • ECON 412 - Industrial Organization

    3 credits

    The structure of the United States economy; the welfare implications of competitive and noncompetitive market structure; the game theoretical approach to joint and non-cooperative decision making of oligopoly firms; the analysis of concentration, advertising, predation, integration, and mergers as they affect market performance; and the analysis of some major antitrust cases.

    ECON 301 or consent of instructor.

    Open to graduate students. Graduate students are required to do additional work of a research nature.

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  • ECT 170 - Introduction to Information Technology

    3 credits

    A survey of computer-based information technology and an overview of information technology as a discipline. Presented are a variety of information technology concepts, topics, and the specialized terminology used by information technology professionals including: information technology in organizations, hardware, software, databases and data organization, telecommunications and networking, the Internet and intranets, categories of information systems, electronic commerce, decision support, artificial intelligence, system development, and security and ethical issues.

    A laboratory component requiring additional contact hours.

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  • ECT 324 - Discrete Transistor Theory and Circuit Design

    3 credits

    This course is designed to increase students understanding of transistors, transistor-based circuits, and applications of transistors as amplifiers. D.C. biasing of transistors, various transistor-based circuit configurations, and amplification of A.C. signals will be covered. Students will analyze, design, and build single-stage and multi-stage transistor-based circuits. Circuit modeling will be used to assist in the analysis, design, and construction of circuits.

    ECT 221.

    (Should be taken concurrently with 321.) A laboratory component requiring additional contact hours.

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  • ECT 372 - Advanced Computer Components

    3 credits

    This course is the second half of a two-semester sequence. It provides technical information and laboratory experiences for an in-depth study of the operating systems software that currently run typical PC computers. Students are introduced to operating system software, its installation, troubleshooting, upgrade, and preventative maintenance. Course content is consistent with the knowledge base required for existing industry certification.

    ECT 172 or consent of instructor.

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  • ECT 373 - Introduction to Data Communications and Networking

    3 credits

    This course is designed to introduce information technology majors to the fundamentals of telecommunications, data communications, and networking. Topics covered include: data and telecommunications hardware and software; communications channels and types of media; data, voice, and video transmission; local and wide area networks; network topology models; network security and other network management issues; and related topics including future trends in the field of analog and digital communication.

    ECT 170 or consent of instructor.

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  • ECT 448 - Industrial Electronic Current Control Systems

    3 credits

    Industrial electronic circuits and systems, single and three-phase rectification, current control by SCRs, TRIACs, thyratrons, and magnetic amplifiers. Phase shift, frequency control, protection circuitry, and heat sinking are developed and integrated into the systems. Further investigation is included in motors, standards, and control utilizing programmable logic controllers.

    ECT 343

    A laboratory component requiring additional contact hours.

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  • EDLR 400 - Liberal Studies and Education: Creating Learning Communities

    3 credits

    This General Education Capstone course will provide an interdisciplinary investigation of learning as it is shaped by social forces in communities such as schools, correctional institutions, businesses, community agencies, and religious organizations. It will use historical, philosophical, literary, artistic, scientific, and technological perspectives to examine complexities and tensions in contemporary issues related to learning. It will include a field based service-learning project that will provide an opportunity to connect course concepts about learning to professional goals.

    completion of a minimum of 76 credits and one of either ENG 305, 305T, or 405. at least 78 credits and seven of nine required Liberal Studies courses.

    See the General Education section of the Catalog for a complete description of the capstone requirement.

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  • ELED 200 - Best Practices in Teaching

    2 credits

    Students examine the role of the elementary teacher and the philosophical and practical elements of effective teaching demonstrated through best practice. This course introduces students to multiple instructional strategies and allows students to reflect upon their ideal usage in the elementary classroom. Required field work provides opportunities for structured observations in educational settings.

    ELED 101

    Enrollment by departmental permission only.

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