2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived]


  • CHEM 371 - Environmental Chemistry

    3 credits


    A survey of environmental chemistry including the atmosphere, surface and ground waters, soils, and selected aspects of geochemistry. Both descriptive and quantitative approaches to a variety of topics are explored. An emphasis is placed upon applications of thermodynamics and kinetics to the natural unpolluted environment as the basis for an examination of the effects of human activities upon these systems.  

    CHEM 351.

    Unless otherwise stated, all chemistry courses require laboratory work.

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  • CHEM 405 - Senior Seminar in Chemistry

    1 credits

    A culminating experience in chemistry. The course includes a significant independent literature research project on a specific and focused sub-discipline within the chemical sciences. The course requires the student to give multiple presentations on this topic progressing in focus and scientific depth, culminating with a formal presentation on the current state-of-the-art of the sub-discipline. Leading scientific journals and faculty at Indiana State University will be used as resources. Attendance at departmental seminars is required.


    Senior standing (greater than 93 total credits earned).

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  • CHEM 465 - Survey of Physical Chemistry

    4 credits

    A survey of basic gas laws, kinetic molecular theory of gases, thermodynamics, mass transport, electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions, equilibrium, chemical kinetics, quantum mechanics, and atomic structure. Does not count toward the ACS-certified chemistry major.


    CHEM 106 and 106L; MATH 131; PHYS 106 or 206.

    Does not count toward the A.C.S.-Certified chemistry major. Open to graduate students. Graduate students are required to do additional work of a research nature. Unless otherwise stated, all chemistry courses require laboratory work.

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  • CHEM 465L - Survey of Physical Chemistry Laboratory

    1 credits

    A series of laboratory experiments designed to illustrate and reinforce the basic aspects of chemical thermodynamics, kinetics, and spectroscopy. A lecture component will be used to discuss experimental methodology and to introduce computer-assisted data organization, analysis, and error evaluation.

    CHEM 321.

    Open to graduate students. Graduate students are required to do additional work of a research nature. Unless otherwise stated, all chemistry courses require laboratory work.

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  • CHEM 487 - Bioinformatics

    3 credits

    Provides hands-on training in bioinformatics. Students acquire the theoretical knowledge and practical skill required to effectively utilize essential network-based bioinformatics programs and databases, typically accessed from standard laptop computers. Training includes experience with high performance parallel computing and an introduction to problem-solving in bioinformatics using the Perl programming language.

    CHEM 351; BIO 102.

    Also listed as BIO 487. Open to graduate students. Graduate students are required to do additional work of a research nature.

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  • CIMT 400 - Teaching III

    3 credits

    Strategies for collaborating with other education professionals, with parents, and with others in the community to understand pupils as whole persons and to help pupils meet the challenges they currently face or will likely face beyond the classroom. Ways to help pupils develop problem-solving and decision-making abilities useful beyond the classroom are discussed. Information on laws relevant to teaching is also provided.

    Special education majors: ELED 250 and CIMT 410M. Secondary Education: CIMT 301 & 302.

    Paired with a teaching practicum in a local high school, for which students enroll in CIMT 400L—Teaching III Practicum.

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  • CIMT 475 - Critical Thinking and Ethics in Education

    3 credits

    This Foundational Studies Ethics and Social Responsibility Division Elective focuses on an examination of current ethical and social issues related to public education from a taxpayer perspective. As citizens and as students who are or will become parents of publically educated children, students must understand the ethical and social responsibility associated with public education. This course helps accomplish this in the context of the times and the generation to which the students belong. Enabling emphases include a review of critical thinking and information literacy and the subsequent application of both to the analysis of a current education issue. Topics include but are not limited to such areas as NCLB, public education reform, school performance, home schooling, charter schools, and standardized testing.

    Foundational Studies Credit
    Ethics and Social Responsibility Elective

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