2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived]


  • FCS 410 - Family and Consumer Sciences Capstone Seminar

    3 credits

    This seminar is a capstone course in both family and consumer sciences and General Education. The course integrates academic knowledge and experience through achievement of the four common goals of liberal studies courses. It emphasizes the relationships among family and consumer sciences areas, the five liberal studies areas, and family systems theoretical framework, as well as appropriate professional practices.

    FCS 107 and 109 and at least 78 credits

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  • FIN 320 - Introduction to Financial Services

    3 credits

    This course is a survey of the financial services industry. The services this industry provides as well as the functions and behavior of the financial institutions and the structure of the financial system are analyzed. Professional designations and certifications, ethical issues in financial services, and the impact of regulations and taxes on financial institutions and their clients are also reviewed. Business Continuation and Financial Statement Analysis are also covered in the course.

    junior standing in Business.

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  • FIN 475 - Cases in Financial Planning

    3 credits

    The course develops students’ knowledge and ability to work with individuals, families, and small business owners in the planning process to meet financial objectives. Topics covered include: the financial planning process, ethics, laws and regulations, standards of professionalism, client communication, situation analysis, goal setting, assessing risk tolerance, plan development, benchmarking, plan implementation, and monitoring.

    FIN 320, completion or concurrent enrollment in all other courses required for the financial planning track or consent of department chair.

    This is the capstone course in the financial planning concentration.

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  • GH 101 - Freshman Honors: Contemporary Issues Seminar

    3 credits

    Topics may vary semester to semester, and may be taught by faculty from several academic disciplines. Topics range from environmental issues, politics and the media, technology and the quality of life, the military in peacetime, to freedom and responsibility in a democracy. Students may enroll in more than one General Honors 101 topics course during a semester, and the course may be repeated for credit as long as the topics vary. General Honors 101 is open to first-year students eligible for admission to the University Honors Program.

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  • GH 301 - Honors Junior Seminar

    3 credits

    Topics vary from year to year, but are always open to the approaches of several academic disciplines. Topics may range from the concept of justice to nature or to an art form such as drama and each offers the flexible use of perspectives and methods of more than one discipline.

    Offerings currently include 301A, Dante’s Divine Comedy; 301B, Science and the Human Quest; 301C, Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Environment; 301D, Gender and Sexuality; and 301E, Studies in Don Quixote. (As other topics are developed they will be added alphabetically). Students may take for credit any number of 301 courses as long as topics change, and they may take more than one in the same semester.

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  • HIST 113 - Topics in History

    3 credits

    Topics in History helps students explore the discipline of history through focused study of particular topics. Each section provides students with an introduction to reading, writing, and research in history, as well as to the ways in which study of the past helps in better understanding society today. Students learn to analyze and evaluate evidence, make and assess persuasive arguments, and understand multiple causation and the importance of context, continuity, and change over time. History majors may not count this course for credit in the major.

    Foundational Studies Credit
    [FS 2010: Historical Studies]

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