2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived]


  • ELED 400 - Theory to Practice

    3 credits

    This course complements the Teachers of Tomorrow Advancing Learning Program internship semester by scaffolding the intern’s full-time supervised work in a school setting with an in-depth study of the culture of elementary schools. All aspects of teaching and learning are discussed with particular attention to best practice principles. Requires a specified number of hours in an elementary classroom.

    Admission to BCP-I.

    Enrollment by departmental permission only.

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  • ELED 426 - Early Childhood: Educating Infants and Toddlers in an Inclusive Environment

    3 credits

    This course focuses on fostering caregivers’ skills in promoting infants and toddlers’ physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development with emphasis on their daily routines, environmental safety, health and nutritional needs, and their psychological needs. The course content integrates national standards and addresses child rearing practices in different cultures. Field experience is required in an infant and toddler setting.

    admission to BCP-I.

    Open to graduate students. Graduate students are required to do additional work of a research nature.

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  • ELED 437 - Early Childhood: Theories and Practices in Working with Exceptional Children

    3 credits

    This course focuses on providing early childhood students with knowledge and skills to work with children with special needs in an inclusive classroom setting. The course provides students with learning opportunities to observe children’s behavior, identify each child’s special needs, and implement appropriate learning and assessment strategies. Field experience is required and involves interactions with atypical young children.

    admission to BCP-I.

    Open to graduate students. Graduate students are required to do additional work of a research nature.

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  • ELED 450 - Early Childhood Capstone Course

    3 credits

    Teacher candidates will participate in a series of seminars that will synthesize the common goals of liberal studies and their professional goals. Seminars will focus on teacher candidate’s abilities to effect growth within learners and call upon their reasoning and judgment to link the success of the learner to their instructional practice by drawing from their content knowledge.

    concurrent enrollment with ELED 451 and 453 and admission to TEP II; at least 78 credits and seven of nine required Liberal Studies courses.

    See General Education section of the Catalog for a complete description of the capstone requirement.

    General Education Credit
    General Education Credits [GE2000: Capstone Course]

    Capstone Course
    Capstone Course

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  • ELED 457 - Elementary and Special Education Capstone

    3 credits

    This seminar serves as the General Education Capstone requirement for teacher candidates in Elementary Education and Special Education Programs. Students will utilize the content knowledge from their teacher preparation, professional judgment from the supervised teaching experience, and critical thinking skills emphasized in their Liberal Studies courses to assess the effectiveness of their teaching and pupils’ learning in their classrooms.

    concurrent enrollment with ELED 451, 453, and admission to TEP II; at least 78 credits and seven of nine required Liberal Studies courses.

    See General Education section of the Catalog for a complete description of the capstone requirement.

    General Education Credit
    General Education Credits [GE2000: Capstone Course]

    Capstone Course
    Capstone Course

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  • ENG 307 - Writing for Teachers of English

    3 credits

    An advanced course in expository writing, with some attention to creative writing. Study of theories of rhetoric and composition, as presented in professional articles and books, and application of theories to the students’ own writing. Practice in writing articles on the teaching of writing.

    ENG 105 or 107 or 108 or 130, and the successful completion of 48 credits of course work.

    Required of English majors and minors on the teaching curriculum. Satisfies English 305 requirement.

    Foundational Studies Credit
    [FS 2010: Composition]

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  • ENG 405* - Writing for Science and Industry

    3 credits

    Theory and practice in researching, writing, and editing reports, manuals, articles, and other external communications common to scientific and professional occupations. Emphasizes effective style, structure, tone, and visual format.

    ENG 105 or 107 or 108 or 130 and the successful completion of 62 credits of course work.

    Recommended for students in scientific, technical, and related areas. Satisfies English 305 requirement. May be taken instead of or in addition to English 305T. Open to graduate students. Graduate students are required to do additional work of a research nature.

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