2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived]


  • MATH 492 - History of Mathematics

    3 credits

    The topic of mathematics is studied through an historical perspective with an emphasis on fitting mathematics into larger social and scientific contexts to show that mathematics is not often taught from the perspective of its original development. This course does not count towards the mathematics major or minor.

    MATH 131, 132, and either MATH 231 or one mathematics or computer science course numbered 300 or above; and at least 78 credits and seven of nine required Liberal Studies courses.

    See the General Education section of the Catalog for a complete description of the Capstone requirement. Open to graduate students. Graduate students are required to do additional work of a research nature.

    General Education Credit
    [GE2000: Capstone Course (open to all providing all prerequisites are met.]

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  • MET 403 - Advanced Computer Aided Design (CAD) Concepts

    3 credits

    In this course, subject matter relevant to CAD in today’s industry will be identified. The student will gain the knowledge necessary to conceptualize the system-user relationship. The completion of the required learning tasks will ensure the student’s comprehension of each concept. These tasks are arranged in a hierarchy that will build the student’s ability to apply the concepts presented. Students will progress from two-dimensional drafting system to three-dimensional modeling system.

    MET 203 or consent of instructor.

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  • MIS 325 - Electronic Commerce

    3 credits

    An introduction to the concepts and applications of electronic commerce in business today. Specifically, focus is on e-commerce models and concepts; the Internet and the World Wide Web; how to build an e-commerce web site using different software packages; security and encryption; e-commerce payment systems; e-commerce marketing concepts; ethical, social, and political issues in e-commerce; retailing on the web; on-line service industries; supply chain management and collaborative commerce; auctions; portals; communities; and on-line content providers.

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  • MIS 431 - Managing Local Area Networks I

    3 credits

    This course will focus on the design, installation, configuration, and operation of local area networks, including selection of server hardware and network operating system. Focus will be on network operating systems such as Microsoft Windows NT Server, Windows 2000 Server, and Novell NetWare. The course is designed to prepare the student to begin the path to network certification. The student should be able to pass the first certification test after this course. Alternate local area network methodologies will be discussed.

    MIS 430 or consent of Department Chairperson.

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  • MIS 439 - Management Information Systems Internship

    1-6 credits

    Students work under supervision in a management information systems position for an organization. A written report and a daily journal are required of the student and a written evaluation by the employer must be made to the supervising University professor.

    BUS 321, and at least 6 credits of Management Information Systems courses, and consent of Department Chairperson.

    May be repeated. Up to 3 hours may be applied towards credit as management information systems elective.

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  • MIS 470 - Management Information Systems Capstone

    3 credits

    The purpose of this course is to integrate students’ understanding of the role of information systems in supporting organizational decision-making. In prior courses, students were introduced to analytical techniques, current information technologies, and the fundamentals of commerce. As the capstone course in management information systems, the objective of this course is to combine and enhance students’ abilities in these areas. Emphasis is on the internal management of an organization’s information systems and the utilization of information as an organizational resource. Coverage of the subject matter may be through case studies, lectures, class discussion, independent readings, and research. 

    MIS 420.

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  • MKTG 443 - Business to Business Marketing

    3 credits

    Examines buyer behavior and purchasing procedures within the business to business sector of the economy. Based on that understanding, the course also examines the development of appropriate marketing strategies for business to business customers. These customers are often large in size and include corporations, governmental agencies, and institutional clients.

    MKTG 301 or BUS 361.

    Open to graduate students. Graduate students are required to do additional work of a research nature.

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  • MSL 101 - Foundations in Leadership

    2 credits

    Examines the leadership process as affected by individual differences and styles, group dynamics, and personality behavior of leaders. Introduces a generic model of problem solving. Teaches the basic skills that underlie effective problem solving in different work environments. Instructs how to relate the problem-solving model and basic problem solving skills to the resolution of military problems. Students will experience an introduction of fundamental leadership concepts, and examine factors that influence leader and group effectiveness. Designed to teach basic soldier skills and squad level tactical operations through student involvement in briefings and hands-on practical exercises. Attention is devoted to development of leadership potential through practical exercises both in and out of the classroom.

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  • MSL 102 - Introduction to Tactical Leadership

    1 credits

    The course overviews leadership fundamentals such as setting direction, problem-solving, listening, presenting briefs, providing feedback, and using effective writing skills. Cadets explore dimensions of leadership values, attributes, skills, and actions in the context of practical, hands-on, and interactive exercises. Continued emphasis is placed on recruitment and retention of cadets. Cadre role models and the building of stronger relationships among the cadets through common experience and practical interaction are critical aspects of the MSL 102 experience. 

    MSL 102L.

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