2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived]


  • GH 101 - Freshman Honors: Contemporary Issues Seminar

    3 credits

    Topics may vary semester to semester, and may be taught by faculty from several academic disciplines. Topics range from environmental issues, politics and the media, technology and the quality of life, the military in peacetime, to freedom and responsibility in a democracy. Students may enroll in more than one General Honors 101 topics course during a semester, and the course may be repeated for credit as long as the topics vary. General Honors 101 is open to first-year students eligible for admission to the University Honors Program. Appropriate General Education credits in Liberal Studies will be awarded according to the specific topics and approaches of each seminar.

    General Education Credit
    General Education Credits [GE2000: According to topic]

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  • GH 301 - Honors Junior Seminar

    3 credits

    Topics vary from year to year, but are always open to the approaches of several academic disciplines. Topics may range from the concept of justice to nature or to an art form such as drama and each offers the flexible use of perspectives and methods of more than one discipline.

    Offerings currently include 301A, Dante’s Divine Comedy; 301B, Science and the Human Quest; 301C, Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Environment; 301D, Gender and Sexuality; and 301E, Studies in Don Quixote. (As other topics are developed they will be added alphabetically). Students may take for credit any number of 301 courses as long as topics change, and they may take more than one in the same semester. Appropriate General Education credits in Liberal Studies will be awarded according to the specific topics and approaches to each seminar.

    General Education Credit
    General Education Credits [GE2000: According to topic]

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  • HIST 113 - Topics in History

    3 credits

    Topics in History helps students explore the discipline of history through focused study of particular topics. Each section provides students with an introduction to reading, writing, and research in history, as well as to the ways in which study of the past helps in better understanding society today. Students learn to analyze and evaluate evidence, make and assess persuasive arguments, and understand multiple causation and the importance of context, continuity, and change over time. History majors may not count this course for credit in the major.

    Foundational Studies Credit
    [FS 2010: Historical Studies]

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  • HIST 320 - Comparative Slavery

    3 credits

    An institution that existed in much of the world until very recently, slavery has had a profound impact on the transfer of ideas and culture around the world. By examining the history of slavery in Europe, Asia, America, and Africa, this course will help students understand the remarkable diversity of the world’s culture and how cultural ideas are transferred and transformed through such events as slavery.

    General Education Credit
    General Education Credits [GE2000: Multicultural Studies- International Cultures]

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  • HIST 358 - The Atlantic World, 1500-1820

    3 credits

    This course introduces the concept of an Atlantic World. Key integrative and interpretive themes and trends will be considered, including European exploration and expansion into the Atlantic, imperialism and colonialism, the emergence of an Atlantic economy and trade, intercultural interaction and exchange, and the establishment of the African slave trade and the plantation economy. The Atlantic World, as it emerged during the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries was a complex community of communities, tied together by a web of relationships—personal, political, cultural, and commercial—and was, in a sense, a quintessential early modern multicultural community.

    General Education Credit
    General Education Credits [GE2000: Multicultural Studies-International Cultures]

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  • HIST 371 - History and Culture of Modern Africa I: African Societies in the Age of Colonialism

    3 credits

    The historical development of the various peoples of modern Africa and their interaction with non-African societies in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. History majors may count History 422, 470, and 471 for Wider World; History 442 for Europe. A student should contact the course instructor during the first two weeks of class if he/she intends to count any of these courses in the category listed above. Otherwise, the course will fall within the category which it is listed in the Catalog.

    General Education Credit
    General Education Credits [GE2000: Multicultural Studies-International Cultures]

    (Also listed as African and African American Studies 350.)

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  • HIST 413 - Revolutionary America

    3 credits

    Introduces the major themes and trends in the history of Revolutionary America from about 1750 to 1815. Surveys a variety of interpretations of the Revolution and the early national period. Topics include the Seven Years’ War, the Revolution, and the formation of the new nation and its political, economic, social, cultural, and institutional development through the War of 1812.

    HIST 201 or 411 or equivalent.

    Open to graduate students. Graduate students are required to do additional work of a research nature.

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  • HIST 418 - The United States’ Atomic Age, 1945 to the Present

    3 credits

    This course explores the social, cultural, economic, and political history of the United States following World War II by examining four interconnected themes: the rise of the United States as a global power, the sweeping impact of the Cold War, battles over individual rights and opportunities, and the cultural and technological changes that redefined American lives.

    Open to graduate students. Graduate students are required to do additional work of a research nature.

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