2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 28, 2025  
2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived]

Undergraduate Academic Information

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The University establishes those conditions, which determine eligibility for continued enrollment. Students should be aware of these conditions and of other pertinent academic information as well, such as the policies on grading and class attendance; procedures for changing class schedules or degree programs; and the availability of special academic opportunities.

Academic Year


The University’s academic year includes two semesters. An eight-week summer session (with three-week, five-week, and eight-week classes) and a five-week summer session constitute other academic periods.

Persons unable to attend regular day classes are served through on-campus evening and distance education classes offered via television and the Internet.

Class Attendance


Students are expected to attend all classes. It is the responsibility of each instructor to inform students of the consequences of absence from class. It is the responsibility of the student to keep instructors informed regarding absences from classes.

It is the responsibility of each instructor to maintain attendance records as required to inform the University whether a student was present in class during certain weeks of class, as the University may designate. Each instructor must also include his/her class attendance policy, if any, in the course syllabus. Attendance records may take many different forms and each instructor may choose his/her own method.

Students who know of necessary absences should consult with their instructors before the absence. Students who miss classes are not excused from their obligations to their instructors. The faculty is expected to provide students with an opportunity to meet class commitments when the absences are for good and proper reasons. Further, instructors are expected to maintain attendance records and are required to report attendance information to the Office of Registration and Records. Failure to attend classes negatively affects academic success and may jeopardize a student’s financial aid standing.

Only students who are advised by a Student Health Services staff physician to remain at their place of residence for medical reasons will be given, upon their request, a statement attesting to the absences because of medical reasons. Students returning to classes after an illness not under the care of a Student Health Services staff physician should report the reason for the absence directly to their instructors.

Class Load


The recommended class load at Indiana State University is 16 hours per semester, based on the assumption that most students wish to graduate after eight semesters of academic work. Full-time student status requires a minimum of 12 credit hours (six credit hours in summer sessions).

Students may take no more than 18 hours in a semester (including correspondence courses). Although students have many load options open to them, the maximum load limit should be reserved for unusual situations. Students on academic probation are restricted to a maximum of 13 credit hours.

Students who for any reason find it necessary or desirable to carry more than the maximum semester hours shall petition for this privilege at the offices of their academic deans. In general, petitions for schedules in excess of 18 semester hours may be approved: when the student’s grade point average for the three previous semesters is 3.0 or above; when a student can complete graduation requirements only by carrying an excessive load in either of the last two semesters. (In that semester in which a student does his/her student teaching, the total load should not exceed 16 semester hours.)

Enrollment Verification and Veteran’s Certification


Please visit www.indstate.edu/registrar/student_load_scales.html to view the scales used to determine a student’s enrollment status or to certify a veteran’s enrollment status. Questions about status (full-time, three-fourths time, one-half time, and part-time) should be directed to the Office of Registration and Records at 812-237-2020.

Class Standing


A student is usually identified as a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior. Such a classification is applicable to the four years of regular college attendance. However, an increase in hours earned during one or more semesters or enrollment in summer sessions may result in an accelerated program. Thus, it is more accurate to designate class standing in accordance with semester hours earned.

The following schedule of hours earned is used to establish class standing:

0-31 freshman
32-62 sophomore
63-93 junior
94 and above-senior

Course Numbers


In this Catalog, undergraduate courses are numbered in 100, 200, 300, and 400 sequences. Normally, freshman courses are in the 100 series, sophomore courses are in the 200 series. Some 400 series courses are individualized by an asterisk (*). These “starred 400” courses can be taken by graduate students for graduate credit. Graduate courses are usually numbered 500 or higher. Students should consult the Graduate Catalog for a description of graduate courses.

Course Examinations


The use of written examinations as a means of determining achievement in the requirements of a course is considered by the University to be part of acceptable pedagogy. Each instructor may administer such examinations as he/she deems suitable to the content of the course, and at such times during the semester when the need for a written measuring device exists.

The final examination schedule is within the last week of each semester. During these days, each regularly scheduled class which offers two or more semester hours of credit, which meets between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and which meets for the full semester will be in session for one final two-hour period.

Final Examination Schedule. The final examination schedule for day, evening, and Saturday classes is published on the University Web site. In summer sessions, final examinations are on the last scheduled class day.

Study Week. Study Week is intended to encourage student preparation for final examinations given during the final examination week. Class attendance, however, is expected.

No examination of any kind, including quizzes that count over four percent of the grade, shall be given during Study Week-preceding Finals Week.

Papers due during Study Week must be specified in the class syllabus handed out to the students at the beginning of each semester. Examinations for laboratory, intensive mini-courses, or summer sessions are permitted.

The student is responsible for notifying the Student Government Association of a violation of any of the above terms. The Student Government Association will take the correct procedures for informing the faculty member and the academic department chairperson of the failure to comply with the terms of the Study Week policy. The student’s name will be confidential to the Student Government Association.

Grading System


Letter Grades for Course Work Completed. A new plus/minus grading system was approved by the Faculty Senate effective fall 2009 and is reflected in the table below.  Courses taken before fall 2009 will retain their old grade point values; courses taken in fall 2009 and beyond will follow the New Points column.  Official transcripts will also reflect this change beginning with the fall semester of 2009.  Letter grades indicating the quality of course work completed and for which the credit hours earned can be applied toward graduation requirements generally can be interpreted as follows:

Grades New Points Old Points
A+ 4.0 N/A
A 4.0 4.0
A- 3.7 N/A
B+ 3.3 3.5
B 3.0 3.0
B- 2.7 N/A
C+ 2.3 2.5
C 2.0 2.0
C- 1.7 N/A
D+ 1.3 1.5


1.0 1.0
D- 0.7 N/A
F 0.0 0.0

The letter grades assigned for unsatisfactory course work are “F” and “WF” for failure, and “U” (unsatisfactory) for specially approved courses. Grades of “DP” (passing at time of drop) and “DF” (failing at time of drop) will be assigned to courses dropped after the fourteenth calendar day of the semester through the end of the tenth week of the semester. Grades of “WP” (passing at time of withdrawal) and “WF” (failing at time of withdrawal) will be assigned to officially withdrawn courses after the tenth week of the semester. “DP”, “DF”, and “WP” grades will not be calculated in the student’s grade point average. “WF” grades will be calculated in the students grade point average as an “F”.

The letter grades assigned for unsatisfactory course work at the time of drop or withdrawal during summer terms are “F” (failure) and “U” (unsatisfactory), for specially approved courses.

The Grade Point Average (GPA). The grade point average is a numerical value which is obtained by dividing the number of grade points earned by the number of hours attempted. This average, often called the index, is computed at the end of each semester or term, and on a cumulative basis. No points are recorded for an “F” or a “WF”, although the hours attempted are included in the computation.

Suppose that the student has earned the following grades:

3 hours of A (equal 12 points)
3 hours of B (equal 9 points)
3 hours of C (equal 6 points)
2 hours of D (equal 2 points)
2 hours of F (equal 0 points)

The semester average, then, would be 2.23, which is the quotient obtained by dividing 29 (the number of points) by 13 (the number of hours attempted).

An average (cumulative) grade point of 2.0 or above is required for graduation. (Some academic units require a higher cumulative grade point average; students should consult the appropriate section of the Catalog and talk with their academic advisors.)

The Incomplete. An incomplete grade (IN) may be given only at the end of a semester or term to those students whose work is passing but who have left unfinished a small amount of work – for instance, a final examination, a paper, or a term project which may be completed without further class attendance.

When a grade of incomplete (IN) is assigned, the professor will specify, via Web grading, the work necessary to complete the course and receive a grade, the deadline date for completion, and the grade to be assigned if the work is not completed by the specified date. The date for completion will normally be within four weeks of the beginning of the next semester, but will not be longer than one calendar year. The sole exception is for graduate research courses, which will have no maximum deadline.

In the event that the instructor from whom students receive an IN is not on campus, the disposition of students’ eventual grade resides with the appropriate department chairperson.

Students may not graduate with an incomplete on their record when the incomplete was assigned for any semester or term after spring 2007.

Course Repeat Policy. Any course may be repeated once for grade point average improvement. Only courses taken at Indiana State University are eligible for course repeat. The better grade earned will become the grade for the course. The lesser grade remains recorded on the transcript, but hours and points of the lesser grade will not be used in index computation. If a “DF”, “DP”, “IN”, “S”, “U” or “WP” grade is received, the course repeat request is void. 

Grade Appeal


Basis for Appeal. A student may appeal a grade granted by any instructor of any course. The student may appeal the grade based on one of more of the following:

  1. An error in the calculation of the grade.
  2. The assignment of a grade to a particular student by application of more exacting or demanding standards than were applied to other students in the same section of the same course, in the same semester, with the same instructor.
  3. The assignment of a grade to a particular student on some basis other than performance in the course.
  4. The assignment of a grade by a substantial departure from the instructor’s previously announced standards for that section of that course.
  5. The assignment of a grade by a substantial departure from the written departmentally approved standards for a course.

Informal Appeal. All students must follow the informal appeals process for questioning grades prior to engaging the formal appeal. In so doing, they are to, where possible, seek out the instructor for a face-to-face conversation. The instructor is encouraged to listen to the entirety of the student’s case and then to consider whether the current grade is appropriate. Should no resolution occur, the student is required to contact the department chairperson. The chairperson is required to meet with the student one-on-one, to seek a conversation with the instructor one-on-one, and then is highly encouraged to meet with the two together. Students must initiate their informal appeal within 30 working days of the posting of the grade. Should no resolution occur, the student may choose to engage the formal appeal process.

Filing a Formal Appeal. A formal appeal is made in writing to the dean of the college of the instructor, hereafter referred to as “the dean.” When filing an appeal, a student must specify the basis of the appeal and do so within 30 working days of the conclusion of the informal appeal. The student must indicate one of the following: 

  1. The instructor is unable or unwilling to communicate with the student on the appeal and the informal appeal could not proceed.
  2. No resolution resulted from the informal appeal process.

The contents of the appeal should include as much of the relevant physical or electronic record as is possible for the student to collect. If the second basis (differential standards) is asserted, the student should provide a list of the names of other students and specific assignments so that a review of the relevant materials and appropriate comparisons can be made. 

Verification of the Appropriateness of the Appeal. An instructor “cannot respond” if she/he has died or has suffered a debilitating physical or mental condition. For appeals to grades submitted by instructors who have been terminated, resigned, or retired, it is the dean’s responsibility to manage the notification process. In doing so, the dean shall make three separate attempts at contacting the instructor within 30 days with the last attempt being in writing via registered letter to the last known address. If after ten working days of the dean’s receiving of the registered letter receipt, the instructor still refuses to discuss the grade appeal, the dean shall convene the Grade Appeal Committee.

If an instructor has denied the grade appeal after having met with the department chairperson, the dean must review the materials and discuss the matter with the student. The dean may choose to discuss the matter with the instructor, the chairperson, or both. If the dean cannot create a resolution satisfactory to the instructor and student, the dean shall convene the Grade Appeal Committee.

Academic Standing–Requirements for Continued Enrollment


The cumulative grade point average (GPA) is used to indicate the academic standing of students at the end of any semester or summer term and will determine their eligibility for continued enrollment.

  1. Good Standing. A student must maintain a C (2.0) cumulative grade point average to be considered in good academic standing by the University.
  2. Academic Probation. If a student’s cumulative grade point average is less than 2.0, the student will be placed on academic probation. Students on academic probation will not be permitted to take more than 13 credit hours. Students on academic probation will be assigned mid-term grades so they are aware of possible academic difficulties early in the semester. Students who are on academic probation are strongly encouraged to repeat courses in which “F” or “WF” grades were received during the next semester (or the next time the course is offered).
  3. Academic Dismissal. Students who meet the following criteria will be academically dismissed:
    1. First-term students who earn a term grade point average of 1.0 or less;
    2. Freshmen who are on probation and earn a term grade point average of 1.7 or less;
    3. Sophomores who are on probation and earn a term grade point average less than 2.0;
    4. Juniors and seniors who are on probation and earn a term grade point average less than 2.2.

Students who have been academically dismissed should expect to stay out of classes for one academic semester (following a first dismissal) and one academic year (following a second dismissal), after which such students should petition their academic dean to return to classes. No student may return to classes after a third academic dismissal.

It should be pointed out that some programs may have requirements above the minimum University retention standards.

Grade Reports


At the end of each semester and summer session in which the student is enrolled, a grade report is provided which is a record of courses enrolled in, letter grades earned, semester grade point average, and cumulative grade point average. Special instructions or information concerning the student’s academic status, such as honors, probation, and dismissal are also included. Students access grade reports through http://myisu.indstate.edu. At mid-semester, all first-semester freshmen and students on academic probation receive progress reports in the form of letter grades. All other students doing C-, D+, D, D-, and F work at mid-term are given letter grade reports. Such a deficiency report does not indicate certain failure, but it should be regarded as a warning. Also, the lack of a mid-semester report of deficient work is not a guarantee that courses attempted will be passed.

The Dean’s List


A list of students recognized for academic achievement is prepared each semester in the Office of Registration and Records after grade processing, which occurs after the close of the term. This Dean’s List includes full-time students whose semester grade point average is 3.75 to 4.0. Full-time status for Dean’s List calculation is determined by a minimum of 12 credit hours of punitive grades, “A” through “F”. Students of sophomore standing or upper classmen who have a cumulative grade point average of 3.75 or better are designated Collegiate Scholars.

Class Schedules


For each semester and the summer terms, a schedule of University class offerings is prepared for student use. The course reference number (CRN), department, course and section number, title, credit hours, building and classroom assigned, time, day(s) of the week, instructor, and Foundational Studies designations are provided.

The Schedule of Classes is available at http://indstate.edu/registrar

Registration Procedures


Students use Web registration to register for classes and to make any subsequent schedule changes (i.e. drop or add classes). The last day to add a course to a fall or spring semester schedule is at the end of the first week of class; the last day to drop a course is at the end of the tenth week of classes for a fall or spring semester. Detailed scheduling information for all terms/semesters may be found in the on-line version of the Schedule of Classes on the Office of Registration and Records Web site at http://web.indstate.edu/registrar/

Through the fourteenth calendar day of a semester, students may drop any course and receive no grade. After the fourteenth calendar day of the semester through the end of the tenth week of the semester, students may drop any course and receive a grade of “DP” (passing at time of drop) or “DF” (failing at time of drop). No course may be dropped after the tenth week of a semester. A grade of “F” may result when a student does not complete a course without officially dropping it. Students who wish to drop all of their classes must officially withdraw from enrollment by contacting the Office of Registration and Records, Parsons Hall, room 009, 812-237-2020.

Audit Students


Students who wish to audit a course for no credit must have a valid admission to the University and must obtain written permission during the add period of each semester from the instructor of the course and the chairperson of the department which offers the course. Those who audit do so for the purpose of hearing and seeing only; they do not have the privilege of participating in class discussions, laboratory work, or field work. They do not take tests, submit term papers, or receive grades. Students who audit a course will not appear on the final class rolls or grade rolls, and no notation of the audit will be made on the student’s transcript. A student may not transfer from audit to credit or from credit to audit. The fee for auditing a course is $5 per credit hour. The Permission to Audit form is available on-line at http://www.indstate.edu/registrar/Permission_To_Audit.htm.

Student Withdrawal from Enrollment–Academic Year


The University recognizes that numerous circumstances may arise which will necessitate a student ceasing class attendance prior to the end of the semester. “Official withdrawal” involves the student withdrawing from all classes for which he/she is registered as well as notifying appropriate administrative officials of his/her decision to leave the campus. If a student leaves without properly processing a withdrawal, the absences from class and from the campus will be justification for the grade of F to be assigned for the courses in which the student is enrolled.

Procedures. The student is not officially withdrawn until he/she has completed the withdrawal procedures. Official withdrawal from enrollment must be initiated by completing and submitting the Withdrawal Authorization Form.  Specific information can be found on the Sycamore Express Web site at www.indstate.edu/express/withdrawal.htm.

Grade Determination. Grade determination for students who officially withdraw from the University during a fall or spring semester is established as follows. From the first through the tenth week of classes, no grades are assigned for processed withdrawals. Beyond the tenth week, if the work is failing at the time of withdrawal, the grade of “WF” will be given; if the student is doing passing work, the grade of “WP” will be given. “WF” grades will be included in calculation of the grade point average. A grade of “WP” and “WF” may be assigned only when students have officially withdrawn from enrollment after the tenth week of the term.

Withdrawal Following Priority Scheduling. Students who participate in priority scheduling must initiate an official withdrawal in accordance with the procedures described above if they elect not to attend any classes during the session for which priority scheduling was accomplished. An official withdrawal must be completed for the semester for which the student has priority scheduled even if he/she has withdrawn from the previous semester. The refund of fees will follow the schedule of refunds contained in the reference below.

Refund of Fees for Official Withdrawal. See “Fees, Expenses, and Financial Aid” elsewhere in this publication.

Residence Hall Contract Cancellation. Withdrawal from enrollment results in cancellation of the residence hall contract; however, students are responsible for contacting Residential Life if they are not planning to return to the University. Residence hall students should review the terms and conditions of their residence hall contracts concerning refunds and the contract cancellation service charge.

Official Withdrawal During a Summer Session. All procedures concerning withdrawal are carefully explained in the Schedule of Classes, published on-line each semester and summer session. See these publications for details regarding grading, refund provisions, and calendar limits.

Administrative Withdrawal


Administrative withdrawals are initiated by the Director of the Office of Student Conduct and Integrity when a student fails to obey University policies, fails to comply with procedures, or has been suspended or expelled from the institution. The grading and refund policies, which apply to voluntary withdrawals also apply to administrative withdrawals.

Administrative withdrawals are also performed when a student is academically dismissed at the end of a semester or term and has registration for a future semester/term. In that case, the student is administratively withdrawn from the future semester(s)/term(s).

Change of College, Department, or Curriculum


Students who wish to change their majors should consult with their current academic advisor as to the appropriateness of the change. Normally, students must be in good standing to make a change. Forms which must be completed are available in the advisement coordinator’s office in each college. Students will be notified by the new college or major department regarding the procedures for completing the change of major, if appropriate.



Students completing the prescribed undergraduate curricula and otherwise meeting all University and departmental requirements for graduation will receive diplomas admitting them to the baccalaureate degree and full alumni standing.

Course requirements completed may be those in effect at the time of matriculation or at graduation, but not a combination of both. Usually, students should expect to follow the curricular patterns and University regulations provided in the Undergraduate Catalog current with their matriculation. The dean of the college may determine which of the courses taken by the student more than seven years prior to graduation may be applicable to a baccalaureate degree.

Degree requirements for graduation are those as described by the college and the chosen curriculum of each student. Transcript index information is kept to assist the student. A complete audit of the transcript is not made until graduation, but the Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) is always available from the Web site MyISU Portal at http://myisu.indstate.edu, to assist students in planning and progress toward their degree.

Each student is responsible for planning his/her own program and for meeting the following degree requirements by the time he/she expects to be graduated:

  1. Complete and submit an accurate application for graduation. (Regulations pertaining to filing for graduation are issued by the Office of Registration and Records.) Undergraduate students, who have at least 32 hours of earned credit for an associates degree or who have at least 78 hours of earned credit for a baccalaureate degree, are eligible to apply on-line by logging into the MyISU portal isuportal.indstate.edu/. The application is located on the Student Tab, under the MyISU Quicklinks. Students who do not have access to the on-line application are responsible for contacting the Office of Registration and Records at 812-237-2020 to request a paper application. Any change in the application, once it is filed, is the responsibility of the student and must be recorded in the Office of Registration and Records. If requirements are not met, a change in the date of graduation must be made. It is the responsibility of the student to report this change.
  2. Earn a minimum of 124 credits, excluding any duplicate course credits.
  3. Students may not graduate with an incomplete on their record when the incomplete was assigned for any semester or term after spring 2007.
  4. Complete at least 30 credits enrolled at Indiana State University, of which at least nine must be at the 300-400 level.
  5. Complete a minimum of 50 credit hours of course work in 300 and 400-level courses.
  6. Complete the Foundational Studies Program (see relevant section of this Catalog).
  7. Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0. Note: Certain programs require a higher minimum grade point average. Consult the relevant sections of this Catalog for individual degree program information.

Additional degree requirements are specified by the college and the students’ chosen curricula. Students should consult the relevant section of this Catalog for complete information about degree requirements for their major/minor programs.

The dean of each college is responsible for certifying the completion of degree requirements for each candidate for graduation.

Upon certification of the roster of candidates for graduation, those candidates who are free of all University obligations and who are designated as having completed degree requirements are issued the corresponding diploma and the transcript through the Office of Registration and Records. The academic record at the semester of completion is closed once graduation is certified; no record changes will be permitted once the degree is awarded. No further registrations beyond the semester of completion are permitted. If the graduate desires to pursue a second degree, he/she must be readmitted.

Graduation Honors


Honors achievements of graduating seniors are recognized by Indiana State University at commencement and on diplomas and transcripts. Honors are granted to baccalaureate candidates on the following basis: Summa Cum Laude–a grade point average of 3.95 or higher; Magna Cum Laude–grade point average of 3.8 through 3.94; and Cum Laude–grade point average of 3.6 through 3.79.

Guidelines for graduating with honors are as follows:

  1. Current application for graduation must be on file in the Office of Registration and Records
  2. Complete 62 hours of resident credit
  3. Earn at least a 3.6 cumulative grade point average at Indiana State University
  4. All academic courses (attempted) from all accredited institutions are converted to ISU’s grading scale and incorporated in the honors grade point average
  5. In all considerations for honors, graduation deadlines are to be observed. Once the commencement announcement has been submitted for printing, there will be no additions made for honors to be announced at commencement
  6. All grades which are on a point basis are used in final honors designation. Grades such as “N”, “IN”, “WP”, “DP”, “S”, and “U” are not included in honors calculation.

Honor candidates who will participate in commencement exercises will be determined by the honors cumulative indexes at the close of the preceding semester or term. The honors cumulative index includes all academic courses from all accredited institutions.

Second or Additional Baccalaureate Degree. A student who desires a second or additional bachelor’s degree must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours at ISU after the awarding of the first degree and must fulfill all requirements for the degree being pursued. Two baccalaureate degrees may be granted simultaneously provided all requirements for both degrees have been completed and a minimum of 154 credit hours has been earned.

Associate Degree. University associate degree requirements are the same as those for the baccalaureate degree where applicable. All curricular requirements must be met as well as the completion of 62 credit hours and a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. Degree requirements for graduation are those as described by the college and the chosen curriculum of each student. There are no minors or honors awarded at this level.

Candidates for the associate degree must earn at least 15 hours of residence credit at Indiana State University.



Assessment is conducted across the University to measure student progress toward educational goals, improve teaching and learning, and enhance the quality of programs and the University. Assessment is undertaken across the University as a means to promote and ensure a process of continuous improvement.  For reports and information, see the Web site of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Web sites of individual departments.

Academic Advising


Indiana State University is committed to providing quality advising. Academic advising is an integral part of the educational process. The primary purpose of academic advising is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans compatible with the attainment of their life goals.

Effective advising is characterized by a good working relationship between the advisor and the student, which adapts to the experiences and changing needs of the students. Quality advising also requires understanding, affirming, and respecting the individual differences within the University community. The advisor is expected to develop the knowledge, experience, and interest for successfully communicating with students in a genuine, sincere, accurate, and confidential manner. Students are expected to understand University and program requirements and accept the responsibility for fulfilling them. Together advisors and students are expected to maintain a professional and mutually respectful relationship as they review students’ progress toward the attainment of educational objectives.

Academic advising is an interactive process in which both students and advisors share the responsibility. The advisor serves as a facilitator of communication, as a source of accurate information, as a coordinator of academic planning, as an assistant in helping students solve academically related problems, and as an agent of referral to other professionals and campus resources.

Responsibilities of the University Administration. Effective advising is contingent upon adequate staffing, facilities, and resources including sufficient course offerings. Given the above, the administration should:

  1. Ensure that facilities and personnel resources are adequate for effective advising.
  2. Provide professional orientation, continuing education, and evaluation for advisors.
  3. Provide adequate incentives, compensation, and recognition for advisors.
  4. Ensure that administrative offices respond promptly to advisement inquiries.
  5. Ensure that administrative offices provide current information.

Responsibilities of the Undergraduate Advisor. Inherent in the advisement process is the need to help students understand the nature of the University and a university education. Given the above, the advisor must:

  1. Have a thorough understanding of:
    1. the Foundational Studies Program.
    2. institutional requirements
    3. course sequences and major and minor requirements, and, if appropriate,
    4. teacher education requirements of advisees.
  2. Know University and college policies and procedures.
  3. Be available to students by maintaining adequate office hours and appointment times that are reasonable to accommodate students’ needs.
  4. Be sensitive to the unique needs of individual students.
  5. Discuss linkages between academic preparation, the world of work, and life goals.
  6. Provide students with information about alternatives, limitations, and possible consequences of academic decisions.
  7. Monitor student advisees’ progress toward educational/career goals through the maintenance of accurate student records.
  8. Refer students to appropriate resources for needed assistance and serve as an ombudsperson (advocate) for advisees.
  9. Participate in professional development activities related to academic advisement.
  10. Exhibit the professional rapport necessary to maintain congenial relationships with advisees and for maintaining a positive, constructive attitude toward advising in general.

Responsibilities of the Undergraduate Student. Students must accept the idea of a university education. To have a successful educational experience requires developing a commitment to the advisement process that entails:

  1. Being knowledgeable about the academic policies, procedures, and requirements (including graduation requirements) of:
    1. the University
    2. the college
    3. students’ program major(s)
    4. students’ program minor(s)
    5. the Foundational Studies Program
  2. Planning an academic program to meet degree requirements.
  3. Maintaining personal copies of a tentative degree plan, progress reports, Foundational Studies evaluations, transfer credit evaluations, and other important University documents.
  4. Knowing the name and office location of the academic advisor, and actively participating in the advising and scheduling process by consulting with that person.
  5. Taking advantage of the information and advice provided.
  6. Seeking and reviewing relevant information for decision-making.
  7. Developing social, academic, and career goals, and examining how these goals can affect life.
  8. Understanding that students must accept final responsibility for decisions regarding personal goals and educational goals, and for satisfying graduation requirements.
  9. Apply for graduation.

Student Participation in Program Planning. Each student enrolled in the University is expected to read carefully and to understand the contents of this Catalog. This includes the awareness of the University’s general policies and regulations for academic achievement necessary for continued enrollment as well as for graduation, in addition to those regulations identified by Student Activities and Organizations relating to his/her social and campus conduct.

Students also are responsible for familiarizing themselves with any requirements special to the academic discipline of their choice which must be a condition of their qualifying for graduation.

Each student should assume at the earliest moment possible the initiative for preparing the semester schedule of classes. The academic advisor is available to offer suggestions and to verify the accuracy of course choices in meeting curricular patterns, but the primary responsibility for knowing the requirements of the academic program and proceeding to satisfy those requirements in an orderly and sequential manner remains with the student.

Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS). Each student will run a DARS report each semester to use during the advising and registration period for the subsequent term. The DARS report (which is available on the MyISU Portal at http://myisu.indstate.edu) provides students with a current account of courses taken (along with credit hours and grades earned), and also indicates remaining graduation deficiencies in students’ declared degree programs. Students are encouraged to review their DARS report each term, report any inaccuracies or questions to their academic advisor, and use the report to plan for degree completion. DARS is a tool for students and advisors to use to help track progress toward degrees; it is not a substitute for academic advising, nor does it certify students for graduation.

A Student Guide to Academic Integrity


Indiana State University requires that all students read and support the Policy on Academic Integrity. Academic integrity is a core value of the University’s community of learners. Every member of the academic community (students, faculty, and staff) is expected to maintain high standards of integrity in all facets of work and study. The Policy on Academic Integrity describes appropriate academic conduct in research, writing, assessment, and ethics. The policy is found in the Code of Student Conduct and on the Web at www.indstate.edu/sjp/

Academic integrity plays an important role in every aspect of the academic experience:

  1. Academic integrity affirms the importance of learning and the mastery of subject matter in a given discipline.
  2. Academic integrity is critical to the reputation of the institution and to the degrees conferred by that institution.
  3. Academic integrity and the sharing of knowledge must be based on honesty and truthfulness. Knowledge tainted by dishonesty has no value.
  4. Persons who engage in academic dishonesty cheat themselves and the entire University.
  5. Academic integrity is the cornerstone of Indiana State’s community of learners.

Academic dishonesty is not tolerated at Indiana State University. Penalties can be severe and include:

  1. Failing the assignment
  2. Failing the course
  3. Referral to the Office of Student Conduct and Integrity to face formal conduct charges. Students found in violation may be suspended or expelled and can have a permanent notation affixed to the official transcript indicating that an academic integrity violation occurred.

Students are urged to discuss questions regarding academic integrity with instructors, advisers, or with the academic deans.


This procedure is predicated on the right of faculty to make academic decisions in the courses they teach while affirming the core value of academic integrity. By following these procedures, the University community promotes consistency, fairness, and mutual support for the principle of academic integrity.

When a situation arises that appears to be in violation of the policy, faculty should proceed as follows:

  1. If the faculty member’s initial review of the facts leads to a conclusion that the allegation was unfounded, documents associated with the incident are destroyed and no further action taken.
  2. If the initial facts merit further review and possible action, the faculty member should report the alleged violation to the department chairperson.
  3. The faculty member should arrange a meeting (individually) with the student(s) involved. At this meeting the faculty member presents the facts supporting the allegation and offers the student(s) an opportunity to provide an explanation or additional information.
  4. If the student offers a satisfactory explanation, the matter is dropped and all documents associated with the inquiry are destroyed (e-mails, memos, etc.).
  5. If the faculty/student discussion causes the faculty member to conclude that a violation has in fact occurred, the faculty member decides what
    action(s) to take. Possible actions include:
    1. Grade penalty for the test or assignment 
    2. Grade penalty for the course 
    3. Additional course assignment to replace the academic exercise and allow a new grade to be assigned
    4. The student may appeal the grade assigned by the faculty member through the grade appeal process.
    5. Referral to the Office of Student Conduct and Intergrity for formal conduct charges in addition to grade penalty
  6. The faculty member and the department chairperson complete a Notification of Academic Integrity Violation Form. The original is retained in the Office of Student Conduct and Integrity and a copy is provided to the academic dean for the academic department involved, and the academic dean of the student’s major college. The faculty member provides a copy of the notification to the student(s) once the process is complete.
  7. This form is an informal record. The University will not release this document to any external party unless compelled by subpoena or statute. Absent formal adjudication or a repeat violation of the Academic Integrity Policy, the form will be destroyed when the student completes a degree or does not re-enroll within two years of last attendance.
  8. If the Office of Student Conduct and Integrity receives a second notification form on the same student, the faculty member filing the second form and the appropriate associate dean(s) will be notified of the previous violation.
  9. The associate dean in the specific college/school will advise the faculty member as to the procedures for filing formal conduct charges in addressing the second violation.
  10. The faculty member cannot be required to file a formal complaint or to participate in a formal complaint filed by the academic integrity coordinator.
  11. Formal adjudication is processed through the Office of Student Conduct and Integrity.
  12. Formal adjudication is recommended when the student has a prior academic integrity violation and/or when the student has engaged in “considerable advanced planning, group coordination, or other serious acts of fraud or deception” (Pavela, Applying the Power of Association on Campus: A Model Code of Academic Integrity, Journal of College and University Law, Summer, 1997).
  13. The case will be assigned to an All-University Court hearing panel. The three member panel includes a faculty, executive administrative professional, and student justice. The faculty member will serve as the presiding justice. If the complaint involves a graduate student, the presiding justice will be a member of the graduate faculty and the student justice will be a graduate student (when possible).
  14. The hearing is conducted under procedures outlined in the Code of Student Conduct.
  15. The court must find clear and convincing evidence to assign responsibility.
  16. If the student is found responsible for the violation the court may impose sanctions up to and including suspension or expulsion. All documents associated with the process become part of the Office of Student Conduct and Integrity record and are managed under the records policy outlined in the Code of Student Conduct.
  17. The court may order that the official transcript include the comment “Due to a Violation of the Policy on Academic Integrity” to the grade(s) assigned as a result of the violation.
  18. The student, in accordance with procedures outlined in the Code of Student Conduct, may file an appeal of the All-University Court decision with the Dean of Students. The appeal must be based on one or more of the following grounds:
    1. To determine whether the original hearing was conducted fairly and in conformity with the prescribed procedures giving the accused party a reasonable opportunity to prepare and to present a rebuttal of the allegations.
    2. To determine whether the sanction(s) imposed is appropriate for the violation that the student is found to have committed, and/or
    3. To consider new evidence that is sufficient to alter a decision, or to offer relevant facts not brought out in the original hearing because such evidence and/or facts were not known to the appealing party at the time of the original hearing.

Standards of Classroom Behavior


Disruption or obstruction of teaching or other University activities is a violation of the Code of Student Conduct. The primary responsibility for managing the classroom environment rests with the faculty. Students who engage in any prohibited or unlawful acts that result in disruption of a class may be directed by the faculty member to leave the class for the remainder of the class period. Longer suspensions from a class, or dismissal on disciplinary grounds, must be proceeded by a disciplinary conference or hearing, as set forth in The Code of Student Conduct.

Advanced Credit Standing


Indiana State University offers opportunities for students to earn credit toward a degree for knowledge they have acquired independently, at work, in the military, through workshops and special classes, and in other ways. Most of these opportunities require that students take an examination to “test out” of a course or group of courses. Credit earned this way counts toward graduation requirements, but does not count towards resident credit. Students cannot receive credit of this type for courses for which they have already received credit. Through these opportunities students can earn up to 63 credit hours for the baccalaureate degree, 31 credit hours for the associate’s degree, and 25 percent of an undergraduate certificate. Students should discuss the utility of the options below with their advisors.

University Testing Office

Information. For more information, contact the University Testing Office, Erickson Hall, room 231, Telephone 812-237-7666, fax 812-237-7764; e-mail: testing@indstate.edu or Web site: http://www.indstate.edu/testing

Indiana State University students may be eligible to accelerate their degree program completion by the following advisor-approved credit by examinations: (Students should verify with their advisor that each specific examination will fulfill their academic program requirements before scheduling an examination.)

  1. The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)–Subject and General Examinations
  2. College Board–Advanced Placement Program Examination (taken prior to high school graduation)
  3. DANTES standardized subject tests (DSST).
  4. Credit for foreign language proficiency

College Level Examination Program–CLEP

Eligibility. Indiana State University grants appropriate credit to currently enrolled Indiana State University students who earn satisfactory scores on the subject examinations of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). Students will not be awarded CLEP credit for subject examinations if they have been or are presently enrolled for credit or audit in an accredited University course that covers the subject for which CLEP credit is offered, nor may they repeat a subject examination within six months. Currently enrolled Indiana State University students who have taken a CLEP Examination prior to enrolling at Indiana State University may have their records evaluated for CLEP credit through the University Testing Office.

Procedures. Indiana State University administers CLEP Examinations through the University Testing Office. For additional information, contact the Testing Office at 812-237-7666.

Cost. Visit College Board at http://www.collegeboard.org/clep for CLEP fee information. Additional ISU administration fees may apply.

Subjects and Credits. Academic departments determine the courses in which CLEP credit may be earned. Credits awarded upon successful completion of the CLEP General Examinations apply only toward general electives. The general tests are in English, mathematics, history, and natural sciences. There are a variety of tests available for CLEP subject examinations. For a list of current general and subject examinations and required scores for which credit may be earned, contact the Testing Office at 812-237-7666.

Credit by Departmental Examination/Assessment of Prior Learning

Eligibility. Students must be enrolled at ISU and have departmental consent to be eligible for credit by departmental examination/assessment of prior learning. Students may not repeat a departmental examination for credit within one year.

Credit. Each department determines whether credit by examination/assessment of prior learning is appropriate and, if so, which degree requirements may be met in this manner. Assessment of prior learning may involve portfolio review or demonstration of a level of competency. If a student’s performance is satisfactory according to departmental standards, credit will be granted. ISU cannot guarantee that credits earned by credit by examination/assessment of prior learning will transfer to another university.

Procedure. The student initiates the credit-by-examination/assessment of prior learning procedure by contacting the appropriate departmental office.

Cost. There may be a fee associated with the credit by examination/authorization process for undergraduates, which can be paid through the Testing Center. The University Board of Trustees reserves the right to change fees at any time in the future. 

College Level Examination Program–DANTES

Eligibility. Students must obtain their academic advisor’s approval prior to registering for any examination to ensure departmental standards are satisfied. Credit earned through the Credit by Examination Program may apply toward graduation or degree requirements or elective hours within individual programs. Students do not receive a grade for credit earned through the examinations. No credit is awarded in a general examination area if the student has completed two or more college-level courses in that general examination area. No credit is awarded in a subject examination if the student has already earned college-level credit in that subject area. Students cannot receive duplicate credit. Therefore, it is important for students to plan their academic schedule with an academic advisor.

Procedures. Indiana State University administers DANTES examinations through the University Testing Office. For additional information, contact the Testing Office at 812-237-7666.

Cost. Visit the DSST Web site for DANTES fee information at www.getcollegecredit.com. Additional ISU administration fees may apply.

Mathematics Placement Test

In order to correctly place new students in mathematics courses at ISU, all new students are required to take a mathematics placement examination. The test can be taken on-line in less than an hour and must be completed before attending New Student Orientation prior to registration. There is no charge to take the mathematics placement test.

Practice Tests. Students should take the practice test prior to taking the mathematics placement test. To take the practice test follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to http://mathrc.indstate.edu/practicetest/.  Students’ login is their 991 number (included in the admission acceptance letter)
  2. Students passwords are their date of birth (mmddyyyy)

Taking the Test

  1. Read and review the mathematics placement instructions located at the end of the practice test.
  2. Go to http://place14.placementtester.com:8080/indstate
  3. Login with the 991 number (included in admission acceptance letter)
  4. Students passwords are their date of birth (mmddyyyy)

Computer Requirements. Prior to logging on to the test site, students should review the following to ensure their system meets specific requirements.

Internet Connection. To access (and complete) the test, students must have access to a 56K modem dial-up connection. Broadband, cable modem, or DSL Internet connection is recommended for optimal performance

System Requirement


  • Internet Explore 6.x+, Firefox 1.5+
  • 300 MHz processor or better
  • 64 MB RAM or better

MACINTOSH OS/X (10.3, 10.4)

  • Firefox 1.5+, Safari 1.2.1+ (new question editor not available on Safari)
  • 300 MHz processor or better
  • 64 MB RAM or better


  • SuSE 9.2, 10.1, 10.2; Red Hat Enterprise 3.0, 4.0
  • 300 MHz processor or better
  • 64 MB RAM or better

Contact. For more information regarding the on-line mathematics placement test, contact the Office of Admissions, Erickson Hall, 800- GO-TO-ISU, 812-237-2121, admissions@indstate.edu

Credit for Foreign Language Proficiency

Eligibility. All students who wish to receive credit and advanced placement in a foreign language they have already studied at the high school level must take a language placement examination (CAPE). This examination is not intended for use as a test-out option for the Basic Studies foreign language requirement and is available only to students who have already met the requirement.

Credit. Students whose examination score places them in courses higher than 101 may receive up to 12 hours of credit for the courses out of which they placed. To receive this credit, they must successfully complete the course into which they are placed with a grade of C or higher. See the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics Web site for further information. Students whose native language is not English are not eligible for credit in 100 or 200-level language courses in their native language.

Procedure. The foreign language placement examination (CAPE) is administered in the University Testing Office. Contact this office at 812-237-7666 to schedule the examination.

Cost. There are no fees for the foreign language placement examinations.

Quantitative Literacy Exemption Test

Eligibility. All students who have not met the Quantitative Literacy requirement are eligible to take the quantitative literacy exemption test.

Credit. The quantitative literacy exemption test is for students who want to test out of Mathematics 102. No credit is received.

Procedure. The quantitative literacy exemption test is administered in the University Testing Office. Contact this office at 812-237-7666 to schedule the examination.

Cost. There is no cost to take the quantitative literacy exemption test. 

Residence Credit


For undergraduate students, any course offered for credit by Indiana State University and for which a student must register is designated as residence credit. Credit by examination, placement, and work experience are excluded from residence credit.

Transfer Credit


Transfer students must meet graduation requirements as stated in the graduation section of this Catalog. The academic dean of the college of the student’s intended major determines the transferability and applicability of transfer credit hours. The transfer credit will be re-evaluated if a transfer student changes his or her degree program.

Only transfer credit hours earned in college-level courses (typically numbered 100 or higher) from regionally accredited colleges or universities will be considered for acceptance. Transfer courses in which a grade of C or higher was earned will be assigned credit. Courses with a grade of C- or below will not be assigned credit.

Military Credit


Credit Earned During Military Service

Eligibility. Students who have taken college-level studies or DANTES Subject Standardized Tests while in the military service may be eligible to receive credit if their official military reports of educational achievement indicate attainment of college-level equivalency.

Credit. Credit will be granted by Indiana State University according to the guidelines of the Office of Educational Credit of the American Council of Education. If the Office of Educational Credit guidelines are in conflict with Indiana State University policies on the granting of credit, the latter will take precedence.

Procedures. Contact the Office of Degree Audit and Transfer for complete information.

Cost. There is no fee for this service.

American Council on Education. Indiana State University recognizes and applies American Council on Education guidelines in providing credit earned while in the military. The Office of Degree Audit and Transfer works with the various academic departments in determining the credits that will be accepted based on the American Council on Education guidelines.

Elective credit for active military service will be granted on the following basis:

No credit for less than 12 months service.

Two hours of credit for physical education with completion of basic training.

Four hours credit for 12 months service, one day to 16 months service.

Five hours credit for 16 months service, one day to 18 months service.

Six hours credit for 18 months service, one day to 20 months service.

Seven hours credit for 20 months service, one day to 22 months service.

Eight hours credit for 22 months service, one day to 24 months or more service.

To receive credit for military education, applicants must submit a DD214 and either an AARTS or SMART transcript. Contact the Office of Degree Audit and Transfer for questions.

The Honors Convocation


Honors convocations are held by the Colleges of Arts and Sciences; Business; Education; Nursing, Health, and Human Services; and Technology and the Student Academic Services Center to recognize students for superior achievement.

Honorary Organizations


Student professional organizations and fraternities or sororities founded on the premise of excellence in higher education have active groups on the campus. These include more than 40 national and departmental groups, representing all University academic areas.

Office of Information Technology and Center for Instruction, Research, and Technology


Indiana State University is committed to the use of advanced information technologies in support of teaching, research, and student learning. To enhance the academic environment, Indiana State University has invested in a number of information technology resources including: state-of-the-art general use and discipline-aligned computer laboratories; Internet and high-speed campus network connections including a robust wireless infrastructure; technology-enhanced classrooms; distance learning classrooms; Web and media production services; high performance computing services; a course management system (Blackboard); interactive and multimedia design services; and access to a wide variety of commercial and course-specific software. A complete list of the Office of Information Technology services can be found on-line at http://www.indstate.edu/oit1/

In addition to this list of resources, a technology guide has been created. This guide was created specifically to assist students with their technology needs at Indiana State University including:  connecting to the wireless and wired network; accessing e-mail and Internet services; avoiding viruses and spyware; obtaining software; accessing telephone and cable television services; finding a campus computer laboratory; or receiving help with a technology issue.  The Technology@Indiana State: Student Guide is available on-line and can be found at http://www.indstate.edu/oit1/pubs/techpubs

Library Services


The library collections include more than 1.3 million items. Undergraduate students may check out most materials for a three-week loan period, using their student ID.  The library is part of the Library Consortium of Vigo County.  Through a new on-line search engine called Fusion, students may search through 400,000 records found in the library catalogs for the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, and the Vigo County Public Library. 

More than 110 full-time service computers are available throughout the library. Nine computers are equipped with scanners and one computer has ZoomText capabilities that enlarges print and screen and reads aloud for the visually challenged. New furniture, computer hardware, and software enable groups of students to collaborate electronically. Printers and photocopiers are also available. Collaborative, group, and individual study areas are offered as well as group study rooms. One study area is dedicated to adaptive technology, which includes a Braille display, a reading machine,a special individual monitor for people with retinal degenerative diseases, a head tracker, a multi-colored OWERTY layout with keys four times larger than normal, a voice-to-text program, and software to help people who struggle with reading. To schedule study rooms call 237-3700. Reference and research assistance is offered at the reference desk. For library hours, call 237-2375, or visit the Web site at http://library.indstate.edu.

Reference Services. Reference assistance may be obtained in various ways: in person at the reference desk, by phone at 237-2580, by e-mail at http://library.indstate.edu/tools/questions/ or by on-line chat at http://library.indstate.edu/tools/reflive.html during regular library hours. To access the on-line services, go to the library’s Web site at http://library.indstate.edu and select “Reference Live Chat” or “Email a Librarian” from the left column.

Database Searching. A growing number of e-journals, electronic indexes, abstracts, and full text databases are available to the ISU community via the library’s Web page menu at http://library.indstate.edu. For more information on how to use these resources, or suggestions on effective searching of databases contact the library’s reference desk at 237-2580.

Instruction Services. A computer laboratory is available for librarian-conducted instruction. To receive more information or to make an appointment, call 237-2604 or visit the instruction Web site at http://library.indstate.edu/about/units/instruction/liohome.html.

Individualized Instruction and Research Assistance.  Individuals may request specific, one-on-one instruction and research assistance. In addition, patrons may find detailed information on library topics using the Library Guides at http://libguides.indstate.edu/. They may also use the self-guided on-line instructions and tutorials on database searching and other topics available at http://library.indstate.edu/tools/tutorials/. These tutorials address practical concerns of conducting library research, including library and Internet research strategies.

Support for Distance Education Courses. Reference, instructional, and document delivery services are available. Access the library’s services for distance students through the “Services” link on the library Web page, http://library.indstate.edu. A librarian has been designated the distance learning librarian. For reference assistance, call 812-237-2580 or 1-800-851-4279; for document delivery or interlibrary loan questions, call 812-237-2566.

Interlibrary Loan. Interlibrary Loan borrows books, dissertations, reports, and other materials not available in the ISU library. Copies of journal articles, book chapters, and other print materials may also be requested and are delivered to student’s desktops electronically. Interlibrary loan requests are accepted via the ILLiad system accessible from “Interlibrary Loan” under the “Services” link on the library’s home page at http://library.indstate.edu. Additional information can be obtained there or by calling Interlibrary Loan at 237-2566, Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m-4:30 p.m.

Reserves and Electronic Reserves. Materials that supplement classroom instructions may be placed on reserve by faculty or graduate instructors. These can include books, material scanned and available electronically, videos, slides, audiotapes, and CDs. Students may request reserved items at the circulation desk by the call number, faculty member’s name, or course number. An ISU student ID must be shown. The loan periods for reserves vary from two hours to one week. Those materials checked out for two or four hours may not leave the library.

Electronic reserves are photocopies of materials such as journal articles, practice examinations, homework assignments, etc. Electronic reserves are on-line materials and are not checked out. Students can access electronic reserves anywhere with a computer and Internet access. To access electronic reserves students must have their student ID, a password from the instructor, and Acrobat Reader on their computer (free download at http://www.indstate.edu/oit/readers/acrobat/).

Commuter Laptop Computers. Laptop computers are available for in-library use by commuting students who can check them out for four hours from the circulation desk. For more information, call 237-2541.

Special Collections. Located on the third floor of the library, the Special Collections Department contains rare and other materials in the form of books, pamphlets, manuscripts, photographs, memorabilia, and similar items. Among its major collections are the world-renowned Cordell Collection of Dictionaries, which is partially on permanent display; the Eugene V. Debs Collection, which contains over 10,000 items related to the famous social activist; and the Indiana Collection, which offers a wide array of prominent literary works, county histories, and even books on sports figures such as Larry Bird; and digital collections including open accessible electronic theses and dissertations contributed by the ISU community at Sycamore Scholars. For more information, visit http://library.indstate.edu/about/units/rbsc/.

University Archives. Located on the second floor of Normal Hall, and with limited hours on the third floor of the library, the University Archives takes in, preserves, and makes available for research records of and related to Indiana State University along with papers and artifcats of historical value.  Inside the Archive, University and student publications, athletics materials, photographs, and more document the history and operations of ISU from its beginning as Indiana State Normal School. The archives are open by appointment to students, faculty, staff, and the public for research and reference. Copying services are availalbe to reproduce desired items with photocopies, digital scans, or photo prints. Additionally, University Archives is responsible for updating the University’s records retention schedule, which arranges for the timely descruction of records no longer needed and retains other records in accordance with legal, fiscal, or administrative obligations. For more infoamtion, visit the Web site




The Writing Center. In conjunction with the Department of English, the ISU Library provides writing and research assistance through the Writing Center, which is located on the main floor of the library. For hours and other Writing Center information, visit the Writing Center Web site: http://isu.indstate.edu/writing/.

Library Hours. During the fall and spring semesters the library is open Sunday through Thursday until 2:00 a.m. For a complete list of hours, including weekend hours and exceptions to regular hours, check the Web site at http://library.indstate.edu/about/calendar.html or call 237-2375.

International Programs and Services


Dr. Jacques L. Fuqua, Director
El-Houcin Chaqra, Associate Director, Grant Administration and Partnerships
Randy Green, Associate Director of International Student Services
Office: Erickson Hall, room 611

The Office of International Programs and Services is dedicated to providing high quality programs and services to students, faculty, and staff, which support Indiana State University’s strategic goal of enhancing and advocating multicultural and international values. To this end, International Programs and Services coordinates the University’s Faculty International Travel Grants Program. It administers and oversees partnerships and relations with foreign universities in support of the internationalization of the University. The Office of International Programs and Services staff provides support for international institutional grant development and provides support for international contracts and educational joint ventures. It serves as the initial point of contact for official visitors and foreign dignitaries; promotes initiatives to create opportunities for exporting professional expertise of ISU faculty and staff to markets abroad; and serves to promote local economic development efforts to increase foreign investment and business opportunities abroad.

It provides services and programs to domestic and international students to further their educational and cultural experiences while at Indiana State University. The International Affairs Center offers presentations, workshops, and orientation programs to domestic and international students in a variety of areas including immigration laws and procedures. In addition, it maintains relations with embassies, ministries of higher education, private and public educational agencies, and foundations in support of the University’s internationalization objectives.

The International Programs and Services also provides consultation services to the campus on systems and institutions of higher education in foreign countries’ articulations with foreign universities. The office supports ISU and international visiting scholars participating in teaching and research exchanges abroad through its services and through travel grants.  advises international student associations on campus, including: International Student Organization, Chinese Students and Scholars Association, Korean Student Association, African Student Union, Hispanic Student Association, Japanese Student Association, Muslim Student Association, Taiwanese Student Association, Thai Student Association, and the Indian Student Association. Faculty and students should contact the International Programs and Services regarding services and programs. Some international visiting scholars have offices located in this unit. Information about the Office of International Programs and Services may be found on the Web at www.indstate.edu/ips/

Transfer Central


Transfer Central provides information in one centralized location for both transfer students and the University’s partner institutions to enhance the success of transfer students and to increase articulation agreements for both courses and programs. Contact the office by phone at 888-237-8080 (toll free) or by e-mail at transfer@indstate.edu Detailed information is available through the Web site http://www.indstate.edu/transfer/  and select Transfer Planning Tool. ISU is a full partner in all state initiatives to enhance transfer:  Core Transfer Library (CTL), E-Transcript, and transfer program articulations. Current information on these and other state transfer issues is available at http://www.TransferIN.net

Degree Audit and Transfer

The Office of Registration and Records maintains the Degree Audit and Reporting System (DARS) and individual transfer course and program articulations. Specific information on DARS, transfer course evaluations, and listing of program articulations is available at http://www.indstate.edu/transfer


Extended Learning


Department Office:  Tirey Hall, room 133A

Extended Learning serves as the primary unit for coordinating educational outreach activities of the university.  Its major services include:  College Challenge, Credit Outreach, Distance Education, and Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.  For additional information contact Extended Learning at 812-237-4011, www.indstate.edu/extendedlearning.

Distance Education Services

A variety of student services are offered, including help with admission, registration, and financial aid. For specific details, visit the Web site at http://www.indstate.edu/distance or contact the Office of Admissions toll free at 800-GO-TO-ISU, or via e-mail at admissions@indstate.edu.

DegreeLink Program. DegreeLink is a baccalaureate degree-completion program. The purposes of DegreeLink are to facilitate transfer of credit and degree articulation and to provide place-bound students access to selected baccalaureate degrees, thereby enabling students to continue post-secondary education.

Eligibility: Students who have earned articulated associate of science degrees (A.S.), associate of applied science degrees (A.A.S.), or have accumulated credit hours from accredited collegiate institutions may be eligible to enroll in DegreeLink programs on the Indiana State University campus or through distance learning.

Articulated Programs and Transfer of Credit: Transfer of credit decisions depend on each student’s program of study, academic record, and the accredited institution from which the credit is transferred. All students who wish to participate in the DegreeLink Program must declare a major upon admission to Indiana State University.  For information on articulation agreements, visit www.indstate.edu/transfer/articulations.htm.

DegreeLink students receive academic advisement and student services offered at Indiana State University. In addition, three full-time DegreeLink student services coordinators serve as liaisons between prospective DegreeLink students and Indiana State University.

For additional information on DegreeLink, call the Office of Admissions at 800-GO-TO-ISU or visit DegreeLink on the Web at http://www.indstate.edu/degreelink.

Distance Learning (for campus and distance students). The University’s Distance Learning Program offers both campus and off-campus students the opportunity to earn undergraduate credit through a variety of courses offered via distance learning technologies. Slected undergraduate certificate and baccalaureate degree-completion programs offered throught the DegreeLink Program can be completed via distance learning. (See the DegreeLink Program description in this Catalog.) Many courses and selected programs can be completed entirely via distance education; others require minimal visits to the ISU campus.

Precollege Programs

College Challenge. Selected courses from Indiana State University are offered to high school students at designated high schools. These college-level courses are taught by high school teachers who have been approved by the University’s appropriate academic department and, in effect, are serving as ISU adjunct instructors. Contact Extended Learning for additional information.

Summer Honors Program. The High School Summer Honors Program is coordinated by the Office of Admissions and provides one week of intensive academic challenge for talented high school students who have completed their sophomore or junior year of high school. To qualify for the program, students must have completed their sophomore or junior year during the current academic year, rank in the upper 25 percent of their respective class or have maintained at least a “B” average, and be recommended by their high school counselor, teacher, or principal. Selected freshmen are permitted to enroll in some of the seminars on a space available basis. Each seminar is discipline centered, focusing on a specific body of content. Upon successful completion of the program, students earn one hour of credit. The High School Summer Honors Program began in 1969, and assists Indiana State University in generating an atmosphere of academic excellence throughout curricula. For details, visit http://indstate.edu/experience

Center for Public Service and Community Engagement


Department Office: Tirey Hall, room 134B
Web site: http://www.indstate.edu/publicservice/

The Center for Public Service and Community Engagement provides leadership for the coordination and development of ISU outreach and community engagement activities.

Indiana State University offers students a wide range of co-curricular and curricular community engagement opportunities based upon the belief that these relationships can transform the lives of students and improve the quality of life in the community. Partners in community engagement initiatives include human service agencies, arts and environmental organizations, health care organizations, business and industry, and educational institutions.

The Center for Public Service and Community Engagement provides support for several community-based initiatives, including service-learning, volunteerism, and community-based research. Service-learning is a specific form of experiential learning that operates through student service experiences in the community. Numerous ISU faculty members have designed courses around community service experiences. Students can search for service-learning designated courses through the dynamically searchable schedule of classes. Faculty who are interested in designing a service-learning course can access the appropriate forms on the Center for Public Service and Community Engagement Web site.

Focus Indiana is a project coordinated by the Center for Public Service and Community Engagement and the ISU Career Center with the purpose of creating economic opportunities for ISU graduates. This project provides support to students through internships scholarships and faculty through the Liberal Learning in Action mini-grant program. Sycamore Service Corps is a local AmeriCorps program coordinated by the center. Students serve as AmeriCorps members, completing 300 to 675 hour service terms with local non-profit organizations. The center coordinates several mini-grant programs through a gift from the Lilly Endowment for faculty and student development. The Alternative Spring Break Program is coordinated by the Center for Public Service and Community Engagement and the Office of Student Activities and Organizations. The program includes an annual Alternative Spring Break trip and a fall service trip to Chicago.

Faculty, staff, and students who are interested in creating community/campus partnerships are encouraged to visit the center’s Web site at http://www.indstate.edu/publicservice/ or contact the center at 812-237-2334 or cpsce@indstate.edu

Career Center

On-campus Employment. Indiana State University employs a large number of students who become an integral part of University operations. Holding a job during school increases time management skills and provides students with valuable work experiences. Being employed also allows students to meet new people, understand how the University system works, and earn money. On-campus employment is generally part-time up to 20 hours per week, while a student is enrolled in classes. Many students value the convenience and flexibility of on-campus employment. Student Employment Programs is a service of the Career Center and is located on the first floor of the Hulman Memorial Student Union. The Career Center main offices are also located on the seventh floor of the Hulman Memorial Student Union. For more information call 237-5000 or visit the Web site at www.indstate.edu/student-employment/.

Off-Campus Employment. Employers from the Wabash Valley community have historically shown an enthusiastic interest in providing employment to ISU students. The opportunities are varied and are often career-related. The Career Center maintains an on-line job board that provides part-time, full-time, seasonal, internship, and other employment opportunities. The Sycamore CareerLink can be found at http://www.indstate.edu/carcen/scl/default.aspx. In addition, career fairs are held each academic year in the fall and spring semesters. For more information, contact the Career Center on the seventh floor of Hulman Memorial Student Union or call 237-5000. The Web site is accessible continuously by visiting http://www.indstate.edu/carcen/.

Philosophy for the First Year


The first year of college is the foundation for the personal, academic, and professional growth and success of engaged student learners. Within a climate of mutual respect, students and teachers participate collaboratively in the cooperative enterprises of inquiry, learning, scholarly and creative achievement, and service.

Goals for Students for the First Year

  1. Gain the confidence, competence, and commitment necessary to progress toward degree completion;
  2. Develop a foundation for building life-long learning skills, including critical thinking, communication, problem solving, leadership, analytical reasoning, and interpersonal skills;
  3. Participate in educational and social opportunities designed to facilitate the transition of new students into the intellectual, cultural, and social milieu of the university community;
  4. Realize roles and responsibilities as members of the university community of learners;
  5. Develop meaningful connections within the university community to achieve their educational, social, and personal potential;
  6. Increase the awareness of values and beliefs;
  7. Accept the obligation of educated persons to be participatory citizens;
  8. Increase the realization of, appreciation for, and respect for diversity and multicultural perspectives.

Student Academic Services Center


Office: Gillum Hall, second floor

The Student Academic Services Center coordinates the efforts of the various programs listed below in order to provide academic support to students of Indiana State University.

Academic Opportunity Program

The Academic Opportunity Program is designed for admission of students who may need academic support during their first year of college. This program offers academic advisement, access to tutoring services, academic monitoring of student progress, peer mentoring, and enrollment in University 101, a course focused on student success. Students participate in the program for the first year in college or until their grade point average will allow them to declare a major. Students in this program are required to declare a major by the time they have earned 64 credit hours.

Exploratory Studies Program

The Exploratory Studies Program is the academic home for students who have not yet decided upon a major area of study. The program assists students with the exploration of careers and majors, and works closely with the University’s Career Center. The program is located within the Student Academic Services Center, which provides academic advising and support for students. Students in this program are required to declare a major by the time they have completed three regular semesters or have earned 45 credit hours.

Athletic Support Program for Student-Athletes

The Academic Support Program for Student-Athletes provides University 101 sections specifically designed to address the needs and challenges faced by student-athletes competing at a NCAA Division I institution. The Academic Support Program for Student-Athletes also provides and monitors tutorial services, study hall, class scheduling, and mentoring for all student-athletes. It carefully monitors the academic progress of student-athletes for graduation, NCAA reporting, and NCAA and Missouri Valley Conference eligibility purposes as well. Student-Athletes enroll in sections of University 101, a course focused on student success, that are specifically focused on the unique needs of this population.  The Academic Support Program for Student-Athletes participates in CHAMPS/Life Skills developed by the NCAA, which is designed to provide a smooth transition from high school to college and from college to professional life for student-athletes.

University Tutoring Program

The University Tutoring Program offers free tutoring to University students for most Foundational Studies courses and for many upper-division courses. This program also offers help in academic skills, such as reading, writing, and study skills techniques. Faculty may refer students to this program or request tutoring for students enrolled in courses they are teaching.

Supplemental Instruction

The Supplemental Instruction Program provides peer-guided group study in courses which historically are more difficult. The Supplemental Instruction leader attends class, consults with the course instructor, and conducts two or three study sessions each week.

University 101

The Student Academic Services Center offers University 101: Learning in the University Community (two credits), a course designed to help first year students be successful in making the transition to college. This course is required for students in the Academic Opportunity Program and for student athletes.

Services for Persons with Disabilities

Students who need adaptations in their learning environment may obtain help through the services located in the Student Academic Services Center. Services include assistance in accessing recorded textbooks or readers for the blind and learning disabled. This office also arranges for note-takers or signers for hearing impaired persons. Alternate testing procedures may be arranged as needed. Services for persons with disabilities are based on individual needs and the University’s intent to offer appropriate accommodations according to the student’s documentation of need for same. These services are coordinated by the Student Support Services Grant Program. It is recommended that persons with disabilities visit Indiana State University prior to making a decision to enroll.

Student Support Services Program

The Student Support Services Program is a federally funded program designed to help students who are first generation college students, who are low income students, or who have physical or learning disabilities. The services provided assist such students to initiate, continue, or resume post-secondary education. The program provides special assistance in English composition; counseling services; academic tutorial services; and, in conjunction with the Department of English, a writing center. Additionally, the program provides assistance to eligible participants in the completing of financial aid forms.

West-Central Indiana Site for Twenty-First Century Scholars

The Site for Twenty-first Century Scholars is a state funded program designed to promote academic success in secondary and post-secondary educational programs for low income students by providing academic, financial, and career counseling information to students and their parents who have signed the Twenty-first Century Scholars pledge in the sixth, seventh, or eighth grade. The Site serves students in Vigo, Vermillion, Putnam, Clay, Parke, and Sullivan Counties.

Student African American Brotherhood

The Student African American Brotherhood Program is intended to in crease the number of African American men who persist in college to graduation through a tiered mentoring program. Members of the Student African American Brotherhood engage in professional mentoring with leaders on campus and also participate in peer mentoring. Additionally, members of the Student African American Brotherhood provide tutoring and mentoring to local school children.

Upward Bound

Upward Bound is a federally funded program offered by the U.S. Department of Education, and is designed to encourage high school students from low income and/or families in which neither parent or guardian has earned a four-year college degree. Upward Bound provides supplemental instruction in mathematics, laboratory science, foreign language, composition, and literature. The program also provides personal counseling, academic advising and assistance in secondary school course selection, tutorial services, exposure to cultural events and academic programs, and career exploration.

McNair Graduate Opportunity Program

The purpose of the McNair Graduate Opportunity Program is to provide preparation for doctoral study to low-income, first-generation college students and/or students from groups that are under-represented in graduate education. The program offers research experience, internship opportunities, graduate school preparation workshops, and graduate school visits, among other opportunities.

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